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Hecate : moon-goddess, daughter of the Titan Coeus. She is Persephone’s attendant in the Underworld, where she has the power to conjure up phantoms, dreams, & the spirits of the dead; in this aspect she is the goddess of ghosts, witchcraft & sorcery.

9 result/s found for Hecate

... Grace: Goddess of the beauty, brightness and joy in Nature and humanity. Hecate: Native of ancient Thrace, she was originally a moon goddess. Her name seems to be a feminine form of a title of Apollo, "the far darter". She and Helios together witnessed the abduction of Persephone by Hades. Hecate was powerful both in the sky and on earth. She gave men richness, victory and wisdom ...


... male citizens. 17 sun and moon are gods: The cult of the sun was prevalent in Greece, though it tended to be merged in the worship of Apollo. The moon (associated with Artemis and Hecate) was of especial importance in magic. The object of the question is to lead up to the doctrines of Anaxagoras. 18 Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (about 500-428 BC), one of the most ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... adult male citizens. sun and moon are gods: The cult of the sun was prevalent in Greece, though it tended to be merged in the worship of Apollo. The moon (associated with Artemis and Hecate) was of especial importance in magic. The object of the question is to lead up to the doctrines of Anaxagoras. Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (about 500-428), one of the most original thinkers ...


... Goddess. But from the description he gives of the lady, she would appear to be more black than white; for she seems to be intimately connected with the affairs—that is to say—the mysteries—of Hades and Hecate, underground worlds and midnight rites. She incarnates as the sow, although a white sow, she flows as the sap within plants and rises as passion and lust in man. We in India have a dark god and ...

... 104 Gloucester 20, 21 Graves, Robert 31, 33, 77 Greece 48, 50, 52 Greek 32, 47, 53 Greek legend 4 H Hades 56, 77 Hamlet 10, 23, 38 Hebrides 103 Hecate 77 Homer 27 Horatio 23 I Ind 92 India 76, 78, 89, 91, 98, 104 Indra 31 Ionian 52 J Japan 92 Jeanne d'Arc 48 Jules Romains 39 Jules ...


... But from the description he gives of the lady, she would appear to be more black than white; for she seems to be intimately connected with the affairs— that is to say—the mysteries—of Hades and Hecate, 1 "Douve dark and black." 2 "Douve shall be your name far off among the stones, Douve dark and black, Irreducible low water where effort shall spend itself." Page 77 ...


... But from the description he gives of the lady, she would appear to be more black than white; for she seems to be intimately connected with the affairs -that is to say -the mysteries -of Hades and Hecate, underground worlds and midnight rites. She incarnates as the sow, although a white sow, she flows as the sap within plants and rises as passion and lust in man. We in India have a dark god and ...

... Then, says the poet of the Homeric hymns, bitter sorrow seized her heart. Over her shoulders she threw a somber veil and flew like a bird over land and sea, seeking here, seeking there. At last, on Hecate's advice, she went to consult Divine Helios who revealed to her the name of her daughter's ravisher. After roaming the earth Demeter retired at Eleusis. There she prepared for mankind a cruel and ...

... trailers draped, and at his side The silver-seeming witch Alaciel. MYRTIL Pray God, the black-haired witch may do no harm! She is most potent and her science plucks The ruby nightshade, Hecate's deadly plum, Soul-killing meadow-sweet, the hemlock starred And berries brown crushed in the vats of death, Her mother's hell-brewed legacy of arts. MARCION Were it not wisely done to call ...