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Herod : (c.73-04 B.C), governor of Galilee under the Romans, he obtained the title of King of Judaea in 37 BC. His descendants ruling Palestine were also called Herods.
... tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of the lands of Ituraea and Trachonitis..." The annotation to "Herod" runs: "The Herod referred to is Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great and Malthake.. ." 30 "Philip" is annotated: "Son of Herod the Great and Cleopatra.. ." 31 So we have again a half-brother mentioned as full brother. But neither slip can be considered Page 47 a conscious... difficulty the name seemed to create". We are further told: "Josephus himself calls him Herod." In fact, the husband of Herodias was known as Herod Philip. Herod the Great whose sons are here concerned was responsible for a lot of mix-up in men's minds and his various sons greatly added to it. "The marriage tangles of the Herod family," comments William Barclay, 32 "are quite incredible, and their inter-relations... tetrarch Herod Antipas marrying "Herodias, his brother Philip's wife" (14:3).'The annotation 29 informs us: ".. .this Philip is not the tetrarch of Ituraea and Trachonitis, Lk 3:1; cf. Mt. 16:13; he is another son of Herod the Great by Mariamne II and therefore half-brother of Antipas..." The same slip is in Mark 6:17 and Luke 3:19.The other slip is in Luke 3:1 where we are told of "Herod tetrarch ...
... and start casting doubt on all that the Gospels relate. Most of the incidents connected with the alleged virgin birth are folkloric legends. 4 As to Herod living in B.C., historians say that he died in 4 B.C. and that if Jesus was born before Herod died the birth-date of Jesus must be at the latest 4 B.C. The present Christian calender was made by a sixth century Scythian monk who committed a number... alludes to a possibly first-century historian named Thallus for the report. But this Thallus is a very elusive and uncertain quantity. A Thallus seems to be mentioned by Josephus as a money-lender to Herod Agrippa in A.D. 35: there is not even a hint that this financier was also a historian. So it is dangerous to build upon him. And there is no need to do so. For, the Gospels contain, as is now admitted ...
... computation and who therefore was responsible for the appointment not only of "Cyrenius"; the Bible's name for the Roman "Quirinius", but also of Herod I to their respective posts. In two points the data of Matthew and Luke are faulty by the present calendar. Herod I has been found to have died in 4 B.C. So Jesus could not have been born after that year. The census under Quirinius, by the same calendar,... the birth of Jesus. The historical situation of it has been highlighted from two statements in the New Testament. The Gospel of Matthew (2:1) tells us that "Jesus was born in Judaea, in the days of Herod the king..." The Gospel of Luke (2:1-5) has the information that Jesus' mother Mary, when she was "great with child" (believed to be by the Holy Ghost's "overshadowing") was taken by her husband Joseph ...
... Mary by following a miraculous star that guides them. They then worship the infant Jesus and present him with precious gifts. In a dream, they are told of the evil nature of Herod and that they are to leave Judea without seeing Herod again. This they do. The birth of Jesus is the Christmas story that the world is most familiar with. For purposes of taking a census*** all citizens had to return to the... being a man of great faith accepts Mary in her pregnant condition as his wife and protects her. In fact, after the birth of Jesus, he is told to run away to Egypt with her for a time because the king Herod attempted to murder all newborn boys in his kingdom because of a prediction by Three Wise men that the King of the Jews has been born. In Chapter II of Matthew, one can find the account of the Three ...
... history Page 260 knows as Salome. Salome was a dancer at the court of King Herod of Palestine. We are told by legend that she fell in love with John the Baptist, the holy man who preceded and heralded Jesus. On being repulsed by him she took a horrible revenge. When, after a marvellous dance, King Herod offered to give her anything she asked, she demanded the head of John the Baptist. The ...
... the time. Not only is he shown by Brown 197 himself as indulging in "details... of dubious historicity" such as "a census of the Roman world that affected Galilee and occurred before the death of Herod the Great": he is also exposed as a misinterpreter of customs by none else than Brown 198 when discussing 2:22-24 which gives us Luke's scene in the temple with the child Jesus and his parents: "Luke... any real evidence." True, there is no rivalry worth attention and the sole dispute over the plausibility of the present site is due, as Albright 245 records, to "the problem of the Second Wall of Herod, which protected the exposed northern side of the city", a problem "still unsettled". Although Albright 246 acknowledges that the majority of scholars trace this line of wall in a way which leaves ...
... how a chorus of unreserved praise crowned Gordon Bottomley as the most astonishing creator of the poetic drama since the seventeenth century. Poor Stephen Phillips with his Paolo and Francesca and Herod seemed quite forgotten; but that did not matter, for it is the nature of enthusiasm to forget rivals and, even if the critics had wanted to be just, Phillips would not have occurred to them, so completely ...
... a point where eternity and time intersect, yet on that account we" do not consider a phrase like Anno Domini irrelevant or inapplicable and do not hesitate to locate the birth in the reigns of Herod and Caesar Augustus with as much precision as we can manage. The Church, finding that the reports of Paul and the Evangelists about "last things" had proved wrong, naturally shifted the eschatological ...
... God's will by killing His instrument, as if the power which warned him of approaching doom had not the strength to enforce the doom. So too, when the vague prophecies of a Messiah reached the ears of Herod and he heard that Christ was born in Bethlehem, the fear of his earthly dominion passing into the hands of another drove him to massacre all the children of the Jews in order to avoid his fancied doom ...
... evidence, Sethna dates the birth to 7 B.C. at the latest, between March and November (the fields would have been frostbitten in December and no shepherds would be grazing their flocks) synchronising with Herod's reign and the governorship of "Cyrenius" (the Roman Quirinius under whom the census was held in 6 A.D.) in the reign of Augustus Caesar. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of ...
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