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Gandharvi : in the Veda, a personified power that holds the rays of the Sun of Truth.
... Ahana who breakst and restorest! Oread, mountain Echo, cry to the rocks in thy running! Nymph in recess and in haunt the pursuit and the melody shunning! Giantess, cruel and false and grand! Gandharvi that singest Heavenward! bird exultant through storm and through sapphire who wingest! Centauress galloping wild through the woods of Himâloy high-crested! Yakshini brooding o'er treasure down ...
... Anandamaya Devasura has been prepared in the Rakshasa by the Gandharva type of Rakshasa who is also नारिकेलजः, born not of Prakriti's full act of enjoyment, but of her full mood of enjoyment (the Gandharvi bhava in Mahasaraswati). The thought-telepathy is now coming more freely; sometimes it is seen as a thought with impulse & proved by the immediately subsequent act; sometimes it is entertained ...
... is already proceeding. The result is the divinised Asuro-Rakshasi Kali with the Pisachi, Pramatheswari & Pashavi contained in the Rakshasi element. Mahalaxmi-Mahasaraswati brings with it the Gandharvi element. The smooth development is now possible because the dasya is now complete and is taking the madhura into itself. The bhava is firmly founded on jnana & state of being & the Ishwara is being ...
... the rites of the sacrifice. Page 401 रपद् गन्धर्वीरप्या च योषणा नदस्य नादे परि पातु मे मनः । इष्टस्य मध्ये अदितिर्नि धातु नो भ्राता नो ज्येष्ठः प्रथमो वि वोचति ॥२॥ 2) May the Gandharvi speak to me and the Woman born from the Waters, may her protection be around my mind midst the roar of the river; may the indivisible mother establish us in the heart of our desire: my brother the ...
... मनुषो नहुषो वि जाताः । अग्निर्गान्धर्वीं पथ्यामृतस्याऽग्नेर्गव्यूतिर्घृत आ निषत्ता ॥६॥ 6) Fire the peoples pray who are human. Fire men of different birth who dwell as neighbours, Fire brings the Gandharvi to the path of the Truth, the Fire's path of the Ray-cows is settled in the Light. अग्नये ब्रह्म ऋभवस्ततक्षुरग्निं महामवोचामा सुदृक्तिम् । अग्ने प्राव जरितारं यविष्ठाऽग्ने महि द्रविणमा यजस्व ...
... What need for her, then, to return to the earth? What attractions there, what compensations? In answer, the Voices raises a compulsive chorus, greeting her as Diana, Usha, Delight, Latona, Yakshini, Gandharvi, Durga, hundred-ecstasied Woman, Daughter of Heaven, and her descent is peremptorily invoked: Come from thy summits, Ahana, come! Our desire unrelenting Hales thee down from God ...
... beautiful lot of demi-godly beings, male and female, and enquired of them as to their identity. Reluctant to speak out at first, they were obliged to reveal that they were the Gandharvas and the Gandharvis , the presiding spirits behind the modes of music - the Ragas and the Raginis . On a closer look Narada detected that each one of those beings, extremely charming though, had been maimed... Who was the perfect musician? Who but the creator of music - Lord Shiva again. Narada approached the great God and requested Him for a performance for the benefit of the Candharvas and Gandharvis in distress. Shiva agreed, but on condition that He must have in His audience at least one perfect listener! Who were the perfect listeners? There were only two -Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma... oblige him, for an opportunity to listen to Shiva singing came but rarely. The event took place with the two great Gods as well as all the other divinities and the Gandharvas and the Gandharvis constituting the grand audience. As Shiva started singing, spring came over the region, all were splashed with wonderful waves of delight and of course, the lost limbs were restored to the presiding ...
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