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Herpe : sword of Athene, the goddess of Wisdom.

1 result/s found for Herpe

... the Gorgon Medusa in the wild, unknown and snowy North and bring to him her head the sight of which turned men to stone. Perseus, aided by Athene, the Goddess of Wisdom, who gave him the divine sword Herpe, winged shoes to bear him through the air, her shield or aegis and the cap of invisibility, succeeded in his quest after many adventures. In his returning he came to Syria and found Andromeda, daughter... lightest motion Is deadly. PERSEUS Mine is not harmless. IOLAUS Against gods What can a mortal's anger do? PERSEUS We'll talk With those pale merchants. Wait for me; I bring Herpe my sword. CYDONE The wallet, Perseus! leave not the dear wallet! Perseus goes out towards the cottage. Page 399 IOLAUS My queen, have I your leave? CYDONE Give me... nothing; I am here to help and save. IOLAUS I had almost forgotten; the might thou hast shown Is a sufficient warrant. CYDONE I shall come back, Diomede. PERSEUS My grip is firm on Herpe, Athene's aegis guards my wrist; herself The strong, omnipotent and tranquil goddess Governs my motions with her awful will. Have trust in me. Borne on my bright-winged sandals Invisibly I will ...
