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9 result/s found for Gnostic individual

... supernature. The freedom of the gnostic individual is the freedom of his spirit to fulfil dynamically the truth of his being and the power of his energies in life; but this is synonymous with an entire obedience of his nature to the truth of Self manifested in his existence and to the will of the Divine in him and all. This All-Will is one in each gnostic individual and in many gnostic individuals... supermind only could make; for the mind some abstract outlines of it are alone possible. The gnosis is the effective principle of the Spirit, a highest dynamis of the spiritual existence. The gnostic individual would be the consummation of the spiritual man; his whole way of being, thinking, living, acting would be governed by the power of a vast universal spirituality. All the trinities of the Spirit... would be to him like a perfect work of art; it would be as if Page 1007 the creation of a cosmic and spontaneous genius infallible in its working out of a multitudinous order. The gnostic individual would be in the world and of the world, but would also exceed it in his consciousness and live in his self of transcendence above it; he would be universal but free in the universe, individual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... traditional idea of the Vibhuti and the Avatar in terms of the evolutionary possibilities of man. But more directly he has worked out the idea of the "gnostic individual" in his masterpiece The Life Divine . He says : "A Supramental gnostic individual will be a Spiritual Person, but not a personality, in the sense of a pattern of being marked out by a settled combination of fixed qualities, a determined... determined character; he cannot be that since he is a conscious expression of the Universal and the Transcendent." Describing the gnostic individual he says : "we feel ourselves in the presence of a light of consciousness, a potency, a sea of energy, can distinguish and describe its free waves of action and quality, but not fix itself; and yet there is an impression of Personality the presence of ...

... beings and a new common life superior to the present individual and common existence. A collective life of this kind must obviously constitute itself on the same principle as the life of the gnostic individual. In our present human Page 1067 existence there is a physical collectivity held together by the common physical life-fact and all that arises from it, community of interests, a common... not normal to the spirit that a knowledge within us is dissatisfied and strives towards a greater harmony in our existence. This accord and concord of the whole being, which is natural to the gnostic individual, would be equally natural to a community of gnostic beings; for it would rest on a union of self with self in the light of a common and mutual self-awareness. It is true that in the total terrestrial... the Divine Reality and in Nature. The answer might, indeed, be only individual; it might result in a multiplication of spiritualised individuals or even, conceivably though not probably, a gnostic individual or individuals isolated in the unspiritualised mass of humanity. Such isolated realised beings must either withdraw into their secret divine kingdom and guard themselves in a spiritual solitude ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... appearance of a supramental or Gnostic race of beings. The supramental or Gnostic individual would be the consummation of the spiritual man. The saint, the sage, the Page 77 divine lover and the divine soldier, — these four types of the spiritual being, would be integrated in their entirety and the Gnostic individual would live and act in the world in union with the divine law of action, ...

... traditional idea of the Vibhuti and the Avatar in terms of. evolutionary possibilities of man. But more directly he has worked out the idea of the "gnostic individual" in his masterpiece The Life Divine. He says: "A Supramental gnostic individual will be a Spiritual Person, but not a 1 Essays on the Gita, p. 258. ² Ibid ³ Ibid p. 258. personality, in the sense of... marked out by a settled combination of fixed qualities, a determined character; he cannot be that since he is a conscious expres­sion of the Universal and the Transcendent." Describing the gnostic individual he says : "We feel ourselves in the presence of a light of consciousness, a potency, a sea of energy, can distinguish and describe its free waves of action and quality, but not fix itself; ...

... the traditional idea of the Vibhuti and the Avatar in terms of. evolutionary possibilities of man. But more directly he has worked out the idea of the "gnostic individual" in his masterpiece The Life Divine. He says: "A Supramental gnostic individual will be a Spiritual Person, but not a 1 Essays on the Gita, p. 258. ² Ibid ³ Ibid p. 258. Page 6 personality, in... being marked out by a settled combination of fixed qualities, a determined character; he cannot be that since he is a conscious expres­sion of the Universal and the Transcendent." Describing the gnostic individual he says : "We feel ourselves in the presence of a light of consciousness, a potency, a sea of energy, can distinguish and describe its free waves of action and quality, but not fix itself; and ...

... about the transformation of the earth-nature; a "critical mass" of such individuals too would be necessary: The inner change can begin to take shape in a collective form only if the gnostic individual finds others who have the same kind of inner life as himself and can form with them a group with its own autonomous existence or else a separate community or order of being with its own inner ...

... of the Higher and sometimes even the Highest Truth-Consciousness remains an isolated miracle of creation, a Siddha or Perfect Man in a world of imperfect beings. For, even the formation of one Gnostic Individual does not solve the problem of earth-consciousness. But Savitri has offered even this very Gnostic individuality of hers to the Supreme Lord by passing through the experience of Nirvana, the ...

... an evolution into the gnostic consciousness and nature. But there still remains the third desideratum, a new world, a change in the total life of Page 8 humanity or, at the least, a new perfected collective life in the earth-nature. This calls for the appearance not only of isolated evolved individuals acting in the unevolved mass, but of many gnostic individuals forming a new kind of... and its members. The fifth element of perfection will consist of the perfect action and enjoyment of being on the Gnostic basis. Finally, the sixth element of perfection will consist of Gnostic evolution opening up into the divine principle of ananda, so that the perfected individual will experience "all the universe as the manifestation of the One, all quality and action as the play of his universal... s'akti, virya, daivi prakrti, s'raddha. The third perfection will consist of the evolution of the mental into the Gnostic being. The fourth element of perfection will consist of the accomplishment of the Gnostic perfection in the body, and this will imply the bringing in the law of the Gnostic Purusha, vijhanamaya purusa, as also of Page 9 the anadamaya purusa (bliss-purusha), into ...