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Hippocrates : (c.460-c.377 BC), Greek physician.
... significance evolved with the passage of time? In its Latin origin 'humour' signified 'wetness', a meaning which has left its vestiges in the current expressions 'humid' and 'humidity'. With Hippocrates and his medical successors 'humour' took on a specific sense of wetness, 'the liquid contents Page 22 flowing through the human body'. These 'humours' were supposed to be of four... etherized upon a table ... "It almost sounds like one surgeon egging another on to take advantage jointly of a wonderfully opportune situation in Nature. To operate on an anaesthetized evening! By Hippocrates, that's a thing few F.R.C.S.'s - Fellows of the Royal Page 42 College of Surgeons - could hope to do, unless the sky falls and overwhelms them with grace. "But leaving aside ...
... upon the action of natural healing forces present in the human body and nature. The concept of the healing power of nature is very ancient. It certainly goes back to the time of Hippocrates in 400 BC as Hippocrates himself seems to have been one of the first to realize the importance of nature's own healing powers. To him disease appeared not purely as a malady but also, by no means least, as an ...
... etherized upon a table... It almost sounds like one surgeon egging another on to take advantage jointly of a wonderfully opportune situation in Nature. To operate on an anaesthetized evening! By Hippocrates, that's a thing few Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons could hope to do — unless the sky falls and overwhelms them with grace. But, leaving aside acknowledged F.R.C.S.'s we may ask whether ...
... first system of medicine; it originated in India. Medicine, mathematical notation and astrology all went from India to Arabia, and from there they travelled to Greece. There three humours of which Hippocrates and Galen speak are an Indian idea. Disciple : At Calcutta and other places they are trying to start Ayurvedic schools. I think it is good. It will be a combination of Eastern and Western ...
... that is nothing unnatural for him. Ayurveda was the first system of medicine. It was from India that this science went to Greece and then to Arabia. Indian physicians used to go to Arabia. What Hippocrates and Galen speak of as the three humours is an Indian idea. India also discovered the use of the zero with mathematical notations. Astrology too went from India to Arabia. NIRODBARAN: At Calcutta ...
... of "scientific" gravity and gravitation). And yet it is very serious, but it is joyfully serious, it is weightlessly serious, at last! What a terrible weight we have lugged around with us since Hippocrates and Jerusalem! So to continue, if the aforesaid bottles were conscious, then why not us? We should rightly come before the bottles, shouldn't we? In fact, because my dignity as a higher mammal ...
... Page 475 physical consciousness has been contaminated by the mental aberrations of the civilised? 393) We ought to use the divine health in us to cure and prevent diseases; but Galen and Hippocrates & their tribe have given us instead an armoury of drugs and a barbarous Latin hocus-pocus as our physical gospel. 394) Medical Science is well-meaning and its practitioners often benevolent and ...
... Aphorisms Aphorism - 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399 394—We ought to use the divine health in us to cure and prevent diseases; but Galen and Hippocrates and their tribe have given us instead an armoury of drugs and a barbarous Latin hocus-pocus as our physical gospel. 395—Medical Science is well-meaning and its practitioners often benevolent and ...
... ( Regarding the latest Aphorisms and the English translation of Mother's comments. ) 393—We ought to use the divine health in us to cure and prevent diseases; but Galen and Hippocrates and their tribe have given us instead an armoury of drugs and a barbarous Latin hocus-pocus as our physical gospel. 399—Man was once naturally healthy and could revert to that primal condition ...
... pointed out to his doctor-disciple, "the temptation of a joke at doctors has always been too much for any lay resistance." 1 Here are a few typical humorous anecdotes concerning the disciples of Hippocrates and Dhanwantari. (1)Dr. so and so had a fancy to visit a far-off village and dwell there for a month in the midst of the simple village-folk. When the time came for his departure back, - and ...
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