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Gandhari : an incarnation of Mati, goddess of Wisdom. The Mahābhārata often refers to her as Gāndhāra-rāja-dūhita, as she was the only princess of Gāndhāra, but also as Saubaleyi, Saubali, Subalaja, Subalaputri, & Subalātmaja – all meaning daughter of King Subala. Similarly, Shakuni, the youngest son of Subala is called Saubala. Gāndhāri obtained a boon from Shiva to also have a hundred sons. Bhīṣma heard of this, he went to Subala & asked him to marry her to Dhṛitarāṣṭra. The belief that Subala accepted because refusing a proposal of almighty Bhīṣma meant inviting suicide, & the fact that his sister not only willingly marry the blind king but bound her eyes, led to Shakuni’s intense hatred towards Hastināpura. His hatred & scheming thus became another key factor leading to the holocaust at Kurukshetra. In the end, when all her sons & brothers had perished, heartbroken Gāndhāri blamed Sri Krishna for not employing divine powers to prevent her ruin, & by the spiritual force of her Satitwa (chastity) cursed that his entire Yādava Kūla would self-destruct, & it did come about.
... must rush headlong in the direction his daemon shows him. What will she do, then? Stand aside to weep and wail, - or "join him in his run and try to become the mad wife to match the mad husband", as Gandhari blinded herself with a piece of cloth around her eyes to be able to live with blind Dhritarashtra? "Mad" he may be in the world's eyes; but when a mad person achieves the thing his mind is set on ...
... an united India. The first followed Duryodhana because the empire of Duryodhana could not be more than the empire of a day while that of Yudhisthere had every possibility of permanence; even Queen Gandhari, Duryodhan's own mother, was able to hit this weak point in her son's ambition. The Rajasuya Sacrifice had also undoubtedly identified Yudhisthere in men's minds with the imperialistic impulse of ...
... of his future life. For a few days he worked as an art teacher in a local school and also made a few paintings, the notable among those was Gandhari’s Awakening (it was based on the early life of Gandhari and Dhritarastra). He took his paintings to Calcutta to show them to Abanindranath who was very pleased with his work and arranged for its exhibition and ensured proper sale of the paintings. Some ...
... retorted: "No, I will not accept Him. Even if I know Sri Krishna to be God Himself, even if He can create or destroy in a flash the universe, I will still refuse to accept Him." Sorrowfully Gandhari and Dhritrashtra asked: "Why, dear son, but why?" "Why is He then the Panda vas' and Arjuna's friend?" he replied. So you can imagine how pride and arrogance and ignorance can veil ...
... was not greater than public service. No form of Ishwara could be higher than Bhumia Devi. This Devi we have to realise. Her worship we have to establish. And we may remember that in the form of Gandhari she still sings to the Duryodhanas of this day, as of another long ago, yato dharmastato jayah. III We have seen in an earlier chapter ( how the fiery-souled Sister Nivedita ...
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