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Graces : three daughters of Zeus & Eurynome: Euphrosyne (Joyfulness), Aglaia (Brightness), & Thalia (Bloom). They were personifications of beauty & charm.

51 result/s found for Graces

... tomorrow; I have grown vacant and mighty, naked and wide as the azure. Will you now plant in this blast, on this snow your roses of pleasure? Once was a dwelling here that was made for the dance of the Graces, But I have hewn down its gardens and ravaged its delicate places, Driven the revellers out from their pleasaunce to wander unfriended, Flung down the walls and over the debris written 'tis ended... we sounded here. Everything leaves us or fails in the spending; Strength has its weakness, knowledge its night and joy has its ending. Is it not thou who shalt rescue us, freeing the Titans, the Graces? Hast thou not hidden thyself with the mask of a million faces? Nay, from thyself thou art hidden; thy secret intention thou shunnest And from the joy thou hast willed like an antelope fleest and... Artemis calls as she flees through the glades and the breezes pursue her, Cypris laughs in her isles where the Ocean-winds linger to woo her. Thou shalt behold in glades forgotten the dance of the Graces, Night shall be haunted for ever with strange and delicate faces. Lo, all these peoples and who was it fashioned them? Who is unwilling Still to have done with it? laughs beyond pain and saves in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... In a general and absolute way, difficulties are always graces. And due to... (How can I put it?) human weaknesses they fail to be helpful. Difficulties are always graces. I have been on earth for quite a while this time and always—always, always, always, without a single exception—I have seen in the end that difficulties are nothing but graces. I can neither feel nor see things otherwise because it ...

... In a general and absolute way, difficulties are always graces. And due to... (How can I put it?) human weaknesses they fail to be helpful. Difficulties are always graces. I have been on earth for quite a while this time and always—always, always, always, without a single exception—I have seen in the end that difficulties are nothing but graces. I can neither feel nor see things otherwise because it ...

... a general and absolute way, difficulties are ALWAYS graces. And due to.. . (how can I put it?) human weakness they fail to be helpful. Difficulties are ALWAYS graces. I have been on earth for quite a while this time and always - always, always, always, without a single exception - I have seen in the end that difficulties are nothing but graces. I can ' n e it h e r feel nor see things otherwise ...

... In a general and absolute way, difficulties are ALWAYS graces. And due to... (how can I put it?) human weakness they fail to be helpful. Difficulties are ALWAYS graces. I have been on earth for quite a while this time and always—always, always, always, without a single exception—I have seen in the end that difficulties are nothing but graces. I can neither feel nor see things otherwise because it ...


... if one has the slightest capacity, it spontaneously develops there, in the same way that a spiritual aspiration develops very strongly and spontaneously as soon as one lands in India. These are Graces. Graces, because it is the destiny of the country, it has been so throughout its history, and because India has always been turned much more towards the heights and the inner depths than towards the outer ...


... so that it will become different. And as long as we aren't conscious of it, it will never change. Therefore one must rejoice when one is conscious, that's all. All discoveries are always graces—wonderful graces. When you discover that you can't do anything, when you discover that you are a fool, when you discover that you have no capacity, when you discover that you are so petty and mean and stupid ...


... Its ringing sweetness filters through the depths of my being, And it awakens crystal listenings that mirror and capture The mother-harmony of immemorial spheres, Thy rhythm divine that graces and moulds my life. My hands have touched the roses of thy feet - The very soul of fragrance has passed into the substance Of my transmuted earth. . . . .. This body has grown sheer into... IN the wide, wide sapphire stillness of my heart's heaven in trance, the diamond tips of other-world raptures peep out and twinkle and beacon - Oh, the radiant sisterhood of the benign Graces who distil upon my earth the Lord's love-laden smile. Is it a gloom that invades? a frown that menaces? But these hosts of the Enemy hurl themselves in vain Page 326 against ...

... Its ringing sweetness filters through the depths of my being, And it awakens crystal listenings that mirror and capture The mother-harmony of immemorial spheres, Thy rhythm divine that graces and moulds my life. My hands have touched the roses of thy feet - The very soul of fragrance has passed into the substance Of my transmuted earth. . . . .. This body has grown sheer into... IN the wide, wide sapphire stillness of my heart's heaven in trance, the diamond tips of other-world raptures peep out and twinkle and beacon - Oh, the radiant sisterhood of the benign Graces who distil upon my earth the Lord's love-laden smile. Is it a gloom that invades? a frown that menaces? But these hosts of the Enemy hurl themselves in vain against the blazing ...


... Urvasie & Pururavus are true to this psychological principle. She herself is mere beauty and charm sufficient to itself and commanding delight and worship because she is herself, not because of any graces of expression, imagination or intellectual profundity. But the mind of Pururavus receiving her pure and perfect image steeps her in its own fire and colour, surrounding her with a halo of pomp and ...


... Marpessa; Glorifying earth with a human-seeming face of the beauty Brought from her heavenly climes Aphrodite mixed with Anchises. Glimpsed in the wilds were the Satyrs, seen in the woodlands the Graces, Dryad and Naiad in river and forest, Oreads haunting Page 445 Glens and the mountain-glades where they played with the manes of our lions Glimmered on death-claimed eyes; for the gods ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Artemis calls as she flees through the glades and the breezes pursue her; Cypris laughs in her isles where the ocean-winds linger to woo her. Here thou shalt meet amid beauty forgotten the dance of the Graces; Night shall be haunted for ever with strange and delicate faces. Music is here of the fife and the flute and the lyre and the timbal, Wind in the forests, bees in the grove,—spring's ardent cymbal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... All, all are for Antiochus, the crown, And Syria and men's homage, women's hearts And life and sweetness and my love. PHAYLLUS Young prince, Be more a man. Besiege the girl with gifts And graces; woo her like a queen or force her Like what she is, a slave. Be strong, be sudden, Forestalling this proud brother. TIMOCLES I would not wrong her pure and shrouded soul Though all the gods ...


... humanity—you have perhaps heard this more here in India than people in other countries—those stories in which there was an intervention from above, there was one of those chances, one of those miraculous Graces. And so, if one reads that when one is small, one says, "Oh, how I should like to have lived at that time!"—I don't know if you have had this experience... I knew people who had it. And then ...


... je suis - Rome is no more in Rome, it stands wherever I am - (K.D.S.) or, in the opposite vein, Je rends graces aux Dieux de n'etre pas Romain, Pour conserver encore quelque chose d'humain. I give my thanks unto the Gods that I am no Roman But ...


... further funds as their share of the Congress expenditure. If Mr. Tilak is not elected, it does not matter to us, in the absence of Lala Lajpat Rai, whether Dr. Rash Behari Ghose or any other figurehead graces the Presidential seat, and this need not be a cause of further quarrel. On the basis of Dr. Ghose's election and the status quo in other respects a compromise ought not to be impossible, and at the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... "mermaid" with no more than a line and a half between, remarks on "mermaids": "I strongly suspect Shakespeare wrote either 'sea-queens' or rather 'sea-brides'". Alternatively he suggests "submarine graces". Well, I for one strongly suspect that Coleridge's judgment, when he wrote this, was a little misted by his unfortunate addiction to laudanum. The repetition aids the atmosphere, renders the picture ...


... mind must be added—the slightest intellectual activity spoils everything. And then look at it all with a crystalline smile. ( silence ) He has been put in contact with a dangerous Grace—some graces are dangerous—I knew it from the start. We'll see.... It can all depend on a single... a single flash of light: if something can go like that, pierce the crust, then it will be all right. He will become ...


... certainly have a genuine poet breaking through your young, slightly rebellious days and I see the magic and the mystery floating even across the semi-serious charm of the face in the photo of "The Three Graces", as I would call it, which I have received: your wonderful mother with a daughter standing on either side.   (10.9.1986) Page 206 ...


... have all kinds of things to show you... because I have been made to say some things—I am always made to say things! ( Mother gives Satprem a hibiscus flower called "Grace" ) It's the season for graces. Do you know this text from Sri Aurobindo? ( Mother holds out a note ) "...The fight in which we are engaged is not like the wars of old in which when the King or leader fell, the army fled ...


... "mermaid" with no more than a line and a half between, remarks on "mermaids": "I strongly suspect Shakespeare wrote either 'sea-queens' or rather 'sea-brides' ". Alternatively he suggests "submarine graces". Well, I for one strongly suspect that Coleridge's judgment, when he wrote this, was a little misted by his unfortunate addiction to laudanum. The repetition aids the atmosphere, renders the picture ...


... believes in no reason, Who takes wings, dares the unmindful flight In a sky above mediocrity of the season. But strange, she demands his surrender! For only would then she gift her graces, The grace of calm and the grace of song That need bear no authorial traces. Page 9 I have become one with the great art And from regions of peace have come to me Sculpted ...


... Glorifying earth with a human-seeming face of the beauty Brought from her heavenly climes Aphrodite mixed with Anchises. Glimpsed in the wilds were the Satyrs, seen in the woodlands the Graces, Dryad and Naiad in river and forest, Oreads haunting Glens and the mountain-glades where they played with the manes of our lions Glimmered on death-claimed eyes; for the gods then were ...


... smiles, no more shall we sit in the jolly sunshine throughout the day and watch his incomparable art till the evening shadows fall across the grass and send us home content. The actor with the many graces leaves the stage and becomes only a memory in a ' world of happy memories. And so 'hats off to the Jam Sahib — the prince of a little State, but the king of a great game.... I think it is undeniable ...

... mathematics, the numerous physical, natural and human sciences, and engineering also, offer means of training the mind at least as complete and effective as the grammatical subtleties and literary graces of the classical languages. If we add to these reasons growing need for scientists and technicians, the gradual abandonment of the humanities will be easy to understand, The ...

... triple eyes of bliss, bent with 'the weight of the full breasts, She is the supreme charm of Love. She is Shiva's Consort. She shines like a Bandhuka-flower, may She manifest in my heart. She graces all quarters of the sky with her wide eye-lotuses, her lotus-feet are swept by the crests on the crowns of Gods, as they humbly bow down to her; she is heavy with her rounded breasts. She bears a newly ...

... Future and the key to its realisation - Mirra the pilgrim in Pondicherry enacting the ātmasamarpana of "Radha's Prayer" - Mirra in wartime France and among Japan's lights and silences and humane graces - and after her second coming to Pondicherry, Mirra the Mother in the role of Aditi, perfect in her ministry and the builder of Karmayogins - this multi-faceted Mirra was at once the Transcendent Infinite ...


... the Dhammapada, the Upanishads, the Yogasutras; she found a master of spiritual illumination in Pondicherry. And now, in Japan, she sought the clues to an orderly and artistic way of life, the graces of the 'realm between' linking the ascetics' bare heavens and the materialists' sickening excesses. Mirra was still thinking of her future "typic society", how it should be constituted, what ...


... received are ineffaceable. In his austere self-restraint and economy of power he is indifferent to ornament for its own sake, to the pleasures of poetry as distinguished from its ardours, to little graces & self-indulgences of style; the substance counts for everything & the form has to limit itself to its proper work of expressing with precision & power the substance. Even his most romantic pieces ...


... Lovelier girl than sees the stream Naked, Naiad of a dream, Whiter Dryad than men see Dancing round the lone oak-tree, Flower and most enchanting birth Of ten ages of the earth! The Graces in thy body move And in thy lips the ruby hue of Love. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Song O lady Venus, shine on me, O rose-crowned goddess from thy seas Radiant among the Cyclades! Rose-crowned, puissant like the sea. And bring thy Graces three, The swift companions of thy mirthful mind. Bring thy sweet rogue with thee, Thy careless archer, beautiful and blind. A woman's royal heart Bid him to wound and bind her who is free; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... aspect, if we amplify Matthew Arnold's phrase:—an aristocracy no longer possessed of the imposing nobility of mind, the proud sense of honour, the striking pre-eminence of faculty, which are the saving graces—nay, which are the very life-breath of an aristocracy; debased moreover by the pursuit, through concession to all that is gross and ignoble in the English mind, of gross and ignoble ends:—a middle ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... him? Bad coins are never lost. AMEENA Fie, Doonya! bad? He is not bad, but wild, a trifle wild; And the one little fault's like a stray curl Among his clustering golden qualities, That graces more than it disfigures him. Bad coin! Oh, Doonya, even the purest gold Has some alloy, so do not call him bad. DOONYA Sweet, silly mother! why, I called him that Just to hear you defend ...


... first. Doers were never talkers, Prithuraj. PRITHURAJ Oh, that's a narrow maxim. Noble speech Is a high prelude fit for noble deeds; It is the lion's roar before he leaps. Proud eloquence graces the puissant arm And from the hall of council to the field Was with the great and iron men of old Page 923 Their natural stepping. ISHANY You only roar as yet. I beat you with ...


... . Circa 1900–1901. Euphrosyne . Circa 1900–1901. The Greek word euphrosunē means "cheerfulness, mirth, merriment". In Greek mythology, Euphrosyne was one of the three Graces. A Thing Seen. Circa 1900– 1901. Epitaph . Circa 1900–1901. To the Modern Priam . Circa 1900– 1901. Song . Circa 1900–1901. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... clinking coin, The thin flute-music of your flatteries. You shall have favours if you pay for them. MELANDER His lips should dribble honey, who'd make out The style and inventory of your graces. His voice should be the fifing of mild winds To happy song of bees in rose-red June, His every word a crimson-tasselled rose, His lightest phrase a strip of cedar-wood, Each clause a nutmeg-peppered ...


... tropical vegetation of incident and character, his teeming imaginations violent, exaggerated, sometimes bizarre, monstrous, without symmetry, proportion and all the other lucid unities, lightnesses, graces loved by the classic mind. That mind might say of his work in language like Mr. Archer's that here there is indeed a Titanic genius, a mass of power, but of unity, clarity, classic nobility no trace ...


... attractive could be in a certain degree a means of self-finding and ordered self-satisfaction. In addition to this special function and training there were the general accomplishments, sciences, arts, graces of life, those which satisfy the intellectual, aesthetic and hedonistic powers of human nature. These in ancient India were many and various, were taught with minuteness, thoroughness and subtlety ...


... gift of bounteous Heaven! Grew the child in brighter beauty like a goddess from above, And each passing season added fresher sweetness, deeper love. Came with youth its lovelier graces, as the buds their leaves unfold, Slender waist and rounded bosom, image as of burnished gold. Deva-Kanya\ born a goddess, so they said in all the land, Princely suitors struck ...

... s of being, a certain happy poise, some actualised neighbouring of the Ideal - but it is a sort of natural neighbouring and is thus not quite aware of the rigours as distinguished from the graces of art, while it is bathed more than Rolland's edged heroism in sweetness and light. Tagore was a finer artist and his inner self too had a finer fulfilment - though Rolland strikes us as having ...


... interpret a book of obscure Christian theology, I am not at liberty to interpret freely the constantly recurring word grace sometimes as the influx of the divine favour, sometimes as one of the three Graces, sometimes as charm of beauty, sometimes as grace marks in an examination, sometimes as the name of a girl. If in one it evidently bears this or that sense and can have no other, if it has no reference ...


... received are ineffaceable. In his austere self-restraint and economy of power he is indifferent to ornament for its own sake, to the pleasures of poetry as distinguished from its ardours, to little graces and self-indulgences of style; the substance counts for everything & the form has to limit itself to the proper work of expressing with precision & power the substance. Even his most romantic pieces ...

... exquisiteness of being, a certain happy poise, some actualised neighbouring of the Ideal - but it is a sort of natural neighbouring and is thus not quite aware of the rigours as distinguished from the graces of art, while it is bathed more than Page 175 Rolland's edged heroism in sweetness and light. Tagore was a finer artist and his inner self too had a' finer fulfilment - though Rolland ...

... nurtured by the rich cultural atmosphere of Athens. Born in 469 BC in Athens, he followed Page 16 the trade of his father, a sculptor. It is said that the statues of Hermes and the three Graces, which stood at the entrance to the Acropolis had been carved by him. His mother was a midwife. He believed in training the body to keep fit and he is said to have usually been in good physical ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... is engulfed in it and sacrificed. Page 186 good, the beautiful. He has been initiated into the divine – daiva – nature. Culture, refinement, sensibility, understanding – all the graces of a truly rational being make Hamlet the very flower of an evolving humanity. Over against the personality of Hamlet stands another which represents false height, the wrong perfection, the ...

... Johnson is said to have said but didn't say, or didn't say first." 52 But puns need not be as bad as that. Handled by a veritable artist of humour a pun may exhibit different kinds of saving graces. The first of these is ingenuity. The combination of words may be so ingeniously made that the very ingenuity evokes in us a sense of pure mirth. Here is an example often quoted in defence of a genuine ...

... known as Rishi Rajnarayan. Swarnalata, Sri Aurobindo's mother, was also unusually gifted. Rajnarayan had seen to it that she was well educated. She used to write poems, was endowed with the social graces and was very beautiful — her husband's Indian and English friends at Rangpur used to call her 'The Rose of Rangpur'. But unfortunately her life was blighted in later years by mental illness, a tragedy ...


... taste, a sense of humour, enjoys good food and tea. When invited by generous ladies, he is ready to taste rasagullas and pantuas 3 made by them. He enjoys good company, likes sweet faces, sudden graces. He has a bit of a poet in him, lifts his eyes to the stars at night and, saying Amen, goes to bed. You see now that he's like any one of you. 4 "Then why bother us with such a story?" you ...


... Then Nature said, 'A lovelier flower       On earth was never sown;       This Child I to myself will take....'    The occult powers behind the phenomena of Nature lend Savitri their graces and their strengths, as Nature moulds Lucy; but Savitri draws to herself other powers too, from the home and base of all:         An invisible sunlight ran within her veins       And flooded ...


... charge with his power and presence the thoughts of his worshippers.         It is Savitri who makes the human body the home of the affiliated deities—Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga—who signify graces and powers and functions of their own. Varuna is the power of the indefinable Infinite, from which is derived everything else; less distinct than the other gods because he is the manifestation of ...


... something like that behind for us. And I knew it had been done intentionally. For a minute I thought, "Well, there's... well, that's something." That's all. But otherwise there weren't too many graces. Towarnicki: And of course, it's only much later that you were able to understand the meaning of that force? On that occasion I began to touch a certain way of breathing. I mean, when ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart