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Hera : daughter of the Titans Cronus & Rhea; wife & sister of Zeus to whom she bore Hephaestus & Ares. She & Zeus worked for Troy’s destruction as it no longer served Zeus’ will. In Sri Aurobindo’s Ilion, she is a sublime figure devoid of the passions of vanity & jealousy that Greek myths attribute to her.
... I'm afraid He will outstrip his fate by leveling the walls of the city." These words of Cronos' son Zeus awoke stubborn war, And the gods went down to join their differing favorites Hera and Pallas Athena went to the ships Of the Argives, and with them Poseidon and luck-bringing Hermes, The wiliest god of all. And with these went Hephaestus, Exulting in might, for though... Poseidon Stood Phoebus Apollo, god of the winged shafts, And opposite Ares stood bright-eyed Athena. Opposing _______________ * Moldering: crumbling to dust; decaying. Page 49 Hera was Phoebus' sister, the archer Artemis, Goddess of golden shafts and the echoing shouts Of the chase, while coming forth against Leto was powerful Luck-bringing Hermes, and there opposing... he breathed great power Into Aeneas, and he, the people's shepherd, Strode out through the front line of fighters, his bronze helmet flashing. Nor was the son of Anchises unnoticed by Hera As out he went through the moil* of men to face The son of Peleus. Calling her friends about her, The goddess spoke thus: "Poseidon, Athena, you two Consider what we should do ...
... the goddesses: Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. The apple bore an inscription: "To the most beautiful". When the quarrel broke out amongst three goddesses, each claiming the apple, the task was given to Paris, the Trojan Prince, to judge which of these goddesses ought to receive the golden apple. Page 14 Helen on the remparts of Troy by Gustave Moreau Page 15 Hera promised to give... of the lovely Helen. Although Paris had never seen Helen, he had heard of her reputation, and his desire for love was so strong that he offered the apple to the beautiful Aphrodite. Thereafter, Hera and Athena showed their opposition to Paris, while Aphrodite offered her advice to Paris how best to conquer Helen. In the meantime, Achilles was born to Thetis, who wanted to make her son immortal; ...
... Heaven august the Thunderer puissant Spoke to his sons in their souls and they heard him, mighty in silence. Then to her brother divine the white-armed passionless Hera: "Zeus, we remember; thy sons forget, Apollo and Ares." "Hera, queen of the heavens, they forget not, but choose to be mindless. This is the greatness of gods that they know and can put back the knowledge; Doing the work they... Freeing the forces unborn that are locked in the caverns of Nature. Calm and unmoved, upholding the Word that is Fate and the order Fixed in the sight of a Will foreknowing and silent and changeless, Hera sent by Zeus and Athene lifting his aegis Guarded the hidden decree. But for Ilion, loud as the surges, Ares impetuous called to the fire in men's hearts, and his passion Woke in the shadowy depths... Argos, from Lacedaemonian hatred, Safe from the hunger of Crete and the Locrian's violent rapine. But if you turn from my voice and you hearken only to Ares Crying for battle within you deluded by Hera and Pallas, Swiftly the fierce death's surges shall close over Troy and her ramparts Built by the gods shall be stubble and earth to the tread of the Hellene. For to my tents I return not, I swear ...
... in particular, later the smithy fire) and of labour and craftsmanship. He is a son of Zeus and Hera and is usually depicted as lame. It was he who, after the death of Patroclus, asked by Thetis, Achilles' mother, forged Achilles' marvelous new shield and armor making him almost invincible. Hera: Consort and sister of Zeus and queen of the heavens; identified with the Roman Juno. In Ilion... mortal men. Hence, in the quarrel over the golden apple, inscribed "For the fairest", thrown down by Strife at the wedding of Peleus, he was asked to be the judge between Hera, Athene and Aphrodite, who all claimed it. Hera promised him greatness if he chose her, Athene offered victory, and Aphrodite the most beautiful woman. He awarded the apple to Aphrodite (thereby incensing the other two)... war-god, identified with the Roman Mars. The Greeks had a less exalted conception of him than the Romans, however, tending to see him as a mere instigator of strife. He was the son of Zeus and Hera, and sided with the Trojans against the Greeks. Argives: name used for the Greeks of Argos, also extended to refer to all the Greeks under the leadership of Agamemnon- Artemis: Greek ...
... the Thunderer puissant Spoke to his sons in their souls and they heard him, mighty in silence. Then to her brother divine the white-armed passionless Hera: "Zeus, we remember; thy sons forget, Apollo and Ares." "Hera, queen of the heavens, they forget not, but choose to be mindless. This is the greatness of gods that they know and can put back the knowledge; Doing the... Windless, erect in a motionless dream, yet ascending for ever. All grew aware of the will divine and grew near to their Father. Grandiose, calm in her gait, imperious, awing the regions, Hera came in her pride, the spouse of Zeus and his sister. As at her birth from the foam of the spaces white Aphrodite Rose in the cloud of her golden hair like the moon in its halo. Aegis-bearing... wolf-brood, Senates of kings and armies of granite that grow by disaster; Such be the nation august that is fit for the favour of Ares! They shall fulfil me and honour my mother, imperial Hera. Then with an iron march they shall move to their world-wide dominion. Through the long centuries rule and at last because earth is impatient. Slowly with haughtiness perish compelled ...
... that are locked in the caverns of Nature. Calm and unmoved, upholding the Word that is Fate and the order Fixed in the sight of a Will foreknowing and silent and changeless, Hera sent by Zeus and Athene lifting his aagis Guarded the hidden decree. But for Ilion, loud as the surges, Ares impetuous called to the fire in men's hearts, and his passion Woke in the... them with a moving and penetrating power impossible except to a Yogi. Here we have Homeric figures driven with a Homeric energy to an Aurobindonian goal. Less Yogic, however, is the light thrown on Hera and Athene and Apollo. The tone and texture of the language presentingthem is in keeping with their call to and contact with more evolved strata of our consciousness: it is not the dense and dreadful ...
... Lacedaemonian hatred, Safe from the hunger of Crete and the Locrian's violent rapine. But if you turn from my voice and you hearken only to Ares Crying for battle within you deluded by Hera and Pallas, Swiftly fierce death's surges shall close over Troy and her ramparts Built by the gods shall be stubble and earth to the tread of the Hellene. ... Page 43 Apollo... of destinies of human civilization, the hexameter suits perfectly, and this poem succeeds greatly in imprinting in our consciousness a marvellous song of heroism and a vision of Time that Zeus and Hera can witness from their Olympian heights. * * * 1 Sri Aurobindo, Ilion, in Centenary Edition, Vol.5, p.484-5 2 Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, Vol, p.367 3 Sri Aurobindo ...
... eyed giant killer Hermes to go and steal the body, a plan that pleased them all, but not Hera, Poseidon or the girl with blazing eyes 1 . They clung to their deathless hate of sacred Troy, Priam and Priam's people, just as they had at first when Paris in all his madness launched the war. He offended Athena and Hera — both goddesses. When they came to his shepherd's fold he favored Love who dangled before... him? What honor will he gain? Let that man beware, or great and glorious as he is, we mighty gods will wheel on him in anger look; he outrages the senseless clay in all his fury!" But white armed Hera flared at him in anger: "Yes, there'd be some merit even in what you say, lord of the silver bow — if all you gods, in fact, would set Achilles and Hector high in equal honor. But Hector is mortal.... Apollo. There you sat at the feast and struck your lyre. What company you keep now, these wretched Trojans. You forever faithless!" But Zeus who marshals the storm clouds warned his queen, "Now, Hera, don't fly into such a rage at fellow gods. These two can never attain the same degree of honor. Still, the immortals loved Prince Hector dearly, best of all the mortals born in Troy... so I loved him ...
... declares Menelaus the victor, and the war is apparently ended; but the gods, in imitative council on Olympus, demand more blood. Zeus votes for peace, but withdraws his vote in terrified retreat when Hera, his spouse, directs her speech upon him. She suggests that if Zeus will agree to the destruction of Troy she will allow him to raze Mycenae, Argos, and Sparta to the ground. The war is renewed; many... surrounded, fights like a lion; Ajax and Menelaus cleave a path to him and save him for a better life. (XII-XIII) When the Trojans advance to the walls that the Greeks have built about their camp (XIV), Hera is so disturbed that she resolves to rescue the Greeks. Oiled, perfumed and ravishingly gowned, and bound with Aphrodite's aphrodisiac girdle, she seduces Zeus to a divine slumber while Poseidon helps... a host of Trojans. The gods take up the fight: Athena lays Ares low with a stone, and when Aphrodite, going for a soldier tries to save him, Athena knocks her down with a blow upon her fair breast. Hera cuffs the ears of Artemis; Poseidon and Apollo content themselves with words.- (XXII) All Trojans but Hector fly from Achilles; Priam and Hecuba counsel Hector to stay behind the walls, but he refuses ...
... glorious god and the fruitful pain of the iron. 1 Among the speeches given to Zeus a passage affords a rare insight into the nature of the deific. When Hera says that Zeus's sons Apollo and Ares forget the supreme purpose, he replies: "Hera, queen of the heavens, they forget not, but choose to be mindless. This is the greatness of gods that they know and can put back the knowledge; ... forces unborn that are locked in the caverns of Nature. Calm and unmoved, upholding the Word that is Fate and the order Fixed in the sight of a Will foreknowing and silent and changeless, Hera sent by Zeus and Athene lifting his aegis Guarded the hidden decree. But for Ilion, loud as the surges, Ares impetuous called to the fire in men's hearts, and his passion Woke in the ...
... Spray as of surf on the cliffs when it moans unappeased, unrequited.. . 89 And now, on the eve of the final battle, the gods too assemble in full force to confabulate and decree: Hera came in her pride, the spouse of Zeus and his sister. As at her birth from the foam of the spaces white Aphrodite Rose in the cloud of her golden hair like the moon in its halo. 90 ... compel new life to rise phoenix-like out of the ashes of the old. On a superficial view, some of the divinities - Ares, Aphrodite, Apollo - are on the side of the Trojans, while others, Poseidon and Hera and Athene, are with the Greeks. And above them all are the "awful three" - Themis, Dis and Ananke - and Zeus of course is above everybody. These gods and goddesses have their divers powers and per ...
... among the Gods. Even in the Gods' assembly we witness intense pulls this way and that of universal ideas and emotions, aspirations and ambitions. Aphrodite, knowing that Zeus has willed in favour of Hera and Pallas, comes with her perfect mouth a rose of resistance Chidingly budded 'gainst Fate... Passionate and desperate are some of her words: "What though no second Helen ...
... equivalent of "Heracles" can be found: "Harikrishna." When the "Krishna" of "Krishnapura" becomes "Cleiso" in "Cleisobora", the terminal "cles" of "Heracles" can well be equated to "Krishna" added to "Hera" for "Hari". But, if we have Krishna Vāsudeva here, how in any sense can he be 15th after Dionysus or Prithu? He cannot be even 15th from Vaivasvata, for he was a contemporary of Sahadeva. In ...
... HADAMARD, PROF., 302 Haeckel, 140 Hamlet, 186-90 Harappa,238,243 Heard, Gerald, 260 Hegel, 318 Heine, 88 Henry, the Great, 90 Hera, 220 Heraclitus, 150,211,329 Hennes, 220 Hibbert Journal, the, 251 Himalayas, the, 54, 100 Hinduism, 54, 110, 166 Hider. 70, 87-8, 106, 386 ...
... Freeing the forces unborn that are locked in the caverns of Nature. Calm and unmoved, upholding the Word that is Fate and the order Fixed in the sight of a Will foreknowing and silent and changeless, Hera sent by Zeus and Athene lifting his aegis Guarded the hidden decree. But for Ilion, loud as the surges, Ares impetuous called to the fire in men's hearts, and his passion Woke in the shadowy depths ...
... revealing The high boughs prayed In a revoling sky. 140 Hera where our half-it ignorance slides the gift Half-lit ignorance On the darn become of the ambiguous earth, ...
... worshipped Mother Earth they called the Great Goddess or the Mother Goddess by many names, (Gaea, Rhea, Demeter). Most of the female divinities in Greek mythology were originally Great Mother Goddesses; Hera in Argos, Artemis in Crete, Aphrodite in Cyprus. Their role changed when they were incorporated into the male-dominated religion of Zeus. Aphrodite was also known as Ishtar Page 68 in ...
... battle and this decision resulted in needless suffering and death among the Greeks. The war by now had reached Olympus. The gods were ranged against each other. Aphrodite was on the side of Paris, Hera and Athena against him. Ares, god of war, always took side with Aphrodite, while Poseidon, Lord of the sea, favored the Greeks, a sea people and great sailors. Apollo helped the Trojans for the sake ...
... effort of Nature. Even in the worm is a god and it writhes for a form and an outlet. Workings immortal obscurely struggling, hints of a godhead Labour to form in this clay a divinity. Hera widens, Pallas aspires in me, Phoebus in flames goes battling and singing, Ares and Artemis chase through the fields of my soul in their hunting. Last in some hour of the fates a Birth ...
... daughters of Olympus quarreled over to whom it should be given. They finally agreed to take the judgment of a fair shepherd boy, Pans, who was actually a son of Priam. Each goddess offered him something: Hera, to be king of the richest realm on earth, Athene, to gain fame as the wisest and bravest of men, and Aphrodite, the most beautiful woman as his wife. He gave the apple to Aphrodite who later arranged ...
... scientific procedure. The Greeks have had their gods, their mythology; but these are modelled some-what differently: the gods are made more human, too human, j as has often been observed. Zeus and Juno (Hera) are infinitely more human than Isis and Osiris or Moloch and Baal or even the Jewish Jehovah. These vital gods have a sombre air about them, solemn and serious, grim and powerful, but they have not ...
... Quantum Theory. Now they say electrons are the basis of Matter. One or two decades hence, they will find that electrons are no longer the basis. PURANI (after a pause) : I was looking through Father Heras' pamphlet on the Mohenjodaro script. He says that the sign looking somewhat like an open bracket stands for the Tamil kal and that the opposite sign stands for lak —and together they mean "union" ...
... 2 "What shall I say to the thought that is calm in thy breasts, O Athene? Have I not given thee earth for thy portion, throned thee and armoured, Darkened Cypris' smile, dimmed Hera's son and Latona's? Swift in thy silent ambition, proud of thy radiant sternness, Girl, thou shalt rule with the Greek and the Saxon, the Frank and the Roman. 1 P. 63. 2 Ilion ...
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