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Faustus : The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus (1593) by Marlowe, based on a German legend of a learned doctor who surrendered his soul to the devil in exchange for youth, knowledge, & magical power.
... conceived, especially after his almost skirting Milton's domain in the legend of Faustus. It is as though what had moved the old life-force has now appeared behind the new intellectual being and Marlowe's daimon risen to Milton's mental level, making Satan a transfigured Tamburlaine, a sublimation of Barabas, a high unity of Faustus and Mephistophilis. That is why after revolving about a hundred subjects in... In being depriv'd of everlasting bliss? Faustus, who is in seed-form the complement of Mephistophilis for half of Milton's complete Satan to get evolved from, flings a reproach at the fallen spirit's torment: What, is great Mephistophilis passionate For being depriv è d of the joys of heaven? Learn thou of Faustus manly fortitude, And scorn the joys thou never shalt... a mind which attempted to dramatise with initially a poor constructive gift a natural epic vein, with the result that its sole triumphs were individual scenes such as that most perfect climax to Faustus. For, the daimon who would somehow be out saw in him possibilities both epic and dramatic, and tried to struggle with his rather unbalanced temperament towards some definite and harmonious issue. ...
... been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me. Painting by Rolf, Auroville Page 285 Dr Faustus, By Rembrandt Page 286 To Dr Faustus in his study Mephistopheles told the history of the Creation, saying: "The endless praises of the choirs of angels had begun to grow wearisome; for, after all, did He not ...
... Like to a little kingdom, suffers then The nature of an insurrection. 133 Page 333 Christopher Marlowe introduces in Dr. Faustus the good and the bad angel, who strive for Faustus' soul. This theme is capable of endless variation and extension. But C.S. Lewis thinks that, "Seneca, with his imagery of life as a journey, was nearer to the mark than ...
... end failing me. A great silence, a sheer dumbness, I thought at last to be nearer the heart of things. In this unending flux, in this myriad mutability I stretch my helpless arms and cry out like Faustus, "Where, where shall I capture thee, O infinite Nature?" Another great poet was once likened to "an ineffectual angel beating in vain its luminous wings in the void". Our whole tribe is nothing better ...
... the dark, To cry, 'Hold, hold!' In the fourth place, instead of fullness without overflowing, an arrowy poignancy meets us, wonder-striking, passion-piercing, delight-evoking. Marlowe's Faustus stands in ecstasy before the vision of Helen, Was this the face that launched a thousand ships And burnt the topless towers of Ilium? or he agonises at the moment of his own deathwhen ...
... is superconscient to us. It is more properly a cosmic consciousness, 3 Aeneid, I. 462. 6 Ode on the Intimations of Immortality, iii. 4 The Tempest, I. ii. 7 Doctor Faustus, V. i. 5 Paradise Lost, II. 148. Page 29 even the very base of the cosmic as we perceive, understand or feel it. It stands behind every particular in the cosmos and ...
... Not satisfied with fate's wreckage, man also contrives miseries of his own doing. He commits countless blasphemies and unthinkable follies and brings retribution upon himself. And drunk with Faustus-like success he invades the secret chambers of Nature and commits again sacrilege of various kinds: His science is an artificer of doom; He ransacks earth for means to harm ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 The Story of Dr. Faustus Retold DR. Faust, as you know, you must have seen him on our school stage, was a very learned man. His ambition was to acquire all knowledge, knowledge of all subjects, of all arts and sciences. But he wanted not only to be a doctor of theories but of practice also, not only ...
... there is in all the intimate & unmistakeable personality of Shakespeare. We turn next & take two passages from Marlowe, a poet whose influence counted for much in the making of Shakespeare, one from Faustus Was this the face that launched a thousand ships And burnt the topless towers of Ilium? and another from Edward II I am that cedar, shake me not too much; And you the eagles; soar ...
... poetry, criticism, history, comparative literature, yoga, spirituality, science, philosophy, inter-national relations, journalism, archaeology, mythology, art history and future studies. Like Dr. Faustus, Sethna seems to have taken the whole universe as his province, and the whole world of knowledge under his scrutiny. Clearly, the extraordinary range of interests that Sethna evinces is hard to grasp ...
... in mundane love the memory of the supreme love is not forgotten. In Between us two and also in Fragments, the poet speaks of an emptiness and an unquenched thirst in physical love. Unlike Faustus, he is fully aware that there is no immortality in the kiss of Helen. The insatiated thirst irresistibly drives him to the woman at Kailash. But, also, his mundane love is not a waste. In Equality ...
... ideas over ideas that are clearer and gentler. This agrees with their deeper disposition for the tragic side of life and the necessity of evil in the world”, wrote Thomas Mann, the author of Doktor Faustus . 511 As the völkisch protest movement against the modern world turned towards nature and the old gods, it was inevitable that the darker, vitalistic forces of life would seek an outlet through ...
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