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Hindustan : launched by Rambhuj Dutt (q.v.), & edited by Lālā Dinānāth (q.v.).
... emperor (1526-30) of the Moghul dynasty, which replaced the Delhi Sultanate, records in his Babarnama: "Hindustan is a country of few charms, its people have no good looks; of genius and capacity none; of manners none. ..." Why then was he attracted to the country? "The chief excellence of Hindustan is that it has masses of gold and silver." But, to borrow a sentence from K. M. Munshi, 2 "We were ...
... Muhammadan in Hindustan than Hakim Ajmal Khan, but can any Muslim leader over-ride the Quran? I can only hope That my reading of Islamic law is incorrect. I think his reading is quite incorrect. "And nothing would relieve me more than to be convinced that it is so. But if it is right then it comes to this, that although we can unite against the British we cannot do so to rule Hindustan on British lines... cannot do so to rule Hindustan on democratic lines." Ladies and Gentlemen, when Lala Lajpat Rai said that we cannot rule this country on democratic lines it was all right but when I had the temerity to speak the same truth about 18 months ago there was a shower of attacks and criticism. But Lala Lajpat Rai said 15 years ago that we cannot do so viz., rule Hindustan on democratic lines... in the minority and under the majority rule. Lala Lajpat Rai proceeds further: "What is then the remedy? I am not afraid of the seven crores of Mussalmans. But I think the seven crores in Hindustan plus the armed hordes of Afghanistan, Central Asia, Arabia, Mesopotamia an Turkey, will be irresistible". "I do honestly and sincerely believe in the necessity or desirability of Hindu-Muslim ...
... In that case, the Bill has my approval. 1918 × Hindustan line × Hindustan revision ... Letters on Personal, Practical and Political Matters (1890-1926) Autobiographical Notes To the Editor of the Hindustan In answer to your request for a statement of my opinion on the intermarriage question, I can only say that everything will have my full approval which helps to liberate and strengthen the life of the individual in the frame of a vigorous ...
... "use it (with or without your name) as a valuable opinion on the `Reforms' ". Sri Aurobindo consented, and the letter was published in New India on 10 August 1918. To the Editor of the Hindustan . 1918. The Hindu Marriages (Validity) Bill was introduced by Vithalbhai Patel (1873 - 1933) in the Imperial Council on 5 September 1918. Its purpose was to provide legal sanction to marriages... Indians, among them Rabindranath Tagore and Lala Lajpat Rai, believed that it was a step in the right direction. Sri Aurobindo was asked his opinion of the bill by Lotewalla, Managing Director of Hindustan. His reply, undated, but apparently written in the last quarter of 1918, is reproduced here from Gordhanbhai I. Patel's Vithalbhai Patel: Life and Times , Book One (Bombay: Shree Laxmi Narayan... Events, 1940 - 1950 After his withdrawal from the national movement in 1910, Sri Aurobindo ceased to write on contemporary political issues. His letters to the editors of New India and Hindustan in 1918 (see Part Two, Section One) were his last public statements on political topics for more than twenty years. He first broke his silence in 1940 in connection with the Second World War. Later ...
... উল্লেখযােগ্য যে একটি অসমাপ্ত কবিতার টুকরাে’ (প্রথম পঙক্তি: কে TGV gf Pretoria fotosan) Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research-এর ১৯৮১ এপ্রিল সংখ্যায় প্রকাশিত হয়েছিল ৷ এই কবিতাখণ্ডটির প্রতিলিপি Hindustan Standard-এ (১২ জুন ১৯৫৪) শ্রীঅরবিন্দ রচিত বলে মুদ্রিত হয়েছিল ৷ কিন্তু বর্তমানে নির্ণীত হয়েছে কবিতাটি বারিন ঘােষের রচিত, শ্রীঅরবিন্দের নয় ৷ পৃঃ ৫৬৯ অস্ফুট: রচনাকাল আনুমানিক ১৯১৮ পৃঃ ৫৭০... প্রকাশকালে সম্পাদক শ্রীঅমলেশ ভট্টাচার্য যুগান্তর: সাপ্তাহিক; প্রথম প্রকাশ মার্চ ১৯০৬; সম্পাদক শ্রীভূপেন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research: প্রকাশকাল: এপ্রিল ১৯৭৭ হতে ডিসেম্বর ১৯৯৪ Hindustan Standard: কলিকাতার একটি দৈনিক সংবাদপত্র ...
... boycott the Calcutta Nationalist papers, especially the Jugantar . SRI AUROBINDO: Why? NIRODBARAN: It seems that this paper criticised X and supported the Working Committee. The editor of the Hindustan Standard has been dismissed through his influence. SRI AUROBINDO: What for? NIRODBARAN: Because the editor made a joint declaration with other editors against X's move to muzzle the press.... is serving the country and then do whatever he likes. PURANI: X is serving more his personal ambition, I should say. NIRODBARAN: Fazlul Huque gave the same argument when he restricted the Hindustan Standard , saying that fair and just criticism is always welcome but when it brings in the name of Allah, then— SRI AUROBINDO: Allah? NIRODBARAN: Yes, attacking Allah. I believe he means religion ...
... SRI AUROBINDO: And let them be shut up in a room until they are able to come to a settlement. (Laughter) EVENING Professor Naren Das Gupta reviewed Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine in the Hindustan Standard . SRI AUROBINDO: Who is this Das Gupta? PURANI: It is Naren Das Gupta of Feni College, in Noakhali, SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, he was Bejoy's friend. PURANI: Here, in Pondy? SRI AUROBINDO:... e? SRI AUROBINDO: The Arya came out just at the beginning of the last World War and The Life Divine at the beginning of the present one. SATYENDRA (to Nirodbaron) : How is it that the Hindustan Standard has put the review on the leading page? I thought it was a Socialist paper supporting Subhas Bose. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, it is a Leftist paper. But Subhas Bose has a corner in him which ...
... also. SRI AUROBINDO: I see; I didn't know that. In Bihar it exists, so it may also be in Bengal. NIRODBARAN: The Hindustan Standard says that the Government is not taking any measures against it while it talks of communists and other people. SRI AUROBINDO: The Hindustan Standard is Bose's paper, isn't it? NIRODBARAN: Yes. SRI AUROBINDO: Then why doesn't it object? They are half M ...
... I seemed to recognise with a startling distinctness, not only among the Brahmins but in all castes and classes, the old familiar faces, features, figures of my friends of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Hindustan, even, though this similarity was less widely spread, of my own province Bengal. The impression I received was as if an army of all the tribes of the North had descended on the South and submerged ...
... have been recently dealing to their own moral prestige and reputation for justice. The same spirit has been shown in the refusal of bail to Pindi Das, editor of India , and to Lala Dinanath of the Hindustan . In the latter case there is absolutely no excuse whatever for the refusal, except the vindictive fury of bureaucratic persecution which will omit no means however petty and base to make its opponents ...
... in Geneva a paper naming itself the Bande Mataram busies itself with decrying the policy of the defunct Bande Mataram and denouncing its originator and former Editor; a paper called the Free Hindustan maintains itself in America. Wealthy men and women stand behind these organs, the Kathiawar Krishnavarma, the Parsi lady Mrs. Kama and possibly others who do not advertise their names. Young men ...
... sheer force of genius wring an acquittal out of a reluctant Magistrate as Mr. Byomkesh Chakravarty did in the Bande Mataram case, but even Mr. Chakravarty was unable to save the accused in the Hindustan case, and a lesser man has no chance whatever. The Madras meeting did well in devoting its fund to the maintenance of the families of martyrs rather than wasting it in a fruitless defence. Page ...
... later. 27 . J.N. Chakravarti, a well-known Theosophist, vice-chancellor of Lucknow University and husband of Yashoda Ma, the Guru of Krishnaprem. 28 . Indu Roy, manager of the Hindustan Co-operative Insurance Company at Madras. He started “Advent “, a guarterly dedicated to Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga and his writings. He later continued its publication from the Ashram where he settled ...
... over there in the Himalayas, or for that matter anywhere. The place does not matter—the thing itself is all. (Sujata's note) It was 1937, mid-March. We were then living in Hindustan Road, Ballygunj, South Calcutta. One day, my father, Prithwi Singh Nahar said to me, "Dilipda is coming today, would you like to come with me to meet him ?" Enthusiastically I nodded my head. Father ...
... The Mahabharata of Vyasa. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1980. Mukherjee, Radha Kumud. Ancient Indian Education. London: Macmillan, 1951. Rajagopalachari, C. Mahabharata. New Delhi; The Hindustan Times, 1950. Roy, Biren. The Mahabharata. The Indian Airman [Calcutta] 1958. 1. According to pragmatism, tile truth of a proposition cannot be determined by any intrinsic quality, coherence or ...
... win freedom, but the freedom obtained did not carry with it a complete union of the country. On the contrary, India was deliberately split on the basis of the two-nation theory into Pakistan and Hindustan with the deadly consequences which we are now facing. We have seen in this book that this partition could probably have been avoided had we accepted the Cripps Proposal. In this ...
... Give them the advance and don't cut their wages for the month." Page 14 Then Dada recounted a story: ""When I was in Calcutta we used to live in a three-storeyed rented house in Hindustan Park on Rashbehari Avenue. On the first floor stayed Motilal Roy who was then the chief editor of 'The States man'. Though a bachelor he had an army of maids and attendants working for him. He ...
... recounted this incident. Recently the centenary celebrations were held for Nolinaksha-babu. I received news that this song of Nazrul was sung during one of the events organised at my uncle's Hindustan Park-house in Calcutta. Let me tell you about another incident. The year was 1934. I was about eleven then. A very famous Hegenberg circus from Germany was showing in Calcutta. Nolinaksha-babu ...
... the number of members in the council and the personnel having portfolios. SRI AUROBINDO: How can the Government say this now? There seems to be a new age of inspiration, not of reason. Pakistan, Hindustan, the Khaksars, all are inspired and inspiration is sacred. Gandhi is more rational. SATYENDRA: He has been till now. This affair about freedom of speech has spoiled his reputation a bit. SRI ...
... about to win freedom, but freedom obtained did not carry with it a complete union of the country. On the contrary, India was deliberately split on the basis of the two-nation theory into Pakistan and Hindustan with the deadly consequences which we know. In taking over the administration from Britain we had inevitably to follow the line of least resistance and proceed on the basis of the artificial B ...
... doubt loudly applauded and called a "true Briton" when he declaims against the tyranny in Russia, but is invariably called "ungrateful" if he happens to tell home truths about England's dominion in Hindustan. He meets with the same callous disapprobation from all Englishmen alike, from the Liberal whose motto is "Government with consent" just as much as from the Tory whose principle avowedly is "let things ...
... tale of Savitri is so powerful that, Sri Aurobindo made it a basis for giving us his magnum opus which is capable of rising to the stature of an autobiography. 25: Ancient Ballads of Hindustan is a remarkable work of young Tom Dutt (8 March 1856-30 August 1877) falling in the genre of early creative Indian writings in English. This "daughter of Bengal, so admirably and strangely gifted ...
... himself a candidate in the elections for the House of Representatives. In the meantime Mirra had come to know the Sufi master and musician Inayat Khan, on a European tour with his “Royal Musicians of Hindustan”, and she had become especially well acquainted with Abdul Baha, the son and successor of Baha Ullah, the founder of the Baha’i faith. Mirra had now become so well trained in spirituality and occultism ...
... to the food and the enigmatic customs of their hosts. In November 1912 Mirra met one of them: the Sufi mystic and musician Inayat Khan (1882-1927). He had travelled with his ‘Royal Musicians of Hindustan’ from India to Great Britain at the beginning of that year and crossed over to France in September. Although ‘the French capital in 1912 was awash with Orientalism or what was taken for it,’ 32 ...
... that the profound Mother-worshipping fervour of Bankim Chandra would make him a rishi in his vivid and visionary national anthem while the emotional patriotism of Iqbal in his richly imaginative "Hindustan Hamara" wouldn't. So too would I deem Tagore a rishi in his intensest ecstasy of utterance only where he reveals, in the light of his own word-plane, realities of the inner being or of Super-Nature ...
... spiritual tinge to the term, so that the profound Mother-worshipping fervour of Bankim Chandra Chatterji would make him a rishi in his national anthem while the emotional patriotism of Iqbal in his Hindustan Hamara would not. So too would I deem Tagore a rishi in his intensest ecstasy of utterance only where he reveals, in the light of his own word-plane, realities of the inner being or of Supernature ...
... Hariyūpiyā, 125, 128-9 "Hatti", 89 Hermes, 74 Herodotus, 93 Hertel, 84 Herzfeld, E., 77, 82, 84 Hillebrandt, 110 Himalaya, 67 Hindu Kush, 85 Hindustan, 24 Hindu, The, i, 23fn., 30fn. Hissar, 7, 8, 68, 76 Historical Geography, 13-15 History of Sanskrit Literature, 38fn., 103, 119 Hittite, Hittite King, Hittites, 2 ...
... turned, I seemed to recognise with a startling distinctness, not only among the Brahmins but in all castes and classes, the old familiar faces, features, figures of my friends of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Hindustan, even, though this similarity was less widely spread, of my own province Bengal. The impression I received was as if an army of all the tribes of the North had descended on the South and submerged ...
... al theory of social and political development put forward by the German historian Karl Lamprecht (1856 - 1915), about which he had read in an article published in the May/June 1916 issue of the Hindustan Review . Retaining some of Lamprecht's terminology, he went on to develop his own theory of "the cycle of society". During the 1930s, probably around 1937, he revised the Arya text of The Psychology ...
... about to win freedom, but freedom obtained did not carry with it a complete union of the country. On the contrary, India was deliberately split on the basis of the two-nation theory into Pakistan and Hindustan with the deadly consequences which we know. In taking over the administration from Britain we had inevitably to follow the line of least resistance and proceed on the basis ...
... 1939 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 16 JANUARY 1939 NIRODBARAN: In the Hindustan Standard there is a remarkable story about some Somesh Bose. His wife, dead for twenty years, has been brought back bodily to him, alive again, and is doing sadhana with him. The man who performed the miracle is a Yogi named Bhola Giri. This Yogi also comes every evening to bless ...
... be interminable; each claims big successes and yet it comes to nothing. The same with the other war. PURANI: Yes, only air raids! Nandalal Base's picture of Durga in the Puja number of the Hindustan Standard was shown to Sri Aurobindo. SRI AUROBINDO: It seems to be post-Ajanta decorative style. Lion stylised, peacock in front of the lion, Kartik humorous. EVENING PURANI: Gandhara art ...
... My elder brother, who lives in the Pakistan area of the Punjab and is a rich man, asks me: “Should I continue to live in the Pakistan area or migrate from it and become an inhabitant in the Hindustan area? I am at a loss what to do. No one in our area has migrated as yet, though many intend to do so. But having no favourable conditions to migrate, people are still not moving from their native ...
... superstructure over the various distinct regions that now make up India. This superstructure was and is still known as Bharata to the Indians themselves, and as "India" or variants like Hind and Hindustan to outsiders. The well-known quote from the Vishnupurana says: "Uttaram yat samudrasya himadreshcaiva daksinam Varsam tad bharatam nama bharati yatra santatih ...
... He was told that he was their vice-captain collecting donations was his job. The boy was thrilled to be made the vice-captain. R from the morning he would walk between the Rashbel Avenue and Hindustan Park and collect donations, unmindful of whether he had eaten or washed himself. Two annas, one anna, four annas, whatever he got. He did this job with great earnestness. After all he was the v ...
... it my duty to draw your attention to the necessity of lending the widest support to the British authorities of India in suppressing revolutionary activities that jeopardize our own domination in Hindustan." By return of post, the president of the French League sent off another missive to the Colonial minister, first thanking him for the instructions he had given to Governor Duprat concerning ...
... Nationalism with him is not a political or economic cry; it is the innermost hunger of his whole soul for the rebirth in him and through men like him, in the whole of India, of the ancient culture of Hindustan in its pristine purity and nobility.... The nationalism of Aravinda Ghosh was a burning religious emotion, the voice of God in man, the invincible demand on the part of the great Indian spiritual ...
... the lion! Show these men who would stamp you into the dust that for one Lajpat they have taken away, a hundred Lajpat will arise in his place. Let them hear a hundred times louder your war-cry— Jai Hindustan." Years later, Sri Aurobindo gave a brief but comprehensive note on the genesis of the paper Bande Mataram, which could have been but a brief adventure since Pal began with a paltry amount ...
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