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Harris, F. : Frank Harris (1856-1931), British-American journalist known for his autobiography. His biography of Shaw came out in 1931.
... Renee Taton, translated from the French by A. J. Pomerans (Thames & Hudson, London, 1966), p. 447. 59. The World As 1 See It, Translated by Allan Harris (John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, 1941), p. 164. 60.A Mentor Book, The New American Library, New York, 1963, p. 122. 61.P.... Weizsacker Another of Mr. Alvares's gaffes is to summon to his aid "the German physicist Carl F. Von Weizsacker" as the author of The History of Nature. 18 We are made to think that Weizsacker stands at the opposite pole to Mr. Alvares's bugbears — a... History of Nature, and using my Ashram name, he inscribed it: To Amal Sethna from C. F. Weizsacker who is leaving Sri Aurobindo Ashram with a thankful heart. 10.12.69 Well ...
... d and cutting at once, is not English in origin; it was brought in by two Irishmen, Shaw and Wilde. Harris' stroke about the Rodin bust and Wells' sally are entirely in the Shavian turn and manner, they are showing their cleverness by spiking their Guru in swordsmanship with his own rapier. Harris' attack on Shaw's literary reputation may have been serious, there was a sombre and violent brutality... claim of living in a superior consciousness to the "unadvanced" sadhaks. It is time these crudities disappeared from the Ashram atmosphere. Page 164 February 3, 1932 I do not think Harris' attack on Shaw as you describe it can be taken very seriously any more than can Wells' jest about his pronunciation of English being the sole astonishing thing about him. Wells, Chesterton, Shaw and... critic, knowing well what he would write, and edited this damaging assault on his own fame, a typical Irish act at once of chivalry, shrewd calculation of effect and whimsical humour. I should not think Harris had much understanding of Shaw the man as apart from the writer; the Anglo-Saxon is not usually capable of understanding either Irish character or Irish humour, it is so different from his own. And ...
... 'taught concept' of life in his/her Parent and the 'felt concept' of life in his/her Child. Thus the Adult develops a 'thought concept' of life based on data gathering and data processing. (Thomas A. Harris, 1970). IV. GENERAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND VALUE-ORIENTED EDUCATION: Adopting Systems and general Systems engineering approach, the various Page 427 components of V... Rokeach, M. The Nature of Human Values,The Free press,New York, 1973. 3.Morgan.C.T., Introduction to Psychology,Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company Ltd., New Delhi, 1981,p.519. 4.Harris, Thomas A. I AM OK, you're OK, Pan Book London and sydney,1970,pp.1829. 5.Warren H. Schmidt, and Barry Z. Posner, Managerial Values and Expectations, AMACOM, New York, 1982,pp.12-14. ... E." The wise leader models spiritual behavior and lives in harmony with spiritual values. The leader demonstrates the power of selflessness and the unity of all creation." (Heider, 1986). F."...leaders should be reliable. Reliability is a primary sign of the grown up executive" (Crosby, 1990). G."... real leadership power comes from an honorable character." (Covey, 1991). It will ...
... and go get a soda." At the Milk House, the gang was making plenty of noise. But when Glenn and Jack stepped into the room, an uneasy quiet setde over the place. Glenn waved at red-haired Nancy Harris, but she seemed to look right through him. "You see?" Glenn said to Jack. "She tracked me down at home last Saturday to get a write-up for the school paper. Now she doesn't even see me." ... guavas," he faltered out. Page 560 "That I can see very well," Narayani said sternly. "What I don't see is why you should be monkeying about up there instead of going to school." "The f—fact is I—I had a—terrible belly-ache," he pleaded, lamely. "No wonder you are gorging yourself with guavas after a full meal!" By this time Digambari, having recovered ambled up to her daughter ...
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