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34 result/s found for Gnostic Consciousness

... mental Consciousness and Power which shapes a race of mental beings and takes up into itself all of earthly nature that is ready for the change, so now there will be established on earth a gnostic Consciousness and Power which will shape a race of gnostic spiritual beings and take up into itself all of earth-nature that is ready for this new transformation. It will also receive into itself from above... will be changed by the outburst of the greater secret Consciousness within it, the hidden Light, into what it always was in reality, a sea of the secret Superconscience. A first formation of a gnostic consciousness and nature will be the consequence. The creation of a supramental being, nature, life on earth, will not be the sole result of this evolution; it will also carry with it the consummation... his own inner and outer life or group life, but would create a harmonic unity also with the still surviving mental world, even if that world remained altogether a world of Ignorance. For the gnostic consciousness in him would perceive and bring out the evolving truth and principle of harmony hidden in the formations of the Ignorance; it would be natural to his sense of integrality and it would be within ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... second preoccupation; the solution of this second desideratum lies in a complete universality and oneness with all life upon earth which is the other concomitant result of an evolution into the gnostic consciousness and nature. But there still remains the third desideratum, a new world, a change in the total life of humanity or, at the least, a new perfected collective life in the earth-nature. This calls... 1068 this free diversity would not be a chaos or create any discord; for a diversity of one Truth of knowledge and one Truth of life would be a correlation and not an opposition. In a gnostic consciousness there would be no ego-insistence on personal idea and no push or clamour of personal will and interest: there would be instead the unifying sense of a common Truth in many forms, a common self... outward formulation and self-affirmation: forms would arise of themselves plastically, in suitable relation to other formulations and each in its own place in the whole formulation. Truth of gnostic consciousness and being establishing itself can find its harmony with all other truth of being around it. A spiritual or gnostic being would feel his harmony with the whole gnostic life around him, whatever ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... to the new gnostic consciousness would prove to be a fundamental change in the very texture, temper and tone of existence: Our nature, our consciousness is that of beings ignorant of each other, separated from each other, rooted in a divided ego, who must strive to establish some kind of relation between their embodied ignorances.... An innate character of the gnostic consciousness and the ... experience, his realisation. Having attained in constant waking life, and not merely in a sealed samadhi, the reality which he terms Gnosis, he has but laid out in intellectual exposition what the gnostic consciousness is and what Yogic possibilities it holds and what the results of its full descent into our earth-existence will be.... There is a mighty intellect in The Life Divine which we at once feel ...

... transitional forms of overmen, who in their turn will render the appearance of the divine species of supramental beings and a new world order possible. “All life for the achieved spiritual or gnostic consciousness must be the manifestation of the realised truth of Spirit; only what can transform itself and find its own spiritual self in that greater Truth and fuse itself into its harmony can be accorded ...

... of transformation in the Mother during the period between Sri Aurobindo’s departure and the Supramental Manifestation in 1956. On 26 February 1951 she ends her Entretien (about the Gnostic consciousness) with the words: ‘I am telling you this tonight because what has been done, what has been realized by one can also be realized by the others. It suffices that one body has realized it, a human ...


... mental Consciousness and Power which shapes a race of mental beings and takes up into itself all of earthly nature that is ready for the change, so now there will be established on earth a gnostic Consciousness and Power which will shape a race of gnostic spiritual beings and take up into itself all of earth-nature that is ready for this new transformation. It will also receive into itself from above ...

... entered into Matter and it must evolve in Matter. It must change the mental into the supramental being, make the inconscient in us conscious, spiritualise our material substance, erect its law of gnostic consciousness in our whole evolutionary being and nature. This must be the culminating emergence or, at least, that stage in the emergence which first decisively changes the nature of the evolution by tr ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... n of all our thought, will and delight. But this infinite is not only an infinite of pervasion or of extension in which everything forms and happens. Behind that immeasurable extension the gnostic consciousness is always aware of a spaceless inner infinite. It is through this double infinite that we shall arrive at the essential being of Sachchidananda, the highest self of our own being and the totality ...


... animal life into luminous God-force, from the material consciousness [ sentence not completed ] 161 It is at the high line where the surrender can become absolute that a divine gnostic consciousness commences and the first authentic and unconditioned workings of the supramental Nature. 162 The first word of the supramental Yoga is surrender; its last word also is surrender. ...


... is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the last that there can begin the complete transformation of mind, life and body—in my sense of completeness. You are mistaken in two respects. First, the endeavour ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... time the liberation from suffering, in a total realisation of the supramental oneness. The mental liberation or liberation from ignorance will establish in the being the mind of light or gnostic consciousness, whose expression will have the creative power of the Word. The vital liberation or liberation from desire gives the individual will the power to identify itself perfectly and consciously ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... reality independent of and outside a basic consciousness, every Aurobindonian will shake hands with you and say "Right-O!" According to Sri Aurobindo it is a spiritual and supramental Gnostic consciousness that has originally emanated the physical world as one particular infinity of its multi-infinitied substance and force, knows it with complete identity both static and dynamic and is working ...

... his realisation. Having attained in constant waking life and not merely in a sealed samadhi the reality which he terms Gnosis, he has but laid out in intellectual exposition what the gnostic consciousness is and what yogic possibilities it holds and what the results of its full descent into our earth-existence will be. Sri Aurobindo does not proclaim to the world: "Read my book and I shall ...

... Vasudeva sarvam — came later in the same year during his detention in Alipore Jail; even the vision of what he afterwards was to call the "overhead planes" of "gnostic consciousness" began in prison. Of course, Mr. Alvares is free to look on all this as bogus, but he must at least get right his chronology of the bogus before leaping to ...


... of the greater secret Consciousness within it, the hidden Light into what it always was in reality, a sea of the secret Super- conscience. As a result, a first formation of a supramental or Gnostic consciousness and nature will take place. A farther result of the emergence of the Gnostic being would be the increasing concretization and fulfillment of the hope of a more harmonious evolutionary order ...

... second preoccupation; the solution of this second desideratum lies in a complete universality and oneness with all life upon earth which is the other concomitant result of an evolution into the gnostic consciousness and nature. But there still remains the third desideratum, a new world, a change in the total life of Page 8 humanity or, at the least, a new perfected collective life in the ...

... Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga, I shall try to show how the ancient ideal has now been revived, incorporated, enlarged, and made the lever of a crucial ascent of man to the supramental or gnostic consciousness. Page 19 HATHAYOGA Hathayoga is founded on the truth that the human body is not "a mass of living matter, but a mystic bridge between the spiritual and the physical ...

... subjective towards a suprarational or spiritual age in which he will develop progressively a greater spiritual, supra-intellectual and intuitive, perhaps in the end a more than intuitive, a gnostic consciousness. He will be able to perceive a higher divine end, a divine sanction, a divine light of guidance for all he seeks to be, think, feel and do, and able, too, more and more to obey and live in this ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... Yoga of Integral Knowledge The Synthesis of Yoga Chapter XXIV Gnosis and Ananda The ascent to the gnosis, the possession of something of the gnostic consciousness must elevate the soul of man and sublimate his life in the world into a glory of light and power and bliss and infinity that can seem in comparison with the lame action and limited realisations ...


... ideality, but responds easily to intuitive mental touches and under pressure reverts superficially to its former type. Only when quite possessed by the ideal action is it an almost entirely gnostic consciousness. The final transformation is now to proceed to its completion—today. Lipi "Tomorrow incomple[te] perfection of the transformation." All the crude rasas have occurred with some force and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. ‘Nobody can have the supramental realisation who has not had the spiritual. ‘The psychic is the first of two transformations necessary — if you have the psychic transformation it ...


... mind is not its last summit." And again : "As there has been established on earth a mental consciousness and power which shapes a race of mental beings, so now there will be established here a gnostic consciousness and power which will shape a race of gnostic spiritual beings and take up into itself all of earth nature that is ready for this new transformation." Since this was what he foresaw in his spiritual ...

... is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the latter that there can begin the complete transformation of mind, life and body — in my sense of completeness. (Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, p. 118) In ...

... subjective towards a suprarational or spiritual age in which he will develop progressively a greater spiritual, supra-intellectual and intuitive, perhaps in the end a more than intuitive, a gnostic consciousness. He will be able to perceive a higher divine end, a divine sanction, a divine light of guidance for all he seeks to be, think, feel and do, and able, too, more and more to obey and live in ...


... the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the last that there can begin the complete transformation of mind, life and body —in my sense of completeness. Letters on Yoga, pp. 94-95 Page 171 If ...


... development of a system of living which demands imperative rule of the principles of unity, perfect mutuality and harmony. Sri Aurobindo states: "It is evident that in a life governed by the gnostic consciousness war with its spirit of antagonism and enmity, its brutality, destruction and ignorant violence, political strife with its perpetual conflict, frequent oppression, dishonesties, turpitudes, selfish ...

... single type, moulded in a single fixed pattern; for the law of the supermind is unity fulfilled in diversity, and therefore there would be an infinite diversity in the manifestation of the gnostic consciousness although that consciousness would still be one in its basis, in its constitution, in its all-revealing and all-uniting order." 2 Thus all problems of living, individual and collective ...

... is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the last that there can begin the complete transformation of mind, life and body—in my sense of completeness. But can we say that their mind and life were not transformed ...

... l level, the siddhis could mean, on the physical plane a transcendence of the law of causation, on the vital plane a cracking of the ego-shell, on the mental plane a rise into the overhead gnostic consciousness, and on the psychic plane to the realisation of Poise and Power and Peace and Ananda. Page 841 X But of course Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's distinctive Avatar-role ...


... and that of Beauty the arrest of bodily deformations. To put it all in positive terms, the four austerities must lead to the apprehension of supramental unity, the establishment of the gnostic consciousness, the identification with the Divine Will, and the liberation from "the law of material cause and effect... so that nothing is allowed to intervene in the course of one's life but the highest ...


... the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the latter that there can begin the complete transformation of mind, life and body – in my sense of completeness. You are mistaken in two respects. First, the endeavour ...


... the universe—and beyond. Take upon yourself always all the necessities of progress and dissolve them in the ecstasy of Unity. Then you will be divine. 13.11.57 ( about the gnostic supramental consciousness ) What gives the sense of a great simplicity; for ft is always when one goes down that the complications begin. One speaks a great deal about this teaching but one does not follow... The Dangers of Incontinence of Speech 1957-08-09 Every word spoken uselessly is a dangerous gossiping. Every malicious word, every slander is a degradation of the consciousness. And when this slander is expressed in a vulgar language and gross terms, then that is equivalent to a suicide—the suicide of one's soul. 9.8.57 1957-10-02 My heart aspires to ...


... universe and beyond. Take upon yourself always all the necessities of progress and dissolve them in the ecstasy of unity. Then you will be divine. 13 November 1957 (About the Gnostic supramental consciousness) What gives the sense of a great simplicity; for it is always when one goes down that the complications begin. One speaks a great deal about this teaching but one does not follow... is like a hurricane that sweeps away all established things. 7 May 1957 Every word spoken useless is a dangerous gossiping. Every malicious word, every slander is a degradation of the consciousness. And when this slander is a expressed in a vulgar language and gross terms, then that is equivalent to a suicide - the suicide of one's soul. 9 August 1957 My heart aspires to be vast enough ...

... establish this dynamism, it leading to the completest possible spiritual transformation. Until this work is done the absolute dynamism of the Absolute that comes only with the Supermind or the gnostic Truth-Consciousness, Vijnana proper, has to wait for its Avatar to arrive. To the yogic Jnaneshwari , true to the vision and work of the Gita, no hint of him is available. Page 100 ... for us by the Gita, is characteristic of the Overmind working in life here in the mortal world, mrityuloka . Overmind dynamism in the hierarchy of the Planes of Consciousness comes from the topmost plane standing above the mental consciousness in its widest sense. Which also means that the Gita itself is an utterance of the supreme transcendent being standing on the Overmind plane, Krishna as the Overmind... desires will invariably carry more and more of demerit to you. Hence this papa you should scrupulously avoid, as you would avoid taking a dose of poison. The occupation that causes degradation of consciousness, that invariably leads to misery and sorrow and suffering entangles you more and more in the network of life’s thousand evils, traps you without any hope of escape from all that is sinful,—all these ...
