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Harnam Singh : Kuṇwar (prince) of Kapurthāla (b.1851), son of Raja Sir Raṇadhīr Singh Bahadur of Kapurthāla (1831-70). Raṇadhīr Singh succeeded his father Nihāl Singh on 13 Sept. 1852: in the mutiny volunteered his assistance, first at Jalandhar & later marched to Oudh at the head of a mixed force & was engaged there for 10 months, was in several actions action rebels near Cawnpore & Lucknow, showing great bravery: made Grand Commander of the Star of India in 1864 & rewarded with estates confiscated from rebels, & received the right of adoption: died near Aden on a visit to Europe. Harnām Singh was educated at Kapurthāla: managed Kapurthāla estates for 18 years: Hon. Life Secretary of the British Indian Association of Tālukdārs of Oudh: Fellow of Panjab Univ.: Knight Commander of Indian Empire, 1899: Member of Panjab Legislative Council 1900-02: Member of Gov.-Gen.’s Legislative Council: resigned all claims to the succession to the State by becoming a Christian: guest of the nation at the Coronation 1902. In 1911 he was appointed an ornamental member of the Governor’s Punjab Legislative Council. [Buckland]

2 result/s found for Harnam Singh

... Naoroji was coming to India and it was therefore thought fit to ask him to preside at the Congress, is one which will command no credit. When did this "fitness" occur to men who were proposing Harnam Singh and Mudholkar and everybody and anybody, but never Mr. Naoroji; although "it was known" that he was coming to India? Not until Mr. Tilak's name was before the country and they saw that none of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... India Council. An advisory Council of Notables—we can see it in our mind's eye. The Nawab of Dacca, the Maharaja of Darbhanga, the Maharajas of Coochbehar and Kashmir, the Raja of Nabha, Sir Harnam Singh, a few other Rajas and Maharajas ( not including the Maharaja of Baroda), Dr. Rash Behari Ghose, Mr. Justice Mukherji, a goodly number of non-official Europeans, the knight of the umbrella from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram