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... Negativist or Brahman (the One) by the Positivist (spiritual). But the essential experience of a cosmic and transcendental reality does not differ very much. So it is declared that there is only one goal and aim, and there are, at the most, certain broad principles, clear pathways which one has to follow if one is to move in the right direction, advance smoothly and attain infallibly: but these have been ...
... Negativist or Brahman (the One) by the Positivist (spiritual). But the essential experience of a cosmic and transcendental reality does not differ very much. So it is declared that there is only one goal and aim, and there are, at the most, certain broad principles, clear pathways which one has to follow if one is to move in the right direction, advance smoothly and attain infallibly: but these have been ...
... Negativist or Brahman (the One) by the Positivist (spiritual). But the essential experience, of a cosmic and transcendental reality, does not differ very much. So it is declared that there is only one goal and aim, and there are, at the most, certain broad principles, clear pathways which one has to follow if one is to move in the right direction, advance smoothly and attain infallibly: but these have been ...
... start on a constructive programme for the harmonization of the form and its movements. But if you hold within yourself the living ideal of beauty that is to be realized, you are sure to reach the goal you aim at. ____________________________________ Extracts from The Mother, Physical Education Bulletin of Physical Education, April 1951 Page 432 ...
... start on a constructive programme for the harmonisation of the form and its movements. But if you hold within yourself the living ideal of beauty that is to be realised, you are sure to reach the goal you aim at. Page 106 ...
... start on a constructive programme for the harmonisation of the form and its movements. But if you hold within yourself the living ideal of beauty that is to be realised, you are sure to reach the goal you aim at. Page 102 ...
... as our beloved spiritual Mother and leader we were in the ecstatic beginning of what I may call the French Evolution promising the most novel epoch in history - a stage beyond the human. And the goal aimed at - total supramentalisation - was conceived and seen as waiting for her followers as much as for herself. Nor were such conception and vision confined to the Ashram's initial period though most... it." But marriage was not from the beginning foreign to his life-style any more than it was to the Mother's. Perhaps as representative leaders of the whole of human life's activity to the spiritual goal both he and the Mother had to pass through all phases of it before founding the Integral Yoga. As regards the French "imbecile" and the English "moron", about which I made some observations... background of a supreme divine consciousness held within her body and acting upon the cells from its profundity and its altitude and its circum-ambience. Without overlooking the cells, let our primary aim be to catch something of that consciousness. Now I come to the German woman who proffered the information "that Sri Aurobindo was married away by his family as is the custom in India, but that ...
... Mother’s Agenda 1967 July 26, 1967 ( Mother, laughing, holds out to Satprem a note she has just written: ) "The goal we aim at is immortality. Of all habits, death is certainly the most inveterate!" We could call our world "the world of bad habits." There has been for some time, I don't know, a sort of benevolent ...
... education of which we have just spoken and the spiritual education of which we are about to speak now? Because the two are usually confused under the general term of "yogic discipline", although the goals they aim at are very different: for one it is a higher realisation upon earth, for the other an escape from all earthly manifestation, even from the whole universe, a return to the unmanifest. So one... personal initiative. The discovery is a personal matter and a great determination, a strong will and an untiring perseverance are indispensable to reach the goal. Each one must, so to say, trace out his own path through his own difficulties. The goal is known to some extent, for most of those who have reached it have described it more or less clearly. But the supreme value of the discovery lies in its... behaviour of anyone, unless you have the power to change in his nature what makes him act in this way; and if you have the power, change him instead of complaining. Whatever you do, never forget the goal which you have set before you. There is nothing great or small once you have set out on this great discovery; all things are equally important and can either hasten or delay its success. Thus before ...
... of which we have just spoken and the spiritual education of which we are going to speak presently? Because the two are usually . mixed up under the generic name "yogic discipline", although the goal they aim at is very different in each case: for one, it is a higher realisation upon earth, for the other, an escape from all earthly manifestation, even away from the whole universe, a return to the unmanifest... the discovery is a personal matter and a great resolution, a strong Page 123 will and an untiring perseverance are indispensable to reach the goal. Each one must, so to say, chalk out his own path through his own diSculties. The goal is known to some extent; for, most of those who have reached it have described it more or less clearly. But the supreme value of the discovery lies in its... you have the power to change in his nature what makes him act Page 125 thus; and if you have the power, change him instead of complaining. Whatever you do, never forget the goal which you have set before you. There is nothing small or big in this enterprise of a great discovery; all things are equally important and can either hasten or delay its success. Thus before you eat ...
... Law of Life Since the infinite, the absolute and transcendent, the universal, the One is the secret summit of existence and to reach the spiritual consciousness and the Divine the ultimate goal and aim of our being and therefore of the whole development of the individual and the collectivity in all its parts and all its activities, reason cannot be the last and highest guide; culture, as it is... and immediately in religion. And this seems a reasonable and at first sight a satisfying solution; for religion is that instinct, idea, activity, discipline in man which aims directly at the Divine, while all the rest seem to aim at it only indirectly and reach it with difficulty after much wandering and stumbling in the pursuit of the outward and imperfect appearances of things. To make all life religion... brings in a deeper source of divergence. For by spirituality religion seems often to mean something remote from earthly life, different from it, hostile to it. It seems to condemn the pursuit of earthly aims as a trend opposed to the turn to a spiritual life and the hopes of man on earth as an illusion or a vanity incompatible with the hope of man in heaven. The spirit then becomes something aloof which ...
... without any astonishment. It is a good exercise to put it down: All right, I am going to write a short essay on "What is... (take this, take anything at all, it doesn't matter), what is the goal life aims at?" Or else "What is the purpose of existence upon earth?" or "Why are men born in order to die?" anything at all, take things like that. I don't say take "Why did you play football today and... this don't even notice it, it does not trouble them. If you have some ideas about things—you should surely have some ideas about things, about the world, about life, about the purpose of existence, the aim of existence, the future realisation; in fact you do have many ideas—well, try this little game one day: put all these ideas before yourself, like this, and then arrange them; you will see how easy it ...
... can go much quicker than someone else who has made much effort, found his own way and is usually quite proud of himself and, in any case, has the feeling of having come to the end, reached the goal he aimed at, finally arrived—and he stops, settles down. And he does not move any more. Page 285 Naturally, at the beginning there were no children here and children were not accepted, children... fossilised. This is what usually happens to people, particularly those who have tried for some realisation and succeeded in it or those who have come to believe they have reached the goal. In any case, it was their personal goal. They have reached it, they have attained. It is done, they remain there; they settle there, they say "that's it." And they do no more any more. So, after that they may live ten... bettered." So people come and study. When one thinks he knows what he wants to learn, he goes away. It is not the same thing. And it is not the same conditions as when one comes with a definite and single aim like realising the Divine in his physical life and nothing else in the world counts for him but that. In order to choose you must at least know a little the elements to choose from. And for that you ...
... 84-86 Since the infinite, the absolute and transcendent, the universal, the One is the secret summit of existence and to reach the spiritual consciousness and the Divine the ultimate goal and aim of our being and therefore of the whole development of the individual and the collectivity in all its parts and all its activities, reason cannot be the last and highest guide; culture, as it... first aim of life. The characteristic of Life is desire and the instinct of possession. Just as the physical barbarian makes the excellence Page 272 of the body and the development of physical force, health and prowess his standard and aim, so the vitalistic or economic barbarian makes the satisfaction of wants and desires and the accumulation of possessions his standard and aim. His... in animals always imprisoned. It accepts this life as not only the first but the whole condition of its activities and serves its needs as if they were the entire aim of existence. But the bodily life in man is a base, not the aim, his first condition and not his last determinant. In the just idea of the ancients man is essentially the thinker, the Manu, the mental being who leads the life and ...
... enormous advantage to know that we are each of us moving towards this aim, overtly or secretly, consciously or unconsciously, through many zigzags and many failures, and that we shall succeed in the end. The certitude completely changes our outlook and generates confidence, strength and peace. Never forget the purpose and the goal of your life. The will for the great discovery should be always there... have just now spoken and spiritual education of which we are going to speak presently It is necessary because the two are usually mixed up under the generic name 'yogic discipline', although the goal they aim at is very different in each case: for one, it is a higher realisation upon earth, for the other, an escape from earthly manifestation, even away from the whole universe, a return to the unmanifest... is truly the first great goal of human life. Education can and should give a good start in the right direction. But the discovery is a matter of personal effort and aspiration: The great resolution, a strong will and an untiring perseverance are indispensable to reach the goal. Each one must, so to say, chalk out his own path through his own difficulties. The goal is known to some extent;-for ...
... pain, Stoicism, Epicureanism, asceticism, Vedanta, Buddhism, Monism, Mayavada, Rajayoga, Hathayoga, the Gita, the paths of knowledge, devotion and work - these are different ways to the same goal. The aim is the conquest of the body, the shaking off of the dominance of the gross, the freedom of the inner life.... The real difference between an animal and a man is this, that the animal state is... of the goal. Since the beginning of 1910, when Sri Aurobindo retired from the field of politics to Pondicherry for the working out and realisation of the next higher objective of the national renaissance, the country passed through various phases of the political movement, adopting various programmes from Cooperation and Responsive Cooperation back again to Non-Cooperation, and the goal was pitched... Vijayaraghavachari, to remind the young leader that for over twenty years the Nationalists had worked for one great all-encompassing goal - Swaraj. He reminded Gandhiji that Swaraj was the great moral issue before India, and urged that Swaraj be incorporated as both the goal of and the motivating 75. Tilak started the All-India Home Rule League, joined forces with Annie Besant, and preached Responsive ...
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