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Grand Trunk Road : constructed (1540-45) by Sher Shah extending about 3000 miles from Sonārgaon in eastern Bengal to Sindhu; the Moghul viceroy of Bengal extended it to Chittagong in 1666. It still connects Calcutta to Amritsar.
... The Mother with Letters on the Mother No Grand Trunk Road I have heard that X has come down to this sorrowful world of ours from one of those rarefied invisible worlds; for one like him, everything becomes a Grand Trunk Road. Nobody has found this Yoga a Grand Trunk Road, neither X nor Y nor even myself or the Mother. All such ideas are a romantic ...
... don't know. It only proves that he was a good "adhar' If one comes down from the higher planes, as I understand K has done for your work, everything becomes a Grand Trunk Road for him. Nobody has found this Yoga, a Grand Trunk Road, neither A.B. nor K nor even myself or the Mother. All such ideas are a romantic illusion. I don't know what the Musulman lady exactly saw. From what you say ...
... discourage me with a dread of the work. You say this is because I am an "efforter" and a "bower". All very well, Sir, but have you shown me the Grand Trunk Road of non-effort—not to speak of leading the way? There are two ways of arriving at the Grand Trunk Road. One is to climb and struggle and effortise, (like the pilgrim who traverses India prostrating and measuring the way with his body,—that's ...
... with a dread of the work. You say this is because I am an "efforter" and a "hower". All very well. Sir, but have you shown me the Grand Trunk Road of non-effort - not to speak of leading the way? Sri Aurobindo: There are two ways of arriving at the Grand Trunk Road. One is to climb and struggle and effortise, (like the pilgrim who traverses India prostrating and measuring the way with his body ...
... may easily vary. There are two eternal paths: the path of Light and the path of Darkness, as the Gita says. One and only one is the path of Light' but the descriptions may vary infinitely. The Grand Trunk Road is one only, though one may go along it on a push bike or a motor bike. The difference in speed may inspire a different description, but the road is the same and even then the extra horse-power ...
... Lord! Then I am off the list of the candidates — for I have neither the heart of a lion nor the vital of a Napoleon. N: You may say that when the psychic comes to the front, the path becomes a Grand Trunk Road of Roses. But it may take years and years! SRI AUROBINDO: Does not matter how long it takes — it crops up one day or another. N: And who knows one may not simply pine away in the dry desert ...
... Bomb case. But Sarat Maharaj gave me finally to understand that he could not accept me as an inmate. So I had to leave. Now, what was I to do next? I decided to start off straight along the Grand Trunk Road, the road of the Mughals, which they say would take one as far as Agra and Delhi. So, on to the march now, never to return. I could very well repeat the words of the poet, Page 385 ...
... And then I too joined my screaming friends: “Me, Chandrakant-babu.” The man blurted out: “Catch these girls, catch them!” But we darted off in a wink. Running away on Sher Shah’s Grand Trunk Road laughing breathlessly as we arrived at school! Let me recount one more amusing incident. The guard of the Treasury house next to the Patience trees would click his feet together as soon as ...
... Seekers in the past had made many an invasion of the Invisible, many an assault on Reality, and had experimented with divers beliefs and ways of living and divers techniques of self-realisation. The grand trunk road of human history was marked with the hooves of materialism, atheism, pantheism, theism, idealism, transcendentalism, pragmatism, hedonism, nihilism, and the atmosphere still reverberated with ...
... Mother had her own sadhana too, which was part of her total ministry for Earth and Man. She had first to will and achieve the desired transformation in herself, and then make it an example — a Grand Trunk Road almost — for others to follow. Would union with the Divine Consciousness lead at once to Transformation? Answering this question on 21 April 1954, the Mother says that it was not all that easy ...
... 479, 518, 547, 606, 689, 706, 721, 738, 758, 770-1 individual and collective movement 367-8 atmosphere 374, 434-5 condensation of force 373 at Darshan time 628-9 Yoga not a Grand Trunk road 382 no escapist retreat 394 threat of closure due to wrong attitude of sadhaks 414 coming of children 432ff Harpagon Workshop 443 Golconde 279, 436, 443-4, 497 Press 461 Journals ...
... period. Mookerji 3 writes: "We may note the interesting reference made by the Greek writers to the royal road leading from the north-west frontier to Pātaliputra, the precursor of the modern Grand Trunk Road, with a length of 10,000 stades - about 1,150 miles. Megasthenes must have travelled down this road in joining his duties at Pātaliputra as ambassador. 'Every mile of this road was marked by ...
... Against this backdrop of Indian unease, tales of old prophecies began to circulate. There was talk of chappattis being secretly passed from regiment to regiment on the stations of the Grand Trunk Road, which led from Calcutta to Peshawar. People whispered of the old prophecy which stated that 100 years after the battle of Plassey, the rule of John Company would end. The battle of Plassey had ...
... Good Lord! Then I am off the list of the candidates—for I have neither the heart of a lion nor the vital of Napoleon. You may say that when the psychic comes to the front, the path becomes a grand Trunk Road of Roses. But it may take years and years! Does not matter how long it takes—it crops up one day or another. And who knows one may not simply pine away in the dry, desert before that? ...
... according to Sri Aurobindo, is to reach a state devoid of any personal effort, to step aside as completely as one can and simply let the current pass through. There are two ways of arriving at the Grand Trunk Road. One is to climb and struggle and effortise (like the pilgrim who traverses India prostrating and measuring the way with his body: that is the way of effort). One day you suddenly find yourself ...
... 595ff; the climactic moment of darsan, 596; letters from and to disciples , 597ff; letters on Yoga, 598ff; how to read the letters, 597-99; general guidance, 599; Guru-Sishya exchanges, 599-600; Grand Trunk Road 600; food and sleep, 600-02; samadhi and waking realisation, 602; hostile forces, 603; their role, 603; soul within and Grace above, 603; pro-Hitler sympathies of sadhaks, 702-3; C. R. Reddy on ...
... engineering at Bangalore then. Everyone was quite astounded by Dada's story. Someone remarked: 'Dada, I heard a similar story a long time ago. A man and his wife were driving along the Grand Trunk road at night. The car was going quite fast. On either side there was jungle and some open spaces. It was probably a night of the new moon and so it was pitch dark all around. From time to time a lorry ...
... it, if the Mother could do it, so should others be able to do it in course of time. Gradually and ultimately it would be a human power, a widely shared human faculty. The Yoga was indeed no Grand Trunk Road, Sri Aurobindo wrote in August 1935; there wasn't going to be an immediate mass-march of humanity to supermanhood. A lot of spadework had to be done still, and Sri Aurobindo was busy clearing ...
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