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Herschel : After William Herschel (1738-1822) English astronomer discovered Uranus (q.v.) in March 1781 it was for some time called Herschel, though he himself had proposed Georgium Sidus (Georgian planet) as its name, after George III.
... are seven old planets, the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and two others in process of creation, Rahou & Ketou. In addition there are two dead planets corresponding to Uranus & Herschel and two others not yet discovered. These are called aprakashita graha, unrevealed or unmanifest planets. The last four have no appreciable results except in certain physical and mental details. They ...
... them with the humus of his imagination, and was finally rewarded with the plant of his theory. We have met with some of the influences on his thought, but there were many others. There was e.g. John Herschel’s Introduction to the Study of Natural Philosophy (Darwin had met the astronomer, discoverer of Uranus, in Cape Town). And there was more recently Robert Chambers’ Vestiges of the Natural History ...
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