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26 result/s found for Glorious body

... he himself imagines that only a glorious body of the divine would be able to convince the world. Nothing short of that. Mother said, "Yes, it is so." The old sadhaks do remember that the Mother gave us a message long, long ago: "It is not the crucified body of Christ, but a glorious body that will save the world" - not the crucified body of Christ, but a glorious body or a glorified body which everybody... last time, the whole day ... There is some sense in that being a wonderful solution (the glorious body). When you said it, something became concrete all of a sudden. But there was no personal sense in that... The body has no ambition or desire whatsoever or even the aspiration to become that (the glorious body), but there was only a kind of delight in the possibility of that being done; it if were... too. It's wonderful! [Reading from Bulletin of SAICE, August 1969, 99-100] May31,1969 S: ... I always have the feeling that the only solution is that you should have a glorious body, visible to everyone, then all could come and see - come and see the Divine, how it is! Mother: (Laughing). That would be very convenient indeed! S: It would be such an upsetting ...


... writes: "For us, our homeland is in heaven, and from heaven comes the saviour we are waiting for, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body" (Philippians 3:20-21). 15 An impression of great luminosity is created by the closing expressions: that is all. But fortunately Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, has gone into some detail about the ... body in another phrase already cited by us:"... from heaven comes the saviour we are waiting for, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body" (Philippians 3:20-21). 23 In 1 Corinthians itself we have talk of the first Adam and the last Adam (Jesus) "who is from heaven" (15:47): "And we, who have been modelled on the earthly man, will ...

... the Supreme Will. She had given her body to that Will's demand on her for physical transformation. But her body had no preferences. When it was suggested to her in 1969 that she should have "a glorious body", visible to everyone, so that all could come and see the Divine, she agreed but said: "I would be very glad if it were anyone, it does not matter who, I have not the least desire that it should... no ambition or desire whatsoever or even the aspiration to become the 1 Sri Aurobindo on Himself, SABCL, Vol. 26, p. 154. 2 Bulletin, August 1969, p. 99. Page 28 glorious body." 1 She repeated that not for a moment did she have the idea that it must be her own body which should become glorious. "Choosing one person or another, one place or another"—nothing of that kind ...

... inference is ratified by the open assertion in Philippians 3:20-21 about "our Lord Jesus Christ" whom "we are waiting for": "...he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body." 57 The source, in 1 Corinthians 15, of our mediated yet clear-cut knowledge reads in The Jerusalem Bible 58 as follows: "Someone may ask, 'How are the dead raised, and what sort of body do they... goes on to argue in the remainder of the chapter that the resurrection body of the Christian is not a body of flesh... but a spiritual body, miraculously transformed into the likeness of Christ's 'glorious body' (see also Philippians 3:21)."   The words for us to focus on are: "precisely the same type of experience." There is involved in them the suggestion that another type has been indicated... Elijah appearing in glory" (verses 30-31) 160 - in accord with the general Pauline "what is raised is glorious" (1 Corinthians 15:43) and Paul's particular allusion to the resurrected Jesus' "glorious body" (Philippians 3:21). 161 An alternative to the Elijah-model would be a pattern of thought which we may dub "proto -Gnosticism". An index to it Page 189 is given by Ruef ...

... to our own matter, we will have seized upon the practical secret of the transition from crude Matter to a more subtle Matter, and we will likewise have begun to realize the first supramental or glorious body on the earth. This immobility within movement is the basis of all the supramental being's activities. It is the practical premise of any discipline leading to the Supermind, perhaps even the... through endless dualisms in order to uproot us from our human childhood. It will be a law of light and unending progress, a new evolution in the joy of Truth. The Victory must be won only once. One glorious body. One body must break the iron law for all bodies. And all human beings must collaborate in that one Victory. The strategic difficulty of the transformation is fully before us. If earth calls and ...

... owing to sudden cancellations in several places.   We arrived at Madras early next morning and took a taxi to Pondicherry. By eleven we were in Sri Aurobindo's own room, standing beside the glorious body with the face on which there was not merely the far look of peace that one often finds when the soul has gone out: here was the look of a victorious tranquillity, a power that with no effort, with ...


... spite of her persistence, did not "hold on", she would be constrained to let the transformation "be for another time". In a later talk {Bulletin, August 1972, p. 81), while referring to the new glorious body in which she had inwardly lived on February 15, 1969 as if it had been the most natural sheath for her, she points to her existing body and exclaims: "Is that going to change? It must change ...


... the very, very old traditions—there was a tradition more ancient than the Vedic and the Chaldean which must have been the source of both—in that ancient tradition there is already mention of a "glorious body" which would be plastic enough to be transformed at every moment by the deeper consciousness: it would express that consciousness, it would have no fixity of form. It mentioned luminosity: the ...


... that clarification adds anything to the art-quality of the piece: the very nature of this piece is to be somewhat unclear. It would be a mistake to say that without Milton Blake's Tyger is like a glorious body haunted by a still discarnate soul: the poem qua poem is body and soul one flame. But the flame cuts a puzzling shape to the intellect; and intellectually, as distinguished from artistically, ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... obscure and remote past of the race. Thus, in the words of the Mother, "in a very ancient tradition, preceding even the Vedic and Chaldean traditions, there was already the question of a glorious body which would be plastic enough to be constantly remodelled by the deeper consciousness, a body expressing this consciousness. There was the question of luminosity: the matter constituting the ...

... length and spoke about it quite often. So we were living in the bright hope that it was just a question of time. The Mother would complete a hundred years or even more and would appear to us in a glorious body. She carried on her daily activities with the same vigour and keen interest from morning to evening. I was an exceptional recipient of her Grace when she consented gladly to listen to my Twelve ...

... in some way, if possible; but to remould it in the very substance and constitution of the Spirit. And the ultimate goal of earthly life is not the Divine's crucified body, but the perfected glorious body. Naturally the old habits, the millennial forces, the ignorant and obscure movements of instinct and tradition cannot suffer such an upsetting. Earthly creatures, wherever they are, cannot ...


... I would never have been able to be close to you and tell you: "Become what I am. " 14 But of course! The world does not need to be struck down by a miracle, even by the miracle of one glorious body: it needs to find its own miracle. When it finds it, then all miracles will be natural. The mystery of Mother is our own unconsciousness. We must find the key, we must open the door. Then we ...


... superman would still be only a stage and afterwards there would be many other things... Each time I think of that, I always have the feeling that the only solution is that you should have a glorious body, Page 181 visible to everyone; then all could come and see—come and see the Divine, how it is! ( Mother laughs ) That would be very convenient indeed! It would be such an upsetting ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... Like that ( Mother points both hands upward ). With a kind of stability, of immobility. Page 183 × The glorious body. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... to sudden cancellations in several places. We arrived at Madras early next morning and took a taxi to Pondicherry. By eleven we were in Sri Aurobindo's own room, standing beside the glorious body with the face on which there was not merely the far look of peace that one often finds when the soul has gone out: here was the look of a victorious tranquillity, a power that with no effort ...

... attempts—how many MINUSCULE realizations—for you to simply acknowledge, "Yes, indeed, we're on the way..."? For how many... oh, you could practically say centuries will it be like this before the glorious body of a supramental being appears?... Something came yesterday evening (it seemed like mere excitation to me); it was a power of creative imagination attempting to visualize supramental forms, beings ...


... experience at the fall of the present physical 'sheath'. In this connection we may recall, for comparison, the Christian doctrine of the body — in particular, St. Paul's gospel of a 'glorious body'. In the Pauline anthropology, it is not the deliverance from the body as a body that the apostle longs for, but the deliverance from the natural body of corruption and mortality. As a matter ...

... Nature shall live to manifest secret God, The Spirit shall take up the human play, This earthly life become the life divine." 2 But does this goal of the emergence of a 'glorious body', 'corps glorieux' seem to be too good a prospect to be at all actualised even in some remote future ? — far be it to speak of an imminent realisation. But, if this conscious self-evolutionary ...

... shadow but instead of an obscure formulation, to make of it a luminous radiant image. The world is not abolished or eclipsed by the Sun but is made luminous, in every particle a radiant and glorious body. This transfiguration is possible, nay, inevitable, because the higher realities, the truth-expressions of the Supreme Consciousness are there always self-existent in their total purity ...

... the shadow but instead of an obscure formulation, to make of it a luminous radiant image. The world is not abolished or eclipsed by the Sun but IS made luminous, in every particle a radiant and glorious body. This transfiguration is possible, nay, inevitable, because the higher realities, the truth-expressions of the Supreme Consciousness are there always self-existent in their total purity and pressing ...

... the sole-sufficing Link between the world of men and the Realm of the Divine Truth above. Her eyes seize and hold the Link which is firmly established on Earth by the Power that exudes from her glorious body." 16 What is here exemplified is no more than this marvellous mystic phenomenon: Spiritual beauty illumining human sight Lines with its passion and mystery Matter's, mask And squanders ...


... felt "as though a cataract of luminous power was pouring down". 6 Later she "looked into the matter a great deal", in fact, as she told him on 4 June, when he had expressed his aspiration for a glorious body, "something became concrete all of a sudden". Hadn't the disciple's aspiration been as good as answered? The utter delight in the possibility of its happening - that is, the golden divine body ...


... world, I told her, looking at her body as if really one could read, touch and feel there all of the mystery of the earth imprisoned in its carbon layer: “The only solution is for you to have a glorious body, visible to all, then everyone could come and see: Come and see the Divine, what it looks like!” And She laughed and laughed: Yes, of course! That would be really convenient. Will it be like that ...

... power had been permanently realised in her the Page 224 moment Sri Aurobindo had left his body. I may remark, in passing, that this fact gives us some insight into what Sri Aurobindo achieved in making what we have come to consider a sublime strategic sacrifice, his glorious body's absorption of all hostile destructive forces in order to clear for the Mother and thus for the future world... live long enough to see her Victory she said: "Bon" — which means "Very well". Even when that Victory had not been won, the presence of the Supermind in the bodies of both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother brought about some effect on their bodies' own functions so that we felt that they were not like us at all and could transmit inner force and light and bliss, and could influence purely physical movements... of course, this realisation is only the first though extremely momentous step towards complete supramentali-sation. The latter would imply, as an ultimate consequence, a total divinising of the human body, rendering it infinitely adaptable, entirely invulnerable, quite free of inertia, full of a subtle radiance, ever-energetic, immune to disease, decay and death. This point brings me to another dimension ...


... consciousness, and then the entry into the full blaze of light and force of Consciousness leading to a rebirth and re-embodiment in immortality, transforming the ignorant death-bound body into the glorious luminous body upon material earth, the embodiment of love Divine. Page 389 ... from his nature and put on and become in substance the noble metal. It is to be noted that death does not mean literally or exclusively the physical event, disintegration and disappearance of the body: it is rather the symbol of the corrosive consciousness of the ordinary ignorant life. There is the ignorant consciousness making up the lower half circle of the integral life and there is the luminous... call it the control-room, or in most modern lunar vocabulary, the command-module. It is from here that the first changes towards a higher and purer functioning are initiated in our lower limbs, the body, the vital and even the lower mental. Beyond is the overhead and overmental – and still higher ranges. The luminous consciousness, the touch of immortality begins with the overhead and the overmental ...