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Hermes : son of Zeus & Maia, messenger of Zeus & conductor of souls to Hades; god of commerce & trade, cheats & thieves, gamblers, athletic contests, & eloquence; depicted in winged sandals, staff with white ribbons, & travelling-hat with wings.
... straggling home to Troy. But Zeus who beholds the world could hardly fail to see the two men striking out across the plain. As he watched the old man he filled with pity and quickly summoned Hermes, his own dear son: "Hermes — Page 30 Apollo (Temple of Zeus, Olympia, c. 470 BC) Page 31 escorting men is your greatest joy, you above all the gods, and you listen to the wish of... him now, not till he reaches Peleus' royal son." So he decreed and Hermes, the giant-killing guide, obeyed at once. Under his feet he fastened the supple sandals, never dying gold, that wing him over the waves and boundless earth with the rush of gusting winds. He seized the wand that enchants the eyes of men whenever Hermes wants, or wakes them up from sleep. That wand in his grip he flew, the... am immortal Hermes — my Father sent me here to be your escort. But now I will hasten back. I will not venture into Achilles' presence: it would offend us all for a mortal man to host an immortal face-to-face. But you go in yourself and clasp Achilles' knees, implore him by his father, his mother with lovely hair, by his own son — so you can stir his heart!" With that urging Hermes went his way ...
... is the dwelling place of heaven and all the forces that are in heaven. It is proper for us to speak the truth, our land is the temple of the world.” And another text in the Codex Hermeticus says: “Hermes often used to say to me that those who read my books will think that they are very simply and clearly written, when in fact, quite on the contrary, they hide the meaning of the words, and will become... to say about this? Their core is that “the essence of Man is the God within,” and that the goal of the initiate is “an actual assumption of the attributes of God, in short: divinization.” The way of Hermes is the way of immortality, and the goal is reached when the purified soul has realized God, “so that the reborn man, although still a composite of body and soul, can be fairly called a god.” (Fowden)... Sri Aurobindo: Letters on Yoga , p. 103. × Garth Fowden: The Egyptian Hermes , p. 19. × Sri Aurobindo: The Life Divine , p. 134. ...
... lion of Nemea. Page 118 Hermes: Son of Zeus and Maia, daughter of the titan Atlas; Hermes was born in the depth of a cave on Mount Cyllene in Arcadia. He had many functions: protector of the home, god of the travellers; he was also charged with conducting the souls of the dead to the underworld. In Homer, Hermes appears as the messenger of Zeus and is often charged... charged with delicate missions. In order to rapidly cross the celestial spaces, Hermes wears winged sandals. He sometimes adds wings to his hat to aid his flight. In Iliad, help-bringing Hermes is sent by Zeus to escort old Priam to Achilles without being seen by the Achaean sentinels. In the same fashion, he also helped the old king and his herald get away from the ships, in the dead of night to ...
... drop apart between my fingers! Who freed you? TYRNAUS A god as radiant as thyself, Thou merciful sweetness. ANDROMEDA Had he not a look Like the Olympian's? Was he not bright like Hermes Or Phoebus? TYRNAUS He was indeed. Thou knowst him then? ANDROMEDA In dreams I have met him. He was here but now? Page 417 TYRNAUS He has withdrawn into the shadow, virgin... unchained her? It is Andromeda! CEPHEUS It is the spirit of Andromeda. THEROPS Shadows were ne'er so bright, had never smile So sunny! she is given back to earth: It is the radiant winged Hermes brings her. DERCETES 'Tis he who baffled us upon the beach. I see the gods are busy in our Syria. Andromeda runs to Cassiopea and clasps and kisses her knees, the soldiers making way for ...
... son Zeus awoke stubborn war, And the gods went down to join their differing favorites Hera and Pallas Athena went to the ships Of the Argives, and with them Poseidon and luck-bringing Hermes, The wiliest god of all. And with these went Hephaestus, Exulting in might, for though he limped, his thin legs Were nimble enough. But huge bright-helmeted Ares And Apollo with hair... Page 49 Hera was Phoebus' sister, the archer Artemis, Goddess of golden shafts and the echoing shouts Of the chase, while coming forth against Leto was powerful Luck-bringing Hermes, and there opposing Hephaestus Came the god of the great deep-swirling river, Called Xanthus by the immortals, Scamander by men. So gods advanced to meet gods. But Achilles had interest ...
... But at the same time, the rays of Surya are the herds of the Sun, the kine Page 124 of Helios slain by the companions of Odysseus in the Odyssey, stolen by Hermes from his brother Apollo in the Homeric hymn to Hermes. They are the cows concealed by the enemy Vala, by the Panis; when Madhuchchhandas says to Indra, "Thou didst uncover the hole of Vala of the Cows", he means that Vala is ...
... Ambu's Correspondence Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother 6 April 1935 Ma, Who was Hermes? Hermes Trismegistus is the name given by the Greeks to a great initiate who founded in Egypt the occult science and was deified under the name of Thoth thousands of years ago. Love and blessings to my dear faithful Baby 6 April 1935 ...
... the Sun has been called the Lord of Truth, "...the rays of Surya are the herds of the Sun, the kine of Helios slain by the companions of Odysseus in the Odyssey, stolen by Hermes from his brother Apollo in the Homeric hymn to Hermes. They are the cows concealed by the enemy Vala, by the Panis ...' ,63 In modem imagery we would speak of the rays of Truth covered by the coat of falsehood, the rays of ...
... " This does not mean that the problem ceases. No, it remains there — but oneself is no longer in it. One deals with it as if from outside it like a sculptor chiselling the rough stone to a perfect Hermes or a flawless Aphrodite, the hardest blows and dints and scrapings hurting not himself at all — himself playing the part of only an instrument or the inspiring Spirit, within whose freedom and farness ...
... exert an occult influence on the activities of humanity. × The caduceus is the staff of the Greek god Hermes. His staff with the intertwined serpents has become the symbol of the medical profession. × Mata ...
... Gupta times, 86 Harappā, Harappā Culture, Harappān, iv, v, 2, 4-9, 19, 20, 36, 37, 42, 45-70, 95-106, 121, 125-6, 128-9 Hariyūpiyā, 125, 128-9 "Hatti", 89 Hermes, 74 Herodotus, 93 Hertel, 84 Herzfeld, E., 77, 82, 84 Hillebrandt, 110 Himalaya, 67 Hindu Kush, 85 Hindustan, 24 Hindu, The, i, 23fn., 30fn. ...
... are there to prove it as well as the constant appeal of the Upanishads to Vedic riks or Vedic symbols taken in a psychological and spiritual sense, eg, the four closing verses of the Isha Upanishad. Hermes, Athena represent in classical mythology psychical functions, but were originally Nature gods, Athena probably a dawn goddess. I contend that Usha in the Veda shows us this transmutation in its co ...
... mission in the universe. The goal: "Call him what you will, for to the wise, he is the Possessor of all names." The Tao of the Chinese—The Brahman of the Hindus—The Law of the Buddhists—The Good of Hermes—That which cannot be named, according to the ancient Jewish tradition—The God of the Christians—The Allah of the Muslims—The Justice, the Truth of the materialists. The purpose of man's life is ...
... Socrates were nurtured by the rich cultural atmosphere of Athens. Born in 469 BC in Athens, he followed Page 16 the trade of his father, a sculptor. It is said that the statues of Hermes and the three Graces, which stood at the entrance to the Acropolis had been carved by him. His mother was a midwife. He believed in training the body to keep fit and he is said to have usually been ...
... island to settlement by Athenians. 415 BC — Alcibiades leads an expedition to subjugate Sicily. When he is recalled to Athens to stand trial for the mutilation of the statues of Hermes, Page 145 Page 146 he escapes to Sparta and proposes to help them defeat Athens. 414 BC — The Sicilian expedition of Athens ends in ...
... saints and savants like Asoka, Carlyle, Porphyry, Seneca, Emerson, Socrates, Plato, Heraclitus, Voltaire, Tseu-Tse, Confucius, Minamoto Sanetomo, St. Paul, St. Augustine, Epictetus, Lao-Tse, Leibnitz, Hermes, Schopenhauer, Sadi, Asvaghosha, Rumi, Spinoza, Bahaaullah, Omar Khayyam, Pythagoras, Kant, Firdausi, Ramakrishna, Vivek ananda , Pasteur, Giordano Bruno and Antoine the Healer. It is a fascinating ...
... reveals her godhead and leaves the place. The common story tells of how she goes to ask Zeus to send for Persephone, compelling him to do so by stopping all growth of corn and fruit on earth. Zeus sends Hermes to fetch Persephone and Pluto has to release her, but he has given her seven pomegranate seeds to eat, to assure her return to his realm. There is an Orphic Hymn, however, which speaks of Demeter's ...
... This is Pururavus, "the noise of whom has gone far & wide", whose mother was Ida, divine aspiration, the strange daughter of human mind (Manu) who was once male & is female, and his father Budha, Hermes of the moonlike mind, inspired & mystic wisdom, and his near ancestors therefore are the Sun & Moon. For Urvasie he leaves his human wife, earthly fame & desire, giving her only the passionless kindness ...
... founded on a fairly advanced knowledge & theory at least of our subjective nature. Nor when we look at the clearness, fixity & frequently psychological nature of the functions of the Greek gods, Apollo, Hermes, Pallas, Aphrodite, [have we] the right to expect anything less from the ancestors of the far more subtle-minded, philosophical & spiritual Indian nation. Page 160 ...
... Record of Yoga Undated Notes, c. January 1927 Amrita— Moses, Brihaspati, Hermes, Michael Angelo, Rudra, Pythagoras. Bijoy Child Krishna, St Jean, Kartikeya, child Vishnu Barin Nefdi. Apollo-Aryaman St Hilaire— Ramakrishna—(The Four) Kshitish Narada—Bach-Isaie Kanai Sukadeva—One of the Vital Four Tirupati ...
... his concealed omnipotence, flogged and crowned with thorns as the grotesque and yet true king of Creation. And he is the child of Mother Earth. ‘Heaven is his father, the Earth his mother,’ says Hermes Trismegistos in the Tabula Smaragdina. According to the present scientific model, planet Earth is a small ball in space as there are probably billions more. Nothing much in fact, and if life-forms ...
... this lamp in any other better place than one from which it can illuminate all other things at the same time? This Sun some people call appropriately the light of the World, others its Soul or Ruler. [Hermes] Trismegistos calls it the Visible God, Sophocles’ Electra calls it the All-Seeing. Thus the Sun, sitting on its Royal Throne, guides the revolving family of the stars.” 12 The mentality of Nicolaus ...
... warriors. (Book of Wisdom) This Wisdom is the principle of all things. (The Zohar) That Intelligence is God within us; by that men are gods and their humanity neighbours divinity. (Hermes) Man is divine so long as he is in communion with the Eternal. (Ramakrishna) Deck thyself now with majesty and excellence and array thyself with glory and beauty. (Job) Thou belongest to ...
... nium." 22 Although, as he tells us, the domesticated horse did not play an important part in the economy of the Mesopo-tamian people so far back, there can be no doubt that it was known to them, as Hermes contends and Zeuner grudgingly grants. 23 Piggott points to the provenance of "the ass of the mountains" when he says that it was no native of Mesopotamia and must have hailed from the hilly tracts ...
... gods, people and nature as examples among many, 'Zeus is Lord of lightning, the Thunderer, Lord of the gathering gale; Poseidon, the great shaker of shores, creator of earthquake. Lord of the main;*Hermes is, luck bringing, and Aphrodite, adorer of smiles. In the same vein, he writes of swift-footed Achilles and noble, long-suffering Odysseus. It is assumed that Homer came from Asia Minor and ...
... mankind a cruel and terrible year in which the earth refused to give forth any crops. Then would the entire human race have perished of cruel, biting hunger if Zeus had not intervened. Zeus sent his son Hermes to Hades, and he obtained from him the promise that he would return young Kore to her mother. But, before sending her back, Hades tempted her to eat a few seeds of pomegranate and, as this fruit was ...
... the Myrmidons, father of Achilles by the goddess, Thetis. Pergamus: the citadel of Troy. Phyrigia: region in Asia Minor east of Troy. Polyctor: the false name given by Hermes as his father when in disguise he meets Priam on the way to the Greek camp. Priam: king of Troy, father of Hector and Paris. Thetis: sea-goddess, daughter of Nereus, married to ...
... even the Jewish Jehovah. These vital gods have a sombre air about them, solemn and serious, grim and powerful, but they have not the sunshine, the radiance and smile of Apollo (Apollo Belvedere) or Hermes. The Greeks might have, they must have taken up their gods from a more ancient Pantheon, but they have, after the manner of their sculptor Phidias, remoulded them, shaped and polished them, made them ...
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