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Hindu Patriot : loyalist English weekly founded in 1853 by Girish Chunder Ghosh & edited by him. Later it was edited by Hurrish Chunder Mukherji assisted by Sambhunath Mukherji (q.v.); on Hurrish Chandra’s death in November 1861, the editorship was taken up by Kristo Das Pal (q.v.).
... express his feelings, which is hardly wonderful considering the circumstances. He was able only to say that the tradition of his house was one of loyalty to the British Government. "This," says the Hindu Patriot , "is as it should be." We cannot understand the logic of the "oldest native paper in India". Why should it be so? Did not the founder of the Kashmir house pay a very heavy price for Kashmir ...
... the 'official Pioneer ?"' We can well understand the chagrin of the Hindu Patriot at the Pioneer being still recognised as the organ of Anglo Indian officialdom. For who is there so ignorant of things as not to know that since the assumption of the reins of the Bengal Government by Sir Andrew Fraser the Hindu Patriot has conveniently combined the functions of the apologist in ordinary to... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram Pioneer or Hindu Patriot? 25-September-1907 Here is a precious paragraph from the Patriot !— "THE following Press communique has been issued: 'There is no truth whatever in the rumour that questions affecting the Permanent Settlement in Bengal are under the c ...
... Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram A Consistent Patriot 04-June-1907 Even Homer nods, and even the Hindu Patriot makes slips at times. Referring to the endeavours of the Kashmir Durbar to suppress "sedition" the Patriot wrote on the 22nd May:— "The Maharaja of Kashmir's demonstration of fidelity is worthy... his feelings. He was able only to say that the tradition of his house was loyalty to the British Government. This is as it should be." This indeed is as it should be. And it reminds us of the Hindu Patriot 's sudden change of opinion in the matter of the site for the proposed Victoria Memorial Hall and other instances of the remarkable versatility and impressionability of this great organ of private ...
... Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram Try Again 05-July-1907 The announcement "authoritatively" made by the Hindu Patriot that the Ranchi College modified scheme has been finally sanctioned by the Government of India, reminds us of how the example of a spider succeeding on the seventh attempt to fix its web in the... as to give the Government renewed opportunities to tax the people and thus cripple their resources further. We ourselves have no interest in these things; and if we cannot feel "glad" like the Hindu Patriot , we cannot also feel indignant like the Bengalee or sorry like the Patrika . The education that the Government imparts is bad in quality and worse in spirit; it is ruinous to the intellect, ...
... under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 24.Oct.1906 - 27.May.1907 Bande Mataram Sir Andrew Fraser 30-October-1906 We are assured by the Hindu Patriot which has always played the part [of a] demi-official organ of Sir Andrew Fraser's Government, that Sir Andrew "has not the remotest idea of laying down the reins of his office before time"—and... years. It matters little who rules the province. The policy of the bureaucracy is fixed and one individual in charge of the administrative machinery is as good as another. But the remarks of the Hindu Patriot are rather painfully amusing. The Patriot would not have taken any notice of the rumoured resignation of its patron "if our silence was not being widely construed as indicating the truth of the ...
... Barneville and Maulavi Faizuddin Hossein who tried cases of looting in Jamalpur and recorded as their opinion that the riots were not provoked by Hindu boycotters and National volunteers, even the Hindu Patriot which has never been friendly to the Nationalist movement writes— "Transferring judges and magistrates whose decisions differ from the settled policy or preconceived views of the Executive officials ...
... there need be any exultation. Recently there was a secret conclave of high dignitaries in the Maharaja's house, at which there were some strange planetary conjunctions, Sirish Sarvadhicari of the Hindu Patriot sitting cheek by jowl with Srijut Surendranath Banerji to consult on the situation. At this meeting of opposites it was proposed, we believe, to issue a loyal manifesto after the fashion set by ...
... grand swelling theme. The "moderate" papers of all shades, pro-Government or advocates of association with Government or advocates of association-cum-opposition, have all risen to the call. The Hindu Patriot rejoices at our lack of influence, the Mirror threatens us with the prison and the scaffold, the Bengalee mutters about upstart journals and warns people against the morass which is the inevitable ...
... affectionate kind. Mirror assures Statesman that he is a noble Anglo-Indian and a true and tried Friend of India; Statesman quotes Mirror 's solemn lucubrations by the yard. It only needs the Hindu Patriot to join the league and complete the Triple Alliance. An Anglo-Indian paper, a Government journal masking under the disguise of an Indian daily, and the exponent of the most pale and watery school ...
... justification for professing to speak in the name of the subscribers is not yet clear,—the Anglo-Indian papers who are interested in preventing the erection of the hall, and, among Indian papers, the Hindu Patriot , the Indian Mirror , and the Indian Nation , all of them papers of a very limited circulation and opposed to the national movement in its most vital features. We are not aware that any organ ...
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