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Galilean : native of Galilee (northern Palestine), epithet of Jesus, also used for his apostles.
... .. Peter's sermon in Acts 10:34-43 may serve as an example of the primitive oral catechesis. Observe the outline of the sermon: 1) the preaching of the Baptist and the Baptism of Jesus, 2) the Galilean ministry, 3) the Passion, death, and Resurrection. It is interesting that we find the same plan in the Gospel of St. Mark. Now a very early witness, Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis, affirms about 130... about such a thing. Catholics believe that I Peter to be the work of Peter the Apostle using Sylvanus (5:12) as his secretary for the excellent Greek which would be impossible to attribute to the Galilean fisherman. They also hold it probable that the Epistle of James is the work of James of Jerusalem and even that in' view of the Qumran parallels the Gospel of John may be an early creation with ...
... 1:9-11)____An overarching plan reaches from the Gospel into Acts. Each begins in messianic Jerusalem with the imparting of the Spirit (Lk 1:5-2:52; 3:21f., Acts 1-2). The Gospel then presents Jesus' Galilean ministry (4:1-9:50) and his journey to Jerusalem (9:51-19:28). Acts subsequently takes up the early ministry of the apostles, confined for the most part within Judaism (Acts 8-15), followed by Paul's... Gospels?... Peter's sermon in Acts 10:34-43 may serve as an example of the primitive oral catechesis. Observe the outline of the sermon: 1) the preaching of the Baptist and the Baptism of Jesus; 2) the Galilean ministry; 3) the passing from Galilee to Judaea and Jerusalem; 4) the passion, death, and Resurrection. It is interesting that we find the same plan in the Gospel of Mark. Now a very early witness ...
... New Lamps for Old - I 07-August-1893 If the blind lead the blind, shall they not both fall into a ditch? So or nearly so runs an apophthegm of the Galilean prophet, whose name has run over the four quarters of the globe. Of all those pithy comments on human life, which more than anything else made his teaching effective, this is perhaps the one which ...
... g the impression that these evangelists put Jesus, for all his exceptional character and mission, on a par with them as a natural member of a human family observed day after day within the common Galilean scene. Then, as Matthew and Luke repeat from Mark the presence of brothers and sisters, one may doubt the authenticity of the infancy narratives and look back on the birth of Jesus in the light of ...
... will capture the process of science. There is no such thing as the scientific method.” 22 The problem of the scientific method, especially in biology, becomes clearer if one realizes that the Galilean premises are relevant to material objects. Material objects have no internal reactions and are moved by impacts of external forces. If the external circumstances remain the same, a material objects ...
... embarrassment to the Gaekwad. Sri Aurobindo started on a striking note. He wrote: 'If the blind lead the blind, shall they not both fall into the ditch? So or nearly so runs an apophthegm of the Galilean prophet, whose name has run over the four quarters of the globe.... I myself two years ago would not have admitted that it can truthfully be applied to the National Congress. Yet that it can be so ...
... scrutiny revealed the canker in the apple. "...If the blind lead the blind, shall they not both fall into a ditch?" ... "I myself two years ago would not have admitted that it (this apophthegm of the Galilean Prophet) can be truthfully applied to the National Congress. Yet that it can be so applied, - nay, that no judicious mind can honestly pronounce any other verdict on its action, - is the first thing ...
... confine man to his material portion and deny him the possibility of a divine origin and a divine destiny. When Europe left Christianity to the monk and the ascetic and forgot the teachings of the Galilean, she exposed herself to a terrible fate which will yet overtake her. God in man is the whole revelation and the whole of religion. What Christianity taught dimly, Hinduism made plain to the intellect ...
... in him,... proclaimed Son of God in all his power through his resurrection from the dead". 176 The Jerome Biblical Commentary says about Paul: "It is remarkable how little he knew of Jesus the Galilean rabbi or even of what is recorded in the Gospels about him... Paul is interested in the exalted Lord..." The difference, however, between the Valentinians and Paul is that the former took the historical ...
... and some slapped him. Peter denies Jesus three times [Mat 26:69] Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard. And a maid came up to him, and said, 'You also were with Jesus the Galilean." [Mat 26:70] But he denied it before them all, saying, "I do not know what you mean." [Mat 26:71] And when he went out to the porch, another maid saw him, and she said to the bystanders ...
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