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Girish Babu Girish Bose G. C. Bose : Girish Chandra Bose (1853-1939), friend of Sri Aurobindo’s father-in-law Bhupal Chandra Bose, his relations with Bhupal Babu since 1883 were so intimate that to most of their acquaintances the latter was known as his younger brother. After his return from Europe where he had gained considerable experience in the new methods of education, Girish babu founded in 1886, in collaboration with Bhupal Chandra Bose, the Bangabāsi School which was the following year transformed into a college. He looked after Bhupal babu’s daughter Mrinālini’s education while she was in Calcutta. It was he who negotiated her marriage & did everything in connection with that ceremony; & it was under his roof that Mrinālini passed away.
... present them as we found them. The same applies to a few other Indian names too. Page 119 My father's lifelong friend late Principal Girish Ch. Bose of Bangabasi College negotiated the marriage. Sri Arabindo saw my sister in Girish Babu's house personally and selected his bride. "2. Marriage ceremony was performed according to strict Hindu rites. Sri Arabindo being a Brahmo and my... Hindu, both of them had to be purified by Prayaschitya before marriage. My uncle gave away the bride. "3. Principal guests at the marriage were late Lord Sinha, Byomkesh Chakravarty, Principal G. C. Bose, late J. C. Bose and others. "4. Location of the marriage —in a rented house in Baithak-Khana Road, Calcutta." "5. Date of marriage of Sri Arabindo 16 th Baisakh 1308. My sister at the... else to say what psychical affinity existed between the two, but certain it is that as soon as he saw the girl, he made up his mind to marry her. The customary negotiations were carried on by Girish Babu on the bride's side......... Page 123 "The writer knows next to nothing about the married life of the couple at Baroda. After Sri Aurobindo came to Bengal and during the stormy years ...
... Book Two Book Two Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram Paradoxical Advice 08-June-1907 Mr. G. C. Bose, principal and proprietor of the Bangabasi College, has published a short signed article in the Bangabasi in which he sets forth very emphatically what he considers to be the duty of the students and ...
... residing at Sj. K. K. Mitra's house in College Square; Sri Aurobindo himself lived there constantly between the Alipore trial and his departure to French India. But she lived always with the family of Girish Bose, principal of Bangabasi College. Page 96 One is unable to understand the meaning of the saying attributed to Sri Aurobindo that he was a man rising to humanity unless we suppose that ...
... there is no way out for you except to consider my ideal as your ideal and find your happiness in the success of my appointed work.... If you find it absolutely impossible to stay on, I shall tell Girish Babu; your grandfather can come and stay with you while I am at the Congress. "I am going to Midna pur today. On my return I shall make the necessary arrangements here, and then proceed to Surat ...
... and keep the remaining 10 for emergencies; but supposing the third course suggested should be pursued? I shall then have to take a third class ticket to Calcutta and solicit an 150 Rs place in Girish Bose's or Mesho's College—if Lord Curzon has not abolished both of them by that time. Of course I could sponge upon my father-in-law in Assam, becoming a ghor jamai for the time being, but then who would ...
... say is what they mean or is intended to hurt you. Words often come out in anger, without thought. It is no good holding on to them. If you find it absolutely impossible to stay on, I shall tell Girish Babu; your grandfather can come and stay with you while I am at the Congress. I am going to Midnapur today. On my return I shall make the necessary arrangements here, and then proceed to Surat. That ...
... studies and there contracted a life-long friendship with one Sudhira Bose whose brother belonged to Sri Aurobindo's revolutionary party and later joined the Ramakrishna Mission as a sannyasi. Girish Chandra Bose, a very intimate friend of Mrinalini's father, almost like an elder brother, used to look after Mrinalini in Calcutta. He was the Principal of a famous college there. It was he who arranged the... tenderness and lovableness, in fact, in her woman's soul; and all this we find burning in his pages and made diviner by the touch of a poet and an artist." The advertisement caught the attention of Girish Bose. He found that the conditions stipulated would suit Mrinalini admirably. He at once negotiated the marriage. Sri Aurobindo came to see the prospective bride and at one single glance made his choice... our own usage to abject shame.' "Now arrived the fatal year 1918 which blasted all her hopes. "In 1918 Mrinalini came to Calcutta probably from Ranchi for some eye trouble and stayed with Girish Bose. When Sourin, Nolini Gupta and others were going to Bengal sometime earlier, Sourin asked Sri Aurobindo, 'I shall meet Mrinalini. What shall I tell her?' Sri Aurobindo replied, 'I shall be glad if ...
... to an aristocratic family. It was an arranged marriage resulting from an advertisement inserted by Sri Aurobindo, which caught the notice of Principal Girish Chandra Bose of Bangabasi College, a close friend of Bhupal Chandra, and it was Girish Babu who negotiated the marriage. The wedding was attended by many distinguished persons of Calcutta, like Jagdish Chandra Bose, Lord Sinha and others. Sri ...
... and keep the remaining 10 for emergencies; but supposing the third course suggested should be pursued? I shall then have to take a third class ticket to Calcutta and solicit an 150 Rs. place in Girish Bose's or Mesho's 1 College —if Lord Curzon has not abolished both of them by that time. Of course I could sponge upon my father-in-law in Assam, becoming a ghorjamai 2 for the time being, but then ...
... Street at about 9-30 P.M. He was at once arrested by Inspector Puma Chandra Lahiri." Sri Aurobindo was taken to Padmapukur police station and then released on bail the next morning. "Principal Girish Chandra Bose and Sj. Nirode Chandra Mallick stood sureties for him Rs. 2500 each." The two Professors also say that "the chief object of the bureaucracy in undertaking this case was to silence the voice of ...
... July 1907. Sri Aurobindo went at once to the Detective Police Office for surrendering himself. From there he was taken to Poddopukur Thana, but was soon released on bail. Two gentlemen. Prof. Girish Bose of Bangabasi College and Nirod Mullick of Wellington Square, stood surety for Sri Aurobindo. 39 Previous to the launching of this prosecution, Sri Aurobindo had confined himself to writing ...
... Mrinalini Bose, daughter of Bhupal Chandra Bose. Her age was fourteen years (birthday 6 March 1888). Sri Aurobindo had had many prospective offers from which he selected Mrinalini. Principal Girish Chandra Bose, a friend of Bhupal Chandra Bose, arranged the match. The marriage took place at Baithakkhana Road, Calcutta, in one of the houses belonging to the Hatkhola Dutt family. As Sri Aurobindo had... consideration!" Byomkesh Chakravarty, Lord Sinha and Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose and his wife attended the marriage. It was performed according to Hindu rites. The bride was given away by Girish Chandra Bose. Sri Aurobindo was twenty-nine. Sri Aurobindo went to Deoghar after his marriage. From there Mrinalini, Sarojini and himself went to Naini Tal. While there Sri Aurobindo wrote a postcard ...
... formed a Young Men's Union (Tarun Sangha) under his inspiration. In 1901, Sri Aurobindo went to Bengal and married Srimati Mrinalini Bose, daughter of Bhupal Chandra Bose. Principal Girish Chandra Bose of the Bangabasi College, Calcutta, had acted as the go-between. Mrinalini Devi was fourteen years old at the time, and Sri Aurobindo twenty- nine. The marriage was celebrated according to... communicated to you is extremely confidential. I haven't spoken about it to anybody else; it is forbidden. No more today. 45 Your husband Mrinalini Devi "lived always with the family of Girish Bose, Principal of Bangabasi College". Once, when Sri Aurobindo was at Pondicherry, his brother-in-law wrote to him, urging him to return to Bengal and lead a householder's life. Sri Aurobindo wrote ...
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