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Gita-rahasya : Srimad Bhagavadgita Rahasya/ Karmayoga Shāstra written by Tilak in exile (1908-14), published in 1915 & translated into many languages.
... itself, known as Ashwattha. In that Maya is the reality of this enormous tree holding a cosmic purpose in the Will of the Eternal. Speaking about this Ashwattha tree Tilak in his remarkable Gita Rahasya brings out several references from the ancient scriptures. We may mention en passant that Tilak wrote his commentary on the Gita when he was given “compulsory rest” in Mandalay Jail from 1908 ...
... sends a patriot to prison and he turns it, as Sri Aurobindo did at Alipur, into a Temple of Sadhana; or, like Tilak at Mandalay, he finds fulfilment in the composition of a masterly commentary, the Gita Rahasya; or he opens himself, as Jawaharlal Nehru did in The Discovery of India, to the influence of the winding movement of his nation's unfolding history. Or, again, a poetaster-laureate writes a ...
... a horse carriage was hired for him. Can you guess under what conditions Sri Aurobindo was producing those weekly articles for the Karmayogin and the Dharma? B. G. Tilak was writing his Gita-Rahasya in the undisturbed quiet of Mandalayjail in Burma. But Sri Aurobindo was living with his aunt and family, amidst constant comings and goings. Here is Sukumar Mitra to tell us. "In deep absorption ...
... to Tilak we see religious passion fusing into an almost xenophobic and chauvinistic patriotism. Tilak was an agitator, a leader of the Extremists, a man of instinct and fervour. He wrote the Gita Rahasya , an original treatise on a text which many nationalists either were attracted to or commented upon. Today we see fundamentalist forces at work in our society and regrettably they draw inspiration ...
... passion of his life, the renewal, if not the surpassing of the past greatness of the nation by the greatness of its future. His Vedic researches seek to fix its prehistoric point of departure; the Gita-rahasya takes the scripture which is perhaps the strongest and most comprehensive production of Indian spirituality and justifies to that spirituality, by its own authoritative ancient message, the sense ...
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