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Govinda : “who makes us attain Light or World of Light” – Sri Krishna.
... tree! Govinda, go and fetch a can of water. Bhola, cut down a nice thick bamboo and bring it, quickly! We must put a fence round it, or our cow Kali will eat up my tree." Page 540 Digambari was in a sizzling temper that morning, "A banyan tree in the middle of the courtyard! I never heard of anything so absurd in my life." Ram made as if he had not heard. Meanwhile Govinda had fetched... the courtyard, Ram?" Ram was amazed. "What will I do? Why, think what soothing shade we are going to have when the tree grows! Hah, Govinda don't point at it! And . . . and... when it grows big, I'll... well, for one thing, hang up a hammock there for Govinda. Bhola! the fence must be at least this high, or the incorrigible Kali will stretch out her neck and eat it up.... Give it to me, give me... Shyamlal, a village elder Narayani, his wife Ramlal, his younger step-brother Nrityakali (Netya), their maid Bhola, their servant Bhoga Bagdi, a fisherman Govinda, the five year old son of Shyamlal and Narayani Nilmoni Sarkar, a village doctor Digambari, Narayani's widowed mother Surodhuni, Narayani's younger sister I Randal's ...
... that killed the snake. Oh take me forth to the bank of Page 172 that lake and leave me there. There is a parrot here in this cage of mine that ever calls out his name, saying 'Govinda, Govinda'. In anger I chide it and refuse to feed it. 'O Thou' it then cries, in its highest pitch, 'O Thou who hast measured the worlds.' I tell you, my people, if ye really would avoid the top of... I am dazed at the things she is doing, my gazelle, thy child shaped god-like. 3. Knowing, she embraces red Fire, is scorched and, cries "O Deathless!" And she hugs the Wind; '"Tis my own Govinda", she tells us. She smells of the honied Tuisi, my gazelle-like child. Ah me! How many the pranks she plays for my sinful eyes to behold. 4. The rising moon she showeth, '"Tis the shining... I know not where this will end, this folly's play in my sweet one Afflicted, ay, for my sins, by Him, the Divine Magician. 6. Where tumblers dance with their pots, she runs and cries "Govinda"; At the charming notes of a flute she faints, for "Krishna, He playeth." When cowherd dames bring butter, she is sure it was tasted by Him, — So mad for the Lord who sucked out the Demoness' ...
... emperor Chandra-gupta II and his son Govinda-gupta, and we are told that Dattabhata's father Vayurakshita was the general (senādhipa) of Govinda-gupta. The date of the record places it during or immediately after the reign of Skanda-gupta and presumably Prabhakara was his governor. But it raises several interesting problems. First, as to the position of Govinda-gupta. He is also known to us from a... 'Mahādevi Śrī Dhurvāsvamini, wife of the Mahārājādhirāja Śrī Chandra-gupta, mother of the Mahārāja Śrī Govinda- 1. "The Expansion of the Gupta Empire", A New History..., p. 180. 2. Bhandarkar's List No. 7. Page 499 gupta'. It has been suggested that Govinda-gupta was the governor of Vaiśālī during his father's reign. In that case it is not very likely that he was... King Chandragupta of the Pandu-varhsīs, brother of King Tivara of Kosala who flourished c. 565-80 A.D. 2 There is a prince of the same name mentioned in the Sanjan grant as defeated by Rāshtrakuta Govinda III (c. 794-814 A.D.). 3 There is also Chandragupta, a petty ruler at Jālartdhar, 4 in the very time at present allotted to the Guptas: 320-c. 570 A.D. Everything considered, nothing obliges ...
... that killed the snake. Oh take me forth to the bank of that lake and leave me there. There is a parrot here in this cage of mine that ever calls out Page 161 his name, saying 'Govinda, Govinda'. 'In anger I chide it and refuse to feed it. "O Thou" it then cries, in its highest pitch, "O Thou who hast measured the worlds." I tell you, my people, if ye really would avoid the top of scandal... shaped god-like. * Nammalwar. Page 167 3. Knowing, she embraces red Fire, is scorched and, cries "O Death-less!" And she hugs the Wind; "Tis my own Govinda", she tells us. She smells of the honied Tulsi, my gazelle-like child. Ah me! How many the pranks she plays for my sinful eyes to behold. 4. The rising moon she showeth, "Tis the shining... 1know not where this will end, this folly's play in my sweet one Afflicted, ay, for my sins, by Him, the Divine Magician. 6. Where tumblers dance with their pots, she runs and cries "Govinda"; At the charming notes of a flute she faints, for "Krishna, He playeth." When cowherd dames bring butter, she is sure it was tasted by Him, — So mad for the Lord who sucked out the ...
... overwhelmed with love, looked smiling bashfully at one another but did not come out of the water. Restoration of the Clothes (13-28) 13. Taken aback by these shockingly jocular words of Govinda, the Gopīs who were shivering in neck-deep water pleaded: 14. "O respected one! Pray do no wrong by us. Such behaviour does not befit one who is a son of Nanda, our chief, one who is so deeply loved... Though obstructed by husbands, parents, brothers and other relatives, they could not be stopped * Adapted from Srimad Bhagavata. Page 93 as their minds had been snatched away by Govinda and were completely absorbed in him: 9. Those who were shut up in their homes and could not come out closed their eyes, with their minds absorbed in Śrī Krsna through meditation. 10-11. With all their... discipline of hearing about me, singing about me, etc., will generate genuine spiritual love in you better than by being by my side. So please go home." Śrī Śuka said: 28. Hearing these words of Govinda, contrary to their desire, the Gopīs became sorrow-stricken and extremely despondent. 29. In dead silence they stood heavy with sorrow, their faces bent down, their red berry-like lips dried by long ...
... That is, however, when you are in search of truth.... 48 (21) Govinda Das, the Bangalore scientist: NB: How did you find the Bangalore scientists? They seem to have been much moved, God knows by what! Sri Aurobindo: The supramental, I suppose! NB: One of them, the hardest nut and a "jewel" of the group, Govinda, was on the point of tears at the farewell! Just think! Sri Aurobindo:... Aurobindo: Again the supramental! The supramental is beyond all thinking. NB: Govinda, the Bangalore scientist, writes that he has written, but no reply! Asks me to enquire. What is the mystery, please? Usual timelessness or uselessness? Sri Aurobindo: What mystery? Do you imagine I am conducting a voluminous correspondence with people outside? Put that pathetic mistake out of your head. It... Force and nothing more; but in this life. Well, can the Divine give them? Sri Aurobindo: Even if he can, why the deuce should he? NB: That was precisely what I had thought of writing to Govinda Das. Now I can quote you, toning it down, of course. Sri Aurobindo: No, sir, you mustn't make it a quotation from me, but you can unload it as your own original merchandise on your unwary customer ...
... bow to Krishna, to Gopinatha and to Govinda. I bow to Krishna, to Gopinatha and to Govinda. Gopalapurvatapaniya Upanishad Krishnastuti 8 श्रीपतिपदारविन्दे भवभयखेदच्छिदे वन्दे ॥२॥ दामोदर गुणमन्दिर सुन्दरवदनारविन्द गोविन्द ॥६॥ नारायण करुणामय सिन्धो॥ śrīpatipadāravinde bhavabhayakhedacchide vande, 2 dāmodara guṇamandira sundaravadanāravinda govinda, 6 nārāyaṇa karuṇāmaya sindho. For... For deliverance from the fear of the world I worship the lotus feet of the Lord of Lakshmi, Narayana the Ocean of Grace. O Damodara, O Govinda, the temple of virtues and having a sweet face, ONarayana, the Ocean of Compassion, I take refuge in Thee. Vishnushatpadi 2, 6 वन्दे श्रीअरविन्दं वन्दे चरणारविन्दम् शरणं शरणं मीरा मम शरणम् vande śrīaravindaṁ vande caraṇāravindam śaraṇaṁ śaraṇaṁ ...
... .. Still under the influence of the "spell" I went right across the swamp without ever breaking through. Page 683 Only later was Govinda able to find an explanation for his experience, after reading the account we quoted from David-Neel. Govinda says that unwittingly he had followed the lung-gom rules, adding, "I clearly reached a condition in which the weight of the body is no more... the stones or other obstacles on the way, and one walks for hours at an unaccustomed speed, enjoying that kind of light agreeable dizziness well known to motorists at high speed. Lama Anagarika Govinda, a European by birth, experienced some thing similar to the trance of the lung-gom-pa runners when he was travelling in Tibet. He had spent a day far from camp painting and exploring, and did not... their own, avoiding invisible obstacles and finding footholds, which only a clairvoyant consciousness could have detected in the speed of such a movement and in the darkness of the night." Lama-Govinda visited a lung-gom training centre where lung-gom pas in training entered meditation cubicles, which contained the necessities of life. Once they entered, the doorway was sealed. The briefest period ...
... namaḥ.9 keśava kleśaharaṇa nārāyaṇa janārdana, govinda paramānanda māṁ samuddhara mādhava. 14 Salutations to the One Who has a Lotus on thy navel, Salutations to the Lord of Kamala (Lakshmi). Salutations to Sri Krishna the protector of the devotee, Salutations to Kesava (Krishna), Narayana, Janardana, the reliever from sorrows, Salutations to Govinda, the Supremely delightful Madhava deliver me... namaḥ praṇatapālāya śrīkṛṣṇāya namo namaḥ.9 om namo govindāya śrīaravindāya namaḥ, om namo bhagavate ṣrīaravindāya. Om. Salutations to the refuge of Devotees, Sri Krishna. Om. Salutations to Govinda Sri Aurobindo. Om. Salutations to the Divine Sri Aurobindo Gopalapurvatapaniya Upanishad Srikrishnastuti 9 देहि पदपल्लवम् dehi padapallavam Let me worship the leaves of Thy lotus feet ...
... hardworking Nambudri sect of Brahmins of Malabar and is supposed to have been born at Kaladi, on the West Coast of India. At a very early age, he went to a Vedic school, which was presided over by Govinda, who was himself a pupil of Gaudapada, the great masterly commentator of the Upanishads. Even as a very young boy, Shankara studied the Vedas with avidity and with delight. He was evidently a youthful... the passion fo r Oneness that exhausts all other passions. Page 171 Shankaracharya debates with Mandana Mishra, a leading exponent of Mimamsa philosophy I bow to Govinda, whose nature is Bliss Supreme, who is the Sadguru, 1 who can be known only from the import of all Vedanta, and who is beyond the reach of speech and mind. Let people quote the ... to the effect that Brahman is real and the universe unreal, is designated as discrimination (yiveka) between the Real and the unreal. I In this opening stanza salutation is made to God (Govinda), or to the Guru, in his absolute aspect. It may be interesting to note that the name of Shankara's Guru was Govindapada, and the sloka is ingeniously composed so as to admit of both interpretations ...
... shrine of Govindaji, saying that it was Dol Purnima day and I had to garland the Deity. As usual, I approached Govindaji with the garland of bakul. But it was no earthen image that I saw this time. Govinda opened his eyes with a gentle smile, and looked at me, exactly as Sri Aurobindo had done at Pondicherry. The resemblance was truly striking! I took two handfuls of the festive red powder and smeared... however, continue garlanding our household deity for long. My sister, the devotee of the God, gave me my release a year later, saying, "You have now got your own Govindaji, Dada!" And, truly, Govinda had become mine definitely. There is no doubt about it. The beautiful face of the blue boy of Brindaban, with Page 161 his bewitching smile, is ever present in my... have already recounted how I smeared Govindaji's image with the festive red powder in Calcutta. Subsequently, I was, once, seized with a keen desire to put some red Abir 229 on the feet of my living Govinda. How could it be done? We discussed the question again and again at home. At last, when the day of the festival arrived, my wife solved the problem by going straight up to the Mother and laying our ...
... I remembered in a flash that memorable day when my sister Mira and I had spent twelve hours at a stretch from morning till evening in the temple repeating continuously one refrain "Radhe Govinda, Radhe Govinda". Mira was twelve and I was nine at that time; on the previous day a saint had given a discourse on the divine love of Radha and exhorted us to repeat that mantra in order to open the doors ...
... be followed in Yoga: "As in Science, so here you have to accumulate experience on experience, following faithfully the methods laid down by the Guru or by the systems of the past...." 25 As Lama Govinda states: "Without the presence of a tradition, in which the experiences and knowledge of former generations are formulated (philosophy), every individual would be compelled to master the entire domain... , p. 321. 21. Ibid., p. 322. 22. Ibid., p. 340. 23. Ibid., p. 300. 24. Ibid., p. 337. 25. Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, SABCL Vol. 22, pp. 190-91. 26. Lama Govinda, "The Two Types of Psychology" in Robert E. Ornstein (Ed.). The Nature of Human Consciousness. p. 236. 27. Charles T. Tart, "Preliminary Notes on the Nature of Psi Processes" in ibid., p ...
... grows a universe of beauty, crowned With diamond fruits of everlasting ecstasy." O.K.? No; rhythm awkward. I think I should object to a crown of fruits (apples? oranges? jack-fruit?). Govinda, the Bangalore scientist [19.8 .38] writes that he has written to the Mother, but no reply! Asks me to enquire. What is the mystery, please? Usual timelessness or uselessness? What mystery? Do... and nothing more; but in this life. Well, can the Divine give them? Even if he can, why the deuce should he? September 6, 1938 That was precisely what I had thought of writing to Govinda Das. Now I can quote you, toning it down, of course. No, sir, you mustn't make it a quotation from me, but you can unload it as your own original merchandise on your unwary customer. Dilipda ...
... practised in Bengal from Chaitanya's times. Bhakti of the Tagorean kind foregrounds Beauty and the aesthetic, and does have a link with texts as ancient as the Narada Bhakti Sutras, or Jayadeva's Gita Govinda . It celebrates the body and the world and takes delight in the plenitude and variety of nature. Bhakti itself is a democratising tendency and clearly broke through caste and ritualistic taboos. The ...
... of gratitude to those from whom we have received in abundant measure help, support, love and contribution through concrete inputs, we must mention, as well as Sri Satprem, most importantly, Dr. Govinda Gopal Mukhopadhyay, who was the main initiating spirit behind this project. It is a matter of great regret that he is no more. He left his body on the 26 th of March, 2009, before he could see ...
... a high-pitch of feeling perfectly intelligible to anyone who had passed through the exaltation of the Swadeshi days, but not more high pitched than certain things in Milton, Shelley, Swinburne. In Govinda Das's lines,—let us translate them into English— Am I merely thine ? 0 Love, I am there clinging In every limb of thine—there ever in my creation and my dissolution, the ...
... 48, 368 'Gonghri, 172 Gopachandra, 557 Gopal, Ram, 249 Gopalachari, Dr., 572 Goparāja, 511, 512, 600 Gordon, D. H., iv Gothābhaya, 33 Govardhana, see Nāsik Govinda-gupta, 495, 499-500 Govindapāla records, 24 Govishānaka, 176 Goyal, S. R., 586, 588, 589 Graichoi, 257 Gray, J., 328, 352 Greek Calendar, 101 Greeks, interest in India, 592-3 ...
... Let us state the argument of Arjuna: "I do not see any Page 8 good by slaying my own people in the fight. O Krishna! I do not long for victory, nor kingdom, nor pleasures. O Govinda ! Of what use is kingdom to us, or enjoyments, or even life? Those for whose sake we desire to gain kingdom, enjoyments and pleasures, they are arrayed in battle, not caring for their lives and ...
... Select Bibliography Balasubramanian, R. (ed.), The Enworlded Subjectivity: Its Three Worlds and Beyond, PHISPC, Centre For Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi, 2006 Ballentine, J.R., and Govinda Shastri Dev (Trs.), Patanjali's Yoga Sutra with Bhoja's Rāja Mārtanda, Indological Book House, 1971, Delhi, Varanasi, V Edition. Bedekar, V.M. and Palsule, G.B. (translations), Sixty Upanishads ...
... clasped hands the tremendous vision. 55 It would be an understatement to say that Arjuna is overwhelmed; what happens to him is something more elemental. As Krishnaprem puts it in a letter to Govinda Gopal: Why did it terrify Arjuna? Because the visvarupa is death to the ego and all fear of death. The ego is false and all that is false must die in the fire of Truth. 56 * ...
... During the rest of his life of roughly nine years, he not only translated Shakuntala (1789), but also Hitopadesa (1786), Institutes of Hindu Law or the Ordinances of Manu (1794), and Gita Govinda (1799). He also wrote nine odes to Indian gods and goddesses, the first example of the use of the English language for purely Indian themes. Jones's enthusiasm for things Indian was not qualified ...
... 61, 143, 159 of the Higher Mind, 143-46 integral, 2, 197 and thought, 147 Kuhn, Thomas S., 316 Lajoie, Denise H., 390 Page 422 Lama Govinda, 321 Lamprecht, Karl G., 250 Lao Tse, 376 Laya (laya), 227, 367, 373, 380 Liberation, 367, 383-84, 394 and transformation, 167-69, 394 See also Moksha; Mukti ...
... Odissi. Our gods Krishna or Devi or Ganesh or our legends about the mainland history are not known to them. The music sounds more like Chinese to our ears. Even if they would be singing the Gita Govinda in Sanskrit I might not understand. Q: What about attempts to synthesize Western and Indian dance? S: The way Western terms such as experimentation and innovation are used does not apply ...
... Arjuna's argument Let us state the argument of Arjuna: "I do not see any good by slaying my own people in the fight. O Krishna! I do not long for victory, nor kingdom, nor pleasures. O Govinda! Of what use is kingdom to us, or enjoyments, or even life? Those for whose sake we desire to gain kingdom, enjoyments and pleasures, they are arrayed in battle, not caring for their lives and riches ...
... And how did you find the Bangalore scientists? They seem to have been much moved, God knows by what! The supramental, I suppose! One of them, the hardest nut and a "jewel" of the group, Govinda, was on the point of tears at the farewell! Just think! Again the supramental! The supramental is beyond all thinking. August 19, 1938 Please have some divine compassion and give me ...
... ILIAD, 22 India , 10-12, 24-5, 57, 112, 189, 254 Indra, 134, 138, 144,203,272 JALANDHRIPADA, 280 Janaka, 49, 51 Jayadeva, 149 –Gita Govinda, 147 Jayanandi, 286 Joshi, Yogishananda Nath Nilkantha Sharma, 155 KALI, 265 Kalki, 149 Kamali, 260 Kanhu, 260-1, 263-5, 269-70; 274,280, ...
... aspiration, united your hearts, common to you be your mind, – so that close companionship may be yours. [4] VICTORY TO THE WORLD MASTER (THE TEN AVATARAS OF GITA GOVINDA) In the waters of the Great Deluge, serving as a boat untroubled you upbear the Book of Knowledge. Lo, the Lord has assumed the body of a Fish. Victory ...
... Moghul or Briton, but from a small privileged class. On the other hand, the strength and success of the Marathas and Sikhs in the eighteenth century was due to the policy of Shivaji and Guru Govinda which called the whole nation into the fighting line. 27 When that cohesion or that discipline failed, the Mahratta and the Sikh power also dissipated itself. Then alien rule could thrive ...
... anything from her and spoke about the failure of his mission to gods. Radhika listened silently to his tale. Then she asked, "Is it absolutely certain, O Debarshi, that foot-dust will cure Govinda's headache?" "Yes, Radha, that is certain," Narada assured her. "But if you give it you will have to sojourn in hell for eternity." "Well, I am ready," replied the Milk-Maid. "What does it ...
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