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Francois I : (or Francis) of France (1494-1547), king of France (1515-47).

3 result/s found for Francois I

... The Princess by Clouet. One of the princesses." Was the portrait that of Princess Marguerite de Valois, by Francois Clouet, son of Jean Clouet? Both father and son were painters in the Court of Francois I (1494-1547), King of France. The younger Clouet had stayed on with the monarchs of the House of Valois-Angouleme. His many portraits of the Royalties of his time can be seen in various museums. That ...

... the afternoon, at N°41 rue Francois Martin. "I came here.... But something in me wanted to meet Sri Aurobindo all alone the first time. Richard went to him in the morning and I had an appointment for the afternoon. He was living in the old Guest House. I climbed up the staircase and he was standing there, waiting for me at the top of the stairs.... EXACTLY my vision I Dressed the same way, in the... She who was to be his companion in this dangerous enterprise was on her way. "I began my Yoga in 1904 without a Guru," wrote Sri Aurobindo ; "in 1908 I received important help from a Mahratta Yogi and discovered the foundations of my Sadhana;" then, clearly he said, "but from that time till the Mother came to India I received no spiritual help from anyone else." When they met, they helped each... almost a year in India. On her eightieth birthday, 21 February 1968, Mother declared, "The reminiscences will be short." And short they were! "I came to India to meet Sri Aurobindo; I remained in India to live with Sri Aurobindo. When he left his body, I continued to live here in order to do his work which is by serving the Truth and enlightening humanity, to hasten the rule of the Divine's Love upon ...

... reached the Chancellery on Tuesday morning, unbeknown to any French official and even to the French High Commissioner in Germany, Andre Francois-Poncet, only that discreet diplomat could describe. All I know is what I have read in Adenauer's memoirs: That morning I was still unaware that the day would bring about a decisive change in the development of Europe. While the Federal Cabinet was in session... wires even before the ambassadorial telegrams were ready to send. When Schuman came into the Salon de 1'Horloge, more than two hundred newspapermen were waiting. I was there too, with Silvia, Hirsch, Uri, and my young assistant Francois Fontaine. I am not at all sure that Schuman's dull, hesitant voice immediately convinced them that they were witnessing a profound transformation of international politics... Germany, and Chairman of the Council of the Allied High commission, where his colleagues were Andre Francois-Poncet and the British General Sir Brian Robertson. This Council still had extensive supervisory powers, especially over the foreign relations of the new Federal Republic. It was an unusual situation: I had to ask McCloy's permission to start talks with Adenauer, and those talks presupposed that France ...

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