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Hansa : Kaushika & his brother Dimbhuk were friends & ministers of Jarāsandha.

10 result/s found for Hansa

... The blue bird is the symbol of aspiration to the heights. Swan or Hansa The swan is a symbol of the soul on the higher plane. The swan is the liberated soul. Both [ the goose and the swan ] are symbols of the beings in a man—but the goose or ordinary Hansa usually refers to the manomaya puruṣa . The Hansa is the symbol of the being—it regains its original purity as it rises... rises until it becomes luminous in the Highest Truth. Page 174 The Hansa is a symbol of the soul or the self—the peacock is the bird of victory. The golden Hansa is the soul living in the Truth, the golden peacock is the victory of the Truth. Duck The duck is the symbol of the soul—silvery colour = the spiritual consciousness—golden wings = the power of the Divine Truth. The ...


... metre—with free enjambments. Exceedingly beautiful—the metre also is admirable, adapted to express this kind of flow of feeling... Page 35 1936 Nishikanta's poem "Raj-Hansa" à la Jaydeva in laghu guru metre is truly a marvellous success : magnificiently easy and beautiful in rhythm as well as fine poetry. I agree with you that he has justified the laghu gum metre ...

... me from which, according to the Indian idea of the cycles, a new age has to start." Inherent in the reawakening was this promise of a new age. Bengal, in the person of Ramakrishna Parama-hansa (1833-86), rediscovered the spiritual fountain of India. This discovery was taken to the West by his disciple Swami Vivekananda (1862-1902). The newly emancipated Indian mind looked upon its ...

... When one has attained the Reality there is complete Page 14 revaluation of life. For instance, before he attains it man is ignorant, when he attains it he knows. Ramakrishna Parama-hansa, an unlettered villager who could not sign his name even in Bengali language, when he attains That he has a knowledge which is far more than any university scholar. So that which is attainable is ...


... our works and our sacrifice, the Hero in our warfare and Seer of our knowledge, the White Steed in the front of our days who gallops towards the upper Ocean. The soul of man soars as the Bird, the Hansa, past the shining firmaments of physical and mental consciousness, climbs as the traveller and fighter beyond earth of body and heaven of mind by the ascending path of the Truth to find this Godhead ...


... itself that light of higher knowledge. All these faculties have their own devatas, one or many, each with his ganas or subordinate ministers. The jiva or spirit using these faculties is called the hansa, he who flies or evolves upward; when he leaves the lower and rises to the sacchidananda in the mind, using Sat, chit and ananda only, and reposing in the Sad Atma or in Vasudeva, then he is called ...


... or of the cult of a higher and inner Light, of the true Sun, satyaṁ sūryam , that Page 157 dwells concealed in the darkness of our ignorance, hidden as the child of the Bird, the divine Hansa, in the infinite rock of this material existence, anante antar aśmani . Although in this chapter I have confined myself with some rigidity to the evidence that the cows are the light of the sun ...


... burning fruit in the hand. Red = karma. blueblack = passivity of the spirituality by udasinata or samata. The blueblack hand is that of Kali, the Shakti; the red sun—the accomplished karma. 3) The Hansa in a pale illumination (state of B. [Bijoy])             All in antardarshi Lipi 1) daily intensity of the delight 2) telepathy. 3) twilight of the daityas Script. The prevalence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... there is I will keep it for later answering, so that this letter may not be farther delayed. By the way, with regard to your design for the paper, the only thing that now suggests itself to me is the Hansa in the Sun, ie the free Soul lodged in the vijñâna , and the legend "In this sign thou shalt conquer," which is appropriate, Page 233 but has the disadvantage of being borrowed from Ch ...


... × vaksha : bosom. × hansa : swan; has : goose or duck in Bengali. × SABCL , vol. 9, pp. 456-457. ...