Gupta, Mahendranath : (1854-1932) a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna better known as “M” & next only to Swami Vivekananda. He recorded in Bengali The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, first published in the 5-volume $Sri Sri Rama
... movement in 1916 and was also elected the President of the Congress. 48 . Dr. Satyavrata Sen, son of Nolini and Ila Sen, started the Tresor Nursing Home in the Ashram. 49 . Mahendranath Gupta. 50 . Surendranath Jauhar (1903-1986), a freedom fighter and industrialist who founded the New Delhi branch of Sri Aurobindo Ashram and the Mother’s International School. ... He was a sadhak of the Ashram associated with the publication of Sri Aurobindo Centenary Volumes and also the Founder-Director of Sri Aurobindo Ashram Archives. 25 . Manju Gupta, wife of Asit Ranjan Gupta, was a well-known singer. 26 . R.K. Venkataraman Iyer, a sadhak and writer in Tamil who translated some of Sri Aurobindo’s books, a good musician: he was assistant editor of ...
... Psychology of Indian Nationalism (1968) Singh, Karan. Prophet of Indian Nationalism (1967) Singh, Thakur Jaideva. Philosophy of Evolution: Western and Indian (1970) Sircar, Mahendranath. Eastern Lights (1935) Sitaramayya, Pattabhi. The History of the Indian National Congress (1946) Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir (Calcutta). Loving Homage (1958) Sri Aurobindo Ashram... British Image in India (1969) Gupta, Nolini Kanta & Amrita. Reminiscences (1969) Gupta, Nolini Kanta. Collected Works, Volume I (1970); Collected Works, Volume II (1971); Collected Works, Volume III (1972); Sri Aurobindo and his Ashram (1948); Seer Poets (1970); The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, 1 1 Parts; Towards a New Society (1947) Gupta, Rameshwar. Eternity in Words: Sri... Amrita. Visions and Voices (1929) Arjava. Poems (1939) Chinmoy. Chandelier (1951); The Infinite: Sri Aurobindo (1956) Gokak, V.K. In Life's Temple (1965) Gupta, Nolini Kanta. To the Heights (1944) Mukherjee, Prithwindra. A Rose Bud's Song (1959) Nahar, Prithwi Singh. The Winds of Silence (1954) Nirodbaran. Sun-Blossoms (1947) ...
... Dilip Kumar Roy's spiritual quest started in this house. 1908-1909 Nirmalendu Lahiri, his cousin and devout follower of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, took him to Sri 'M' (Sri Mahendranath Gupta), who had kept a day-to-day record of Sri Ramakrishna's sayings, later published as Ramakrishna Kath-amrita in Bengali (translated into English as The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, 1922). Dilip ...
... more many-sided and fortunately there can be no doubt about the authenticity of details of his talk and actions since they have been recorded from day to day by so competent an observer as Mahendranath Gupta. 49 I would not care to enter into any comparison as between these two great spiritual personalities; both exercised an extraordinary influence and did something supreme in their own sphere ...
... more many-sided and fortunately there can be no doubt about the authenticity of the details of his talk and actions since they have been recorded from day to day by so competent an observer as Mahendranath Gupta. I would not care to enter into any comparison as between these two great spiritual personalities; both exercised an extraordinary influence and did something supreme in their own sphere. ...
... dialogue with the British ruling class — a dialogue conducted with authority and responsibility as well as mutual esteem and regard. Rammohan was truly an Olympian figure, and he inaugurated, in Mahendranath Sircar's words, "a new revival in culture, in social reform and in religious awakening.... He was essentially a builder. He came to fulfill and not to destroy". 26 And yet, although he seemed... Buddha, with his message of freedom and gospel of compassion, to restore dhamma and re-establish sangha. The Buddha made Asoka possible, and even after Asoka, in the Age of the imperial Guptas, India retained much of her vitality, strength and mastery of the arts of life and the key to the kingdoms of the Greater Life. For about 1,000 years since the beginning of the Christian era, Indian... have lived a life of luxurious ease or scholarly benevolence, but he preferred rather to lead a life of contention and controversy and hectic activity. It is but just appraisement when Nolini Kanta Gupta describes Rammohan as the first draw the country's consciousness from ages past, from the ancient ways, out into the free light and air of the modem day, the first to initiate the country ...
... 498 Shore, F. J., 12 Singh, Guru Govind, 257 Singh, Karan, 47fh, 256fn Singh, Prithwi (Nahar), 578 Singh, Sardar Ajit, 234, 235, 242,269,376 Sircar, Mahendranath, 13 Siva, Subramania, 299, 375 Smith, Jay Holmes, 753 Songs of the Sea, (Sagar-Sangit), Tiff; Sri Aurobindo on Sagar-Sangit, 77-78; and Childe Harold and Perse's Amers... 334 Goswami, Yogi Bejoy, 63 Guhathakurta, Chittaranjan, 234 Guhathakurta, Manoranjan, 63, 287 Gupta, Nolini Kanta, 14, 193, 285, 288-89, 298, 306, 309, 329, 335, 370, 376, 380ff, 405, 536, 541, 655, 690, 709, 725, 740, 742,763 Gupta, Rameshwar, 690 Gurdjieff, G. I., 442 Guru Nanak, 8, 9,497,498, 564 Haldar, Haridas, 218 Halliday ...