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... There. After that, you only have to keep quiet. You know, this telegram... ( Mother looks for it and hands it to Satprem ). "Deep gratitude for blessing. I am always at thy service." V. V. Giri He was elected, and this telegram was sent immediately: the time coincides.... Don't you find it interesting? Yes, very. ( silence ) It's after noting a considerable number of such... × C. D. Deshmukh. × V. V. Giri. × Sanjiva Reddy. × ... only receive eight years later, precisely when he was elected president in later elections. × V.V. Giri, aged 75. ...
... × On the 14th morning, India's President Giri met Mother. On that occasion, Mother told him, "Let us all work for the greatness of India." × See Agenda V of December 2, 1964 . ... and so on.... But they aren't free at all. Not at all, they're in a prison. The example of Celestine V is quite symbolic. But P.L. told me one thing (which struck him very much, besides): the first act of this Pope, when he was nominated, was to go and bow before the grave of Celestine V, the only Pope who abdicated. Well, well!... I saw a photo of the Pope doing a full pranam [prostration]... Ah! He's elected by the cardinals, but not necessarily from among themselves, there's no such law: they may choose an outsider. In fact, in the thirteenth century, a well-known Pope, Celestine V, was elected from among mendicant monks. Ooh!... And five months after he was nominated, he abdicated—causing a scandal unique in the history of the Church—and his successor had him imprisoned ...
... * Divine Power alone can help India. If you can build faith and cohesion in the country, it is much more powerful than any man-made power. * (Message for Shri V. V. Giri, President of India, who visited the Ashram) Let us all work for the greatness of India. 14 September 1969 * (Messages for Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister ...
... until 1964, an album of the Mother’s photos taken in Her room in January-February 1960, on 21-2-68 (Her 90th birthday), the Mother with Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi, the Mother with President V. V. Giri, the Mother on 5-7-69, 5-7-70, 5-7-71, 21-2-72, etc. She always took a keen interest in this work and invariably encouraged me and made me feel that the work was very important for Her by rewarding... 5-7-71 On September 14, 1969, Shri V.V. Giri, President of India, visited the Ashram. This was followed by the visit of Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi on October 5, 1969. On both these occasions, I accompanied Pranab for taking Mother’s photos. Two of my photos are reproduced here. Shri V.V. Giri with the Mother on 14.9.69 Mrs. Indira Gandhi and Smt ...
... elections. The strange and amusing part is that Mother gave her blessings to two candidates: V.V. Giri and Sanjiva Reddy; by some quirk of communications, Sanjiva Reddy was to receive them only... eight years later, on 13 July 1977, the very day on which he was elected president, after V. V. Giri's successor. (See The Hindu of July 14, 1977.) ...
... arrived in November. And a cafeteria was coming up besides. During 1969, the President of India, V.V. Giri, the Vice-President, G.S. Pathak, and the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, paid visits to the Ashram. Soon after his election as President, Mr. Giri came with Mrs. Saraswati Giri on 14 September, and went up to the Mother's room in the afternoon and offered obeisance to her. After everyone... . This was how the earth, as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother saw it, was the hub of the cosmic play, and hence a special - a unique - significance was attached to what went on here on the earth. V During his meditation on 15 August, Satprem experienced the sense of a massive Power that was there, so solid and silent, which made him feel profoundly at ease. When he spoke to the Mother about ...
... × All parties, including the Congress, are divided over the choice of a new president of India: Indira proposes V. V. Giri, who will be elected, while the "old Congress" proposes Sanjiva Reddy, who will become president in 1977. × ...
... asserted the right of giving asylum to political workers who were against the British rule in India. V. V. S. Aiyar, the revolutionary, Subramanya Bharati, the patriot-poet, and Srinivasachari were already there in 1910. Then Nagaswamy Aiyar came, and from Bengal Sri Aurobindo and four other persons. V. V. S. Aiyar being implicated in revolutionary activity came in the year 1912. The British government... well of V. V. S. Aiyar's house. As the British agents could not openly act in French territory, they employed Mayuresan, a French Indian, to complain against Bharati and other patriots, alleging that they were engaged in dangerous activities and that, if a search of their house was made, proof of the complaint would be found. He had not mentioned Sri Aurobindo by name but as Bharati, V. V. S. Aiyar... travelling incognito all over India as the leader of a group of sannyasis. His assumed name was Swami Kevalananda. When he came to 41, Rue Francois Martin, Hrishikesh (later known as Vishuddhananda Giri), Motilal Roy, Rameshwar De, Natwardas, Amrita, Barin, Datta (Miss Hodgson) and the Mother, whom Amar did not meet, were staying in the house. Amar had long matted hair and carried iron tongs and a ...
... divine origin of life, and by uniting with this aspiration the whole country can recover a unity that has never ceased to exist for the superior mentality. 7 July 1968 ( Message for Shri V. V. Giri, President of India, who visited the Ashram ) Let us all work for the greatness of India. 14 September 1969 Page 368 ( Messages for Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India ...
... among those who paid their homage, and he observed: "Though she has left us physically, her spirit will continue to inspire all humanity to cherish the high ideals of Sri Aurobindo." The President, V.V. Giri, sent this condolence message: "Her dynamic role as a spiritual leader and the spirit behind the Sri Aurobindo Ashram shall ever live as a standing testimony and symbol of her life and work." The Prime... and omnipotent intelligence". Somebody attending on the Mother asked her, "Mother, why do you always keep your eyes closed?" She replied, "Because I can see everything with my eyes closed." 14 V The Ashramites and Aurovilians, the large number of visitors and the delegates to the Annual Conference of the Sri Aurobindo Society, were all looking forward to the Terrace Darshan of 15 August ...
... we believe that so long as we are happy, the world is bound to be happy. The happiness of the world lies within us - a very great, a very proud, a very insolent remark, but it is true. We have made Giri 227 happy. (Laughter) We have made Indira Gandhi 227 V.V. Girl, the fourth President (from 24 August 1969 to 23 August 1974) of the Republic of India. Page 158 happier, though... excuse that he had never touched a gun and that he knew nothing about shooting. As we refused to let him off, he picked up the rifle at last. I tried to explain to him the technique of aiming over a V-sight. But he turned to my wife and said, "You stand by me, Lilavati, Charu is too hasty." Then he started firing, and after just one or two slight Page 165 mistakes ...
... Brindavan that he thought of spending the rest of his life there. But ultimately he returned to Calcutta. During his stay at Brindavan, Sri Ramakrishna decided to visit Syamakunda, Radhakunda, and Giri Govardhan. As Sri Ramakrishna described it: "I went to Syamakunda and Radhakunda in a palanquin and got out to visit the holy Mount Govardhan. At the very sight of the mount I was overpowered with divine... तिलकं मधुरं Tilakam Madhuram Madhuram Forehead Mark मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरं MadhurādhipaterAkhilam Madhuram Madhuram The Charming Lord Wholly Madhuram Page 203 V करनं मधुरं Karanam Madhuram Madhuram Deeds तरणं मधुरं Taranam Madhuram Madhuram Swim हरणं मधुरं Haranam Madhuram Madhuram Thief रमणं मधुरं Ramanam Madhuram ...
... Divine Force behind the action of the world and preparing himself so that one day he may feel a direct guidance. 1-10-1929 Sri Aurobindo 9 February 1930 ( Answer to Swami Satyanand Giri ) As I am in retirement and see nobody for the present, not even those who are here, what he requests is not possible. Further no one is allowed to live in the Ashram except those who are here... to set yourself right is, as I have said, to set your nature right and make yourself master of your vital being and its impulses. (2) Your position in human society is or can be that of many others v/ho in their early life have committed excesses of various kinds and have afterwards achieved self-control and taken their due place in life, if you would know that your case is not exceptional but on ...
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