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Gabriel : an archangel, Guardian Angel, in Judaism, he is in Christianity & Islam an Angel or Messenger of God.

42 result/s found for Gabriel

... mountain, I heard a voice from heaven saying, "0 Muhammad! Thou art the messenger of Allah, and I am Gabriel." I raised my head toward heaven to see, and lo, Gabriel in the form of a man, with feet set evenly on the rim of the sky, saying, "0 Muhammad! Thou art the messenger of Allah, and I am Gabriel. 1 Returning to his wife, Khadija, he informed her of the visions. We are told that she accepted... manuscript produced in the 16th century Submission to the Will of the Supreme Introduction The Koran is a transcript of the messages revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel. These revelations were supernaturally received, in states of trance, over a considerable number of years intermittently, the first dating from about AD 610, and the last shortly before Muhammad's... following story. The Kaaba, the most holy shrine of Arabia, was and still is, a solid cubic structure. In a comer of it is the most revered Black Stone, which is supposed to be the stone that the Angel Gabriel brought to Abraham from Paradise. By the days of Muhammad, ravages of time and the elements necessitated extensive repairs to the cubic masonry. The Black Stone was removed, the structure was renovated ...


... alone, suddenly the angel Gabriel appears to her and says "Hail Mary, full of grace*-, the Lord is with you and blessed be the fruit of thy womb." At first frightened, she ______________ * grace: the divine assistance and power given to man by God. Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 asks how this is possible as she is a virgin. And Gabriel tells her of the miraculous... the cousin of Jesus. His birth was six months before that of Jesus and was also miraculous, but in a different manner. His mother, Elizabeth, was very old and beyond child-bearing age when the Angel Gabriel appeared to her aged husband Zachariah and announced that they would be the parents of a blessed child who would open the way for the future Saviour. It is written that when Mary visited Elizabeth ...


... darshan. When there was some hesitation in meeting his request, he muttered softly to one of those present to inform Sri Aurobindo that Gabriel had come. When this was conveyed to Sri Aurobindo, he is said to have exclaimed, in astonishment 'Good Lord!' For Gabriel was the code name he had himself given to Amarendranath Chatterjee, the young revolutionary who was personally initiated by him into the... in the process. Sri Aurobindo advised him to return to Bengal and, in the changed circumstances after the war, to disclose his identity but refrain from revolutionary activities. The next morning 'Gabriel' left, to carry out Sri Aurobindo's instructions. During 1922 C.R. Das wrote to Sri Aurobindo urging him to reenter politics and assume the leadership of the Congress which was then in the throes ...


... mistress of such a garden, I would float about it in damask and crimson and velvet; silk and satin should be my meanest apparel. IBRAHIM ( aside ) She has a voice like a blackbird's! O angel Gabriel, increase this unto me. I will not quarrel with thee though all Houridom break loose on my garden; for their gates thou hast a little opened. ( aloud ) Fie, my daughter! I take refuge with Allah. I... thou supplier of naughty houses? Verily, I will tug thee by the beard, for thou liest. Verily, verily! NUREDDENE Shaikh Ibrahim! Shaikh Ibrahim! IBRAHIM Nay, if thou art the angel Gabriel and forbiddest me, let be; but I hate lying and liars. NUREDDENE Fisherman, is thy need here over? Page 142 HAROUN I pray you, let me hear this young lady sing; for indeed 'twas ...


... some length on this fast-disappearing little group of a bare 100,000 members in the whole world, but I shan't let myself go at the moment. Let me touch on some matters you have alluded to. "Dante Gabriel Rossetti" - I was delighted to see that name blaze out of your letter. Like his greater Florentine namesake, he and his work have attracted me ever since my late school-days. I have conned his House... there were some gleams from Heine and Christina Rossetti. Minnie had not read either of these poets. But I made an astonishing discovery. I came upon a portrait of Christina done by her brother Dante Gabriel, which bore an extraordinary resemblance in facial feature, mood-expression and head-posture as well as hair-do to a photograph of Minnie at the time this poem had been written. I made a copy of Dante ...


... conception and expression. Milton has even used the noun "Deep" at one place in a curious connection with Heaven. On the second day of the battle between Satan's armies and those led by Michael and Gabriel, Satan in desperation gets the idea of making gunpowder and surprising his foes. He opens his comrades' eyes to the new possibility thus: "Which of us who beholds the bright surface Of... He on the wings of Cherub rode sublime On the crystalline sky, in sapphire thron'd - Illustrious far and wide... 123 There is also Satan's reference to Christ in a speech to Gabriel: "...though Heaven's King Ride on thy wings... 124 And when Christ goes on his world-creative mission he is described as on the wings of Cherubim Uplifted... ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... Aurobindo was staying. Precautions had to be taken so that the other sadhus would not find out what was going on. In the revolutionary days Sri Aurobindo had given Amar the name "Gabriel". Motilal told Sri Aurobindo that Gabriel had come. "Good Heavens!" was Sri Aurobindo's response. All of them sat down to talk. For some time Sri Aurobindo had been receiving reports from Tanjore, Tiruchirapalli and other ...


... mistress of such a garden, I would float about it in damask and crimson and velvet; silk and satin should be my meanest apparel. Ibrahim (aside): She has a voice like a blackbird's! O angel Gabriel, increase this unto me. I will not quarrel with thee though all Houridom break loose on my garden; for their gates thou hast a little opened, {aloud) Fie, my daughter! I take refuge with Allah. I... supplier of naughty houses? Verily, I will tug thee by the beard, for thou liest. Verily, verily! Nureddene: Shaikh Ibrahim! Shaikh Ibrahim! Ibrahim: Nay, if thou art the angel Gabriel and forbiddest me, let be, but I hate lying and liars.... 6 II. From The Maid in the Mill [The background. - The dramatis personae involved in the passage quoted below are two ...

... we get is that thoughts are being breathed into us, expressions dictated, the whole poured in from outside; the saints who spoke to Joan of Arc, the daemon of Socrates, Tasso's familiar, the Angel Gabriel dictating the Koran to Mahomet are only exaggerated developments of this impression due to an epileptic, maniac or excited state of the mind; and this, as I have already suggested, is itself due to ...


... (1891-1915) Collected Plays and Stories The Birth of Sin A Drama Persons of Drama LUCIFER - the Angel of Power. SIRIOTH - the Angel of Love. GABRIEL - the Angel of Obedience. MICHAEL - the Angel of War. RAPHAEL - the Angel of Sweetness. THE ELOHIM. BELIAL - the Angel of Reason. BAAL - the Angel of Worldly Wisdom. MOLOCH - the ...


... The Secret Splendour   Is it Archangel Gabriel by God's throne Sounding the advent of the Day of Wrath? Suddenly the wonder-widerness fades. A path Draws back from the future's depth of the unknown, Leaps out from inner vision to earth-space. Ending in a neighbour's window, a frowsy face.... The distant trumpet of a nose is blown. ...


... of sister") quite in contrast to the single vocable "anepsios".   The Authorised Version is at fault elsewhere too - now a little loose rather than incorrect. When in Luke 1:36 the angel Gabriel speaks to Mary, the translation begins: "And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth..." What is "cousin" here is "suggenis" in Greek, denoting broadly "of the same stock" 38 and Englished correctly by The ...

... Francois Charles Baron (1900). Administrator of Chandernagore. Later after WWII, he came as the Governor of French India. In his book Le chemin de bonheur Baron speaks of his quest. Gabriel Monod-Herzen (1899), Doctores-Science. Charles Pierre Baudelaire (1821-67), French lyric poet, author of Les fleurs du mal. Paul Valery (1871-1945). Stephane Mallarme ...

... article in Sri Aurobindo Archives and Research of April 1989, Peter Heehs has decisively proved that both assertions are based on the wrong interpretation of some findings by the French archeologist Gabriel Jouveau-Dubreuil. A pity, but it was too good not to be true. One of the most wide-spread legends — closely connected with the expectation about the physical transformation of the body of Sri Aurobindo ...


... self-replicating, it is not the gene, but the entire organism as a complex system.” 19 “There is no such thing as a self-replicating molecule in biology and probably there never has been,” concurs Gabriel Dover. 20 As pointed out before, if the gene had any deciding power in its actions, as Dawkins selfish-gene clearly has, it would be a replacement of a Creator, Designer, or Life Force, without ...

... spoke to me, so that I understood it was a matter between her, Roger and Shyamsunder, and I never asked a question. Usually she saw Roger after me, but I clearly remember the instance when Roger and Gabriel explained to her what could be done for the flame. In spite of the importance of the decision and the interest she had in it, she did not utter a word to me. I am quite confident that Shyamsunder ...


... a letter to his disciple Pavitra (P. B. Saint Hilaire). The letter to Pavitra was first published in Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on the Mother in 1953. (6) Notes on Shri Aurobindo , by Gabriel E. Monod-Herzen. A scientist and professor, Monod-Herzen lived in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram during the 1940s. In or around 1946, he submitted a manuscript of a biography he had written to Sri Aurobindo ...


... if I am indeed the one who has told him those things. And among the things I am supposed to have told him, I seem to have declared that he is a combined reincarnation of Buddha, Christ, Archangel Gabriel, Napoleon and Charlemagne!... I am going to answer him that those five characters belong to different "lines of manifestation" and therefore they are rather unlikely to be combined in a single being ...


... The Crucifixion Notes — The Annunciation (See also the Holy Spirit) According to the Gospel of Luke, 1:26 ff, the archangel Gabriel was sent to Nazareth in Galilee, to the Virgin Mary, and announced to her that she had found favour with God and would bear a son, Jesus. She asked how that would be, since she was pledged to be married to Joseph, she was pledged to ...


... SRI AUROBINDO: But Britain will be more accommodating. NIRODBARAN: Russia will have to attack through Afghanistan. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, of course it will be difficult. PURANI: Afghanistan, Gabriel says, is afraid of Russia. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, she has always been afraid of a Russian attack. There is no chance for the world unless something happens in Germany or else Hitler and Stalin quarrel ...


... NIRODBARAN: Is it done to exert pressure on the colonies? SRI AUROBINDO: No, in that case it would also have operated in Africa and Madagascar. They have nothing to do with British money. PURANI: Gabriel says that he approached the French Government through the Governor to allow his wife to come here, and the reply was that the wives of the functionaries would not be allowed to leave France. SRI ...


... that? Has he been in telephonic communication with Azad or does Azad take a different view and want the Working Committee to meet? PURANI: Maybe the Viceroy wants a quick reply. (After a while) Gabriel Monod-Herzen says that Mandel has been freed by Pétain . Perhaps he has threatened him with imprisonment if he continues any subversive activity in the future. SRI AUROBINDO: Mandel is not a man ...


... a palace, which would you choose? The palace, most likely. We are told that when Lord Mohammed visited Paradise, he saw great palaces built on a height overlooking the entire countryside. "O Gabriel," said Mohammed to the angel who was showing him all these things, "for whom are these palaces?" The angel replied: "For those who control their anger and know how to forgive offences." Well ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... was being cross-examined by the Nationalist and Labour members in Parliament and was answering in his usual style of Demigod plus Aristides the Just plus Louis XIV of France plus the Archangel Gabriel, the tiger qualities of an imperial race suddenly awoke in the breast of Sir Howard Vincent and roared out, "Why not shoot Lajpat Rai?" In that single trenchant sentence the warlike Knight gave a sudden ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... still a virgin?" As Brown (The Birth, p. 397) says, "there is no hint of a suspicion of illegitimacy in Luke." To account for this difference from Matthew we must imagine the annunciation by Gabriel taking place shortly before she came over to Joseph's place; then Jesus' birth would not be noticeably early. We may even imagine the annunciation on the very day Mary entered Joseph's house but ...

... Byron, 2 fn. 2 Frye, Northrop, 42 fn. 27,53 fn. 2 Future Poetry and Letters on Poetry, Literature and Art, The, 4 fn. 8 "furnace", 91,124,172,173 Fuzon, 198-99 Gabriel, 90,92 Garden of Eden, 56,75,99 Genesis, 54,63 Gerard Manley Hopkins, 50 fn. 24 Gerontion, 40,41 "Ghost of a Flea, The", 5 Gnostics, 27,176 God, 147,148,175 ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... All— 583 Infra-red: 535 Intangible she glimmers 4 Into the depths of night 620 Intolerable hung the white noonflush 473 Is it Archangel Gabriel by God's throne 611 "It is inconstancy 22 It was the last day of my life—bsit not 741 It's not the darkness that brings tout 393 I've visioned many ...


... intellectual perspective contains and to harmonise it with the truths contained in other perspectives which are equally valid but to a superficial view not mutually congruous. Professor Gabriel Monod-Herzen, 3 the well-known French physicist, once explained in what sense Sri Aurobindo embodied for him the quintessence of the scientific spirit. "There are two attitudes in him which I ...


... countries and civilisations,’ said the Mother. The cosmic forces are evidently the same in the whole cosmos, but in the conceptual world of the humans they are called Demeter, Mars, the archangel Gabriel, Anubis or Krishna. The Spirit’s truths take form as living Gods And each can build a world in its own right. 2 — Savitri ‘The Gods … are in origin and essence permanent Emanations ...


... Now in this background of the anguished protest of the 'free' individual against totalitarianism and impersonal functionalisation, to whom or to what should modern man turn for a way of 7. Gabriel Marcel, The Philosophy of Existence, p. 1. Page 188 salvation? Who can offer a message of succour and hope to this alienated individual thrown back on himself and yet unable to ...

... thought of a long-lasting Church on earth.   St. Paul is very clear in his early epistles (Thessatonians, Corinthians I) that he is living in the end of time and will be there when the angel Gabriel blows his announcing trumpet. Later, when his health began to fail, he feared he might die before that event. Christianity can't compare with the wideness and height and profundity of basic Hinduism ...


... the mountain. Back at home that summer they talked things over and made their decision. Yes, they would try again.... Only two sahibs from the spring expedition were able to come back — Dr. Gabriel Chevalley, who was now the leader, and Raymond Lambert.... (...) From the cwm we climbed to Camp Six. From there to Seven. Then on November the 19th we went on towards the col. The going here ...

... of age. She was a gentle woman of spotless character. Mohammed frequently went to a cave in the desert three miles from Mecca, where he spent months in prayer and meditation. One morning, the angel Gabriel appeared to him and said: "Rise, for thou art the Prophet of God. Go forth and preach in the name of thy Lord. Your God is merciful." A voice was heard - the voice of the Lord - addressed to the Prophet ...

... cowering from the explosion of bombs? (Laughter) These monkeys look very much like those refugees. × The mother of Gabriel Monod-Herzen. × Margaret Woodrow Wilson. ...


... terms have been placed before Pétain. Laval and fifty other Government officials pledge to support Pétain and all the deputies place their confidence in him. But this report seems to contract what Gabriel said. He said that it was all untrue. Plenipotentiaries have not returned. Protests are coming to Pétain from all sides against peace and the Government has been removed from Bordeaux. All communications ...


... lives. I walk in the garden with my visitors. I go down towards the cottage at the foot of the meadow, where Marianne and my son-in-law Gerard Lieberherr spend their weekends. Their children — Jean-Gabriel, Catherine, Jean-Marc, and Marie — run on ahead. Now I have time to be with them, and get to Page 124 know them individually as they grow up. I press on into the paths round Bazoches, ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... Milton, John, 34,39,176,177,241,314,415 Minto, Lord, 205, 206, 237, 240, 248, 304, 350,365, 368, 390 Minto-Morley Reforms, 240ff, 261, 340ff, 348,362, 364 Mistral, Gabriel, 515 Mitra, Krishna Kumar, 229,317, 343, 408 Mitra, Sisirkumar, 9, 12, 25fn, 324, 578, 774fn Mitra, Sukumar 374 Mitter, Barrister P., 62ff, 282 Moonje, B. S, 263 ...

... earlier drama, The Birth of Sin, only a scene (Prologue) from Act I has survived and is now included in Volume 7 of the Centenary Library Edition. In the Dramatis Personae figure Lucifer, Sirioth, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Belial, Baal, Moloch, Ashtorath, Meroth, Sun and the Elohim, but the dramatic fragment itself opens with a dialogue between Lucifer and Sun - Lucifer compelling obedience on the ...

... Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo NOVEMBER, 1940 28th November, 1940 Letters from Kabul and from Ella Maillard; change in attitude to Gabriel; effective representation of Ella. Gandhi's will – or political will was read (brought by Abhaya Deva) distributed to Gandhi Seva Sangh – spoken orally and taken down; after hearing the whole letter Sri Aurobindo ...

... nothing. It was the authority gained by his experience that weighted his writing with rich content and it was the force of his personality that gave a glow and urgency to his mode of utterance. Madame Gabriel Mistral has correctly noted that Sri Aurobindo's writing presents "the rare phenomenon of an exposition clear as a beautiful diamond without the danger of confounding the layman", and she further adds: ...

... had kept house for Sri Aurobindo and had also been a revolutionary, was in Pondicherry for a while. Yet another associate of the political period, Amarendra of Uttarpara, who used to be known as "Gabriel" to the revolutionary group, now appeared in Pondicherry as Swami Kevalananda, complete with matted hair, as head of a group of Sadhus! Many came and went like sea-waves, but a few remained with Sri ...

... the being by a magic and a mystery that has no scar of defect, it is a surrender by us, willy-nilly, to an assault from some realm of archetypes. In order to realise the assault, we do not need a Gabriel's trumpet like D. H. Lawrence's cry to the Mexican eagle: You never look at the sun with your two eyes. Only the inner eye of your scorched broad breast Looks straight at the sun. ...