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Frangistan : land of Franks which became land of Feringhees.

1 result/s found for Frangistan

... gentlemen. A MERCHANT Three thousand for the pretty one. MUAZZIM Why, sir, I protest! Three thousand pieces! Look at her! Allah be good to me! You shall not find her equal from China to Frangistan. Seven thousand, say I. AZIZ The goods are good goods, broker, but the price heavy. Page 16 MUAZZIM Didst thou say heavy? Allah avert the punishment from thee, merchant Aziz... youth, and for the generosity, it will be Allah's. HAROUN Art thou as witty as beautiful? ANICE By Allah, that am I. I tell thee very modestly that there is not my equal from China to Frangistan. Page 140 HAROUN Thou sayest no more than truth. NUREDDENE What is your name, fisherman? HAROUN I call myself Kareem and, in all honesty, when I fish, 'tis for the Caliph ...
