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Hiranyagarbha : The Golden Womb, the Golden Egg is the source of the manifested Cosmos in Vedic philosophy as well as an avatar of Vishnu in the Bhāgavata. The Hiraṇyagarbha Sūkta (Rig Veda 10.121, verse 8) says: He is the God of gods. Vishvakarman Sūkta (Rig Veda 10.82) too speaks of Hiraṇyagarbha as the Golden Womb. Vedanta calls Hiraṇyagarbha the Soul of the Universe or the Brahman, & elaborates that it floated around in emptiness & the darkness of the non-existence for about a year, & then broke into two halves which formed the Swarga & the Pṛthvi. According to Matsya Purāṇa (2.25-30), after Mahāprālaya, the Ultimate Dissolution of the Manifested Cosmos, there was darkness everywhere. Everything was in Sushupti, dream sleep, there was nothing, either moving or static. Then the Swayambhu, the self-manifest Being arose. It created the primordial waters first & established the seed of creation into it. The seed turned into the Golden Womb or Egg, Hiraṇyagarbha & Swayambhu entered it. That is the origin of all Creation. In Manu Smṛti 1.9 Hiraṇyagarbha is also Brahmā, because he was born from a golden egg. The Nārāyaṇa Sūkta exclaims that everything that is, visible or invisible, all this is pervaded by Nārāyaṇa within & without. The Īśvara Upaniṣad says that Īśvara, Shiva, the Creator, pervades the Creation, He is all that is dynamic & all that is static; He is far & near; within & without everything.

42 result/s found for Hiranyagarbha

... is self-born; for He is Prajna who came forth by His own strength from the luminous Parabrahman & is Parabrahman, He is Hiranyagarbha who comes forth by His own strength from Prajna & is Prajna; He is Virat who comes forth by His own strength from Hiranyagarbha & is Hiranyagarbha. He is the Self born out of the Self by the Self. In other words all these are merely names of the One Spirit in different... contained in the other & could not be without it. It may be said to be surrounded by it or Page 102 clothed by it. The Lord himself is present on the Ocean in various forms, Prajna, Hiranyagarbha & Virat, or Vishnu, Brahma and Maheshwara. This is what the Puranas represent as Vishnu on the Serpent of Time & Space in the Causal Ocean & Brahma growing out of the lotus in his navel etc. This... the condition of mortality in the gross body, Swargalok is the condition of bliss in the subtle body, Narak the condition of misery in the subtle body, Brahmalok the condition of being near to Hiranyagarbha in the causal body. Just as the Jivatman like a dreamer sees the Earth & all its features when it is in the condition of mortality, and regards itself as in a particular place, so when it is in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... these Universes, in the Universe of Causal Matter as the Cause, Self and Inspirer, poetically styled Prajna the Wise One; in the universe of subtle matter as the Creator, Self and Container, styled Hiranyagarbha the Golden Embryo of life and form, and in the universe of gross matter as the Ruler, Guide, Self and Helper, styled Virat the Shining and Mighty One. And in each of these manifestations He can... Parabrahman, the Supreme Eternal and the subject of the most exalted descriptions of the Vedanta. There are therefore five conditions of Brahman. Brahman Virat, Master of the Waking Universe; Brahman Hiranyagarbha, of the Dream Universe; Brahman Prajna or Avyakta of the Trance Universe of Unmanifestation; Parabrahman, the Highest; and that which is higher than the highest, the Unknowable. Now of the Unknowable... themselves with the serene illusion that this is philosophy. Anything more unphilosophical, more vicious in reasoning cannot be imagined. When the Veda, speaking not of the Absolute but of Brahman Hiranyagarbha, says that He was alone and grew afraid of His loneliness, it passes, as a daring poetical fancy; and this too might pass as a poetical fancy, but not as serious reasoning. It is no more than an ...


... Self and soul. The meaning of these expressions is fixed in the Mandukya Upanishad. Karana, Hiranyagarbha, Virat Three planes— (1) Karana (2) Hiranyagarbha (3) Virat The parallel between Vijnana or Karana Jagat of the Upanishad presided over by Prajna and equated with Sushupti, as the Hiranyagarbha world with Swapna and things subtle, does not altogether equate with my account of the Supermind... which makes for the light and divine perfection. There may be many other consequent errors also. Visva or Virat, Hiranyagarbha or Taijasa, Prajna or Ishwara These two sets of three names each mean the same things. Visva or Virat = the Spirit of the external universe, Hiranyagarbha or Taijasa (the Luminous) = the Spirit in the inner planes, Prajna or Ishwara = the Superconscient Spirit, Master of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... earliest birth of Time, the father of Atharva, and not the unborn eternal Hiranyagarbha. In the Puranas Brahma is described as in fear of his life from Madhu and Kaitabha, and cannot be the fearless and immortal Hiranyagarbha. Nor would it be possible for Aswalayana to come to Hiranyagarbha and say "Teach me, Lord," for Hiranyagarbha has no form nor is He approachable nor does He manifest Himself to men... and the search and worship of men. It is Brahma or divine Man who is called Parameshthi or the one Page 288 full of Parameshtham, that which is superlative and highest,—Hiranyagarbha. The power of Hiranyagarbha is in Brahma and creates through him the nama and rupa of things in this cycle. To Brahma Parameshthi Aswalayana comes as a disciple to a master and says to him, Lord, teach me... ever followed by the saints, how the wise man swiftly putting from him all evil goeth to the Purusha who is higher than the highest. Commentary The Lord Parameshthi is Brahma—not the Creator Hiranyagarbha, but the soul who in this kalpa has climbed up to be the instrument of Creation, the first in time of the Gods, the Pitamaha or original & general Prajapati, the Pitamaha, because all the fathers ...


... which produces and works unweariedly for the pleasure of Purusha. He is the triple Being, Prajna, Hiranyagarbha, Virat; Prajna, Lord of Sleep-Life, the intelligent force which lives and wakes in what would otherwise seem inert and inanimate existence or the mere blind play of mechanical forces; Hiranyagarbha, the Lord of Dream-Life who takes from this ocean of subconsciously intelligent spiritual being... forces which Page 176 He materializes or encases in various forms of gross living matter; and Virat, Lord of Waking-Life, who governs, preserves and maintains the sensible creation which Hiranyagarbha has shaped. He is triple again as Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu; Shiva, the destroyer, the Yogin, the Lord of brute or inert life; the Master of Samadhi, the Refuge of the outcast & of those who have no ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... many-shaped, holds them in his brilliant vibrating medium of active imagination and thought and by his daughter Vach, the Goddess Speech eldest-born of the world, puts them into shape and body as Hiranyagarbha, God imaginative and therefore creative. Last they take permanent shape and abide in some material body, form, organism. Vishnu there holds them in his fixed and visible cosmos as Virat, God practical... the young generation, inheritors of the future, beyond the power of force or sophistry to remove. Having secured so much we can go on in the confidence that, whatever now happens to the pioneers, Hiranyagarbha has taken the new ideas into his protection and when that has once happened Virat must inevitably fulfil them. It is a short-sighted and superficial outlook which sees in the 16th October only ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... beings of this world urge Savitri to end her quest and settle down with them. Later in Savitri Hiranyagarbha is aptly described as follows: He builds the secret uncreated worlds. Armed with the golden speech, the diamond eye, His is the vision and the prophecy. 76 Hiranyagarbha, the golden womb or the progenitor of the creation gives shape to the formless and translates the ...

... nucleus or the seed enclosing all the starting points as in a tight knot, all future elaborations. These elaborations are made by the second status or person of the Trinity; it has the beautiful name Hiranyagarbha, the golden womb. Here are laid out all possiblities, all probabilities even, endless and infinite lines of development and progression of the forces of existence. Every possible thing is being... these multifarious possibilities only some are chosen to appear as physical or material realities. This choice is made by the third person of the Trinity, Virat. Each and every possibility in the Hiranyagarbha may have the chance to appear on the material plane but that means perhaps time and a particular creation, for evidently there are many creations or cycles of creations of different types, one following ...

... here in the right eye." Vaisvanor is Indha, because his essential principle is light and is at once the macrocosmic Self within the Sun and the seer in the eye. 2) "But" it will be objected "Hiranyagarbha is one and the cognizer of the material field, the guide and seer in the right eye is quite another, the master of the body." Not so; for in itself— if we look into the real nature of our perceptions... the ether or heart without possibility of separation or distinction. For the Scripture saith "It is Prana that swalloweth up all these into itself." Taijasa is the same Page 321 as Hiranyagarbha because it has its abode in the mind, and the mind is the subtle part of the body, as is clear from the verse, "This purusha is all mind", and from other like sayings of Scripture. 5) It may ...


... translation I have been obliged to find or make a word for "Overmind". I want to know if Hiranyagarbha can be used Page 146 with a change from its old connotation? It is not prajñā as far as I can make out. Have you any other word more suitable to convey the idea of the Overmind? Hiranyagarbha is not the Overmind, but the subtle subjective Consciousness which includes much more than ...


... sole — "the One by whom all live, who lives by none." (p. 309). Sri Aurobindo has described elsewhere the five stages of Brahman in his philosophy of the Upanishads: 1.Virât 2.Hiranyagarbha 3.Prajnā or Avyakta 4.Parabrahma — the Highest 5.Higher than the Highest — the Unknowable. The fourth and the fifth stages can hardly be described by words and can hardly be... in a single form... He bore all godheads in his grandiose limbs. 20 In him the fourfold Being bore its crown. And he was identified with the four aspects of the Brahman — Virât, Hiranyagarbha, Avyakta, and Parabrahman. Then like an anthem from the heart's lucent cave A voice soared up... 21 and addressed Savitri: Ascend, O soul, into thy blissful home. Here ...

... original element, pure, white Shiva. On the second, it was like Hiranyagarbha aspect, boiled along with lentils, called kedgeree, a yellowish medley. On the third day lufsi appeared in its aspect of Virat, a little mixed with jaggery, grey, slightly more fit for human consumption. "I had thought the Wisdom and the Hiranyagarbha aspects Page 408 to be beyond the capacity of average ...

... and their inhabitants, he is also their Son and ours: for he is the Divine Child born into the Worlds who manifests himself in the growth of the creature. He is Rudra and Vishnu, Prajapati and Hiranyagarbha, Surya, Agni, Indra, Vayu, Soma, Brihaspati,—Varuna and Mitra and Bhaga and Aryaman, all the gods. He is the wise, mighty and liberating Son born from our works and our sacrifice, the Hero in our ...


... जायमानं स नो बुद्धया शुभया संयुनक्तु ॥१२॥ 12) He who is the coming to birth of the gods and the arising of their being, the master of the universe, the Violent One, the Great Seer and beheld Hiranyagarbha born,—may he yoke us with a bright and good understanding. यो देवानामधिपो यस्मिँल्लोका अधिश्रिताः । य ईशे अस्य द्विपदश्चतुष्पदः कस्मै देवाय हविषा विधेम ॥१३॥ 13) He who is the master of the ...


... man, for any idea of God? Who is the Lord, Isha, Maheshwar, Vishnu, Rudra, Indra, the Lord of the Illusion, the Ruler, the Mighty One of which all the Upanishads speak? Who is this triple Prajna-Hiranyagarbha-Virat? Who is this twofold Purusha-Prakriti, God & Nature, without which the existence of the phenomenal world and consciousness in matter would not be intelligible or conceivable? To whom does ...


... 446 II. God Turiya Brahman. Swayambhu. Prajna. Kavih. Sacchidananda. The Sakshi. Isha in contemplation. Maheshwara. Ananda. The Seed State. Sleep. Hiranyagarbha. Manishi The Will in Buddhi God Manifold. The Saguna Brahman. The Qualities of God. The Dream State. Virat. Paribhu The Almighty ...


... forthwith leaped into darkness and inconscience. That is the involution of the Supreme into material existence. This original darkness is the womb of creation, it is something akin to Hiranyagarbha of Indian tradition. The fiat has gone from 1 Book of.lob, 10.21. Page 66 the Supreme to resurrect this darkness — his alter-ego — and he sends down the messenger-light ...

... characters. Nevertheless, his is not a drama of mere externalised action, for it lives from within and more deeply than our external life. This is not Virat, the seer and creator of gross forms, but Hiranyagarbha, the luminous mind of dreams, looking through those forms to see his own images behind them. More than any other poet Shakespeare has accomplished mentally the legendary feat of the impetuous sage ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... aspects of the one Existence, but it made a distinction and a hierarchy. The Self that becomes all these forms of things is the Virat or universal Soul; the Self that creates all these forms is Hiranyagarbha, the luminous or creatively perceptive Soul; the Self that contains all these things involved in it is Prajna, the conscious Cause or originally determining Soul; beyond all these is the Absolute ...


... clothes in this quarter, as these articles seem to be with us to remind us now constantly of the paucity of matter. I have received Bepin Pal's Soul of India. Can you add to it by getting from Hiranyagarbha Sister Nivedita's My Master as I saw him. I am also in need, as I wrote to you once before, of R. C. Dutt's Bengali translation of the Vedas. Neither of these books is urgently wanted but please ...


... forthwith leaped into darkness and inconscience. That is the involution of the Supreme into material existence.         This original darkness is the womb of creation, it is something akin to Hiranyagarbha of Indian tradition. The fiat has gone from the Supreme to resurrect this darkness— his alter-ego—and he sends down the messenger-light. So the Gods are about to wake, there is a stir in their slumber ...

... Thus the hymn Kukkuripad sings­ – One in a million can seize it in one's heart.   NOTES   1. Tortoise – the hoarded consciousness above (Hiranyagarbha) Milk – light and delight Jar – the human receptacle ( Jiva-ādhār ) 2. Crocodile-the amphibian deity of life and body – the vito­physical power and energy. Tamarind ...

... Being forth­with leaped into darkness and inconscience. That is the involu­tion of the Supreme into material existence. This original darkness is the womb of creation, it is some­thing akin to Hiranyagarbha of Indian tradition. The fiat has gone from the Supreme to resurrect this darkness – his alter-ego – and he sends down the messenger-light. So the Gods are about to wake, there is a stir in their ...

... always, (27) From the body of That the thirty-three gods cut out each his respective limb – a few only who know of the Brahman know of the thirty-three gods. (28) People knew of Hiranyagarbha ² as the Supreme, the Insuper­able³ but the Pillar was there existent before and sprayed the gold into the bosom of the creation. (29) In the Pillar lie the worlds, in the Pillar lies ...

...       72. ibid., p. 760.       73.  ibid., p. 762.       74. ibid.., p. 765.       75. ibid.., p. 765.       76. Cf. A.B. Purani: "Death was transfigured into Love. Virat, Hiranyagarbha, Chaitanya, Ghana, Ananda — the four aspects of the Reality worked harmoniously in the everlasting Day." (Savitri: An Approach and a Study,p.2S2).       77. Savitri, p. 768.       78 ...


... carrying all godheads "in his grandiose limbs", with the "fourfold being" for his crown. He is first, Virat the architect, Will working through Matter and creating the visible world. He is second, Hiranyagarbha, thinker and dreamer and the creator of the invisible worlds of possibility, "the Angel of mysterious ecstasies". The third spirit, the hidden cause of the other two, is "a mass of superconscience ...


... that it may recuperate and drink in a fresh store of psychical energy to support the heavy strain of physical processes in gross matter. Spirit in the middle or DreamState is called Taijasa or Hiranyagarbha, the Shining Embryon. It is Taijasa, Energy of Light, and Hiranya the Shining because in psychical matter luminous energy is the chief characteristic, colour and light predominating over fluid or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... action.... Nevertheless, his is not a drama of mere exter-nalised action, for it lives from within and more deeply than our external life. This is not Virat, the seer and creator of gross forms, but Hiranyagarbha, the luminous mind of dreams, looking through those forms to see his own images behind them. More than any other poet Shakespeare has accom-plished mentally the legendary feat of the impetuous sage ...


... finally tended to narrow down to one predominant strain of other-worldly renunciation. The fourfold scheme of experience found in the Mandukya Upanishad is here: Virāt, the gross outer, called Waking—Hiranyagarbha, the subtle inner, called Dream— Prajnā, the causal inmost, called Sleep—the sheer absolute Self, simply called Turiya or Fourth. We must remember that in the Upanishad's Dream there is no unreality ...


... Sri Aurobindo and Sethna of the concepts of'architectonics', 'inevitability' and 'touchstones' of Matthew Arnold. Sethna appropriately stresses the Aurobindonian description of Shakespeare as a Hiranyagarbha in contradistinction to a Virat , in the sense that he was a creator of 'forms' with fully internalised qualities rather than those with only external features, and the dramatist's creation of ...


... science.” And he warned that it will be “a big step to take.” Only then will be recognized that the universe, universes or multiverse – whatever they may really be – are there as the body of hiranyagarbha , the Golden Child, of which the Upanishad says: “In the beginning the Golden Child arose. Once he was born, he was the one lord of creation. He held in place the earth and the sky.” For this ...

... tended to narrow down to one predominant strain of other-worldly renunciation. The fourfold scheme of experience found in the Mandukya Upanishad is here: Virat, the gross outer, called Waking - Hiranyagarbha, the subtle inner, called Dream - Prajnā, the causal inmost, called Sleep - the sheer absolute Self, simply called Turiya or Fourth. We must remember that in the Upanishad's Dream there is no unreality ...


... God-realisation 5,315 Gods 253 Goethe 1,22,57,205 Gokak, Dr. V.K. 333 golden lid 307 Gray 234 H Hartz, Richard 356,360,362 higher and lower hemispheres 306 Hiranyagarbha 99 Homer 132,186,205,213,258 horse 310 hostile forces 303 Housman,A.E. 26,265 hrdaye guhāyām 165 Huta 281,298,330 hymns to Agni 299 I Ignorance ...


... ; psychological probings; aspirations. All of them linked, however tenuously, to the central idea that existence is a unified, seamless whole.  Even the Lord of Severance, Death is truly Hiranyagarbha, Lord of Life as the volume takes its title from Sri Aurobindo's epic Savitri where the heroine becomes conscious of this inalienable truth: Page 452 "A secret ...


... can say also, using a Vedantic terminology, that the mystic consciousness gives us the tatastha lakshana, the nearest approximative attribute of the attributeless; or otherwise, it is the hiranyagarbha consciousness which englobes the multiple play, the coruscated possibilities of the Reality: while the spiritual proper may be considered as prajnaghana, the solid mass, the essential lineaments ...

... forthwith leaped into darkness and inconscience. That is the involution of the Supreme into material existence. This original darkness is the womb of creation, it is something akin to Hiranyagarbha of Indian tradition. The fiat has gone from the Supreme to resurrect this darkness - his alter-ego - and he sends down the messenger-light. So the Gods are about to wake, there is a stir in their ...


... seedlings of an infinite variety. The seeds burst forth and scatter them­selves in multiple forms and in multiple directions, pursuing all lines and possibilities of growth and fruition; it is called Hiranyagarbha, the golden embryo. Last comes the actua­lity; the physical reality into which all the possibilities * Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems (Cent. Ed., Vol. 5), p. 67. Page 42 ...

... Gita, the, 5, 38, 68, 112 Greece , 103 Gundari, 258 Gupta, Robi, 192   HAMLET, 72 Heruka, 268 Himalaya , 237, 281n. Hiranyagarbha, 143, 256 Hugo, Victor, 191   ILIAD, 22   India , 10-12, 24-5, 57, 112, 189, 254 Indra, 134, 138, 144,203,272   JALANDHRIPADA, 280 ...

... We can say also, using a Vedantic terminology, that the mystic consciousness gives us the tatastha lakshana, the nearest approximative attribute of the attributeless; or otherwise, it is the hiranyagarbha consciousness which englobes the multiple play, the coruscated possibilities of the Reality: while the spiritual proper may be considered as prajñāghana, the solid mass, the essential lineaments ...

... the being. Page 327 Thus, the head, the brain, must be built wholly of fire particles. The cranium will hold, as it were, a golden ball, rounded and fully formed, the golden egg, hiranyagarbha, out of which the new physical creation will emerge – something in the manner of the legendary Greek goddess Minerva, whole and entire, complete in arms and panoply, out of the head of Father Jupiter ...

... Inconscient.   Page 142 Thus indeed they reached the heavens in their mightiness where dwell the the ancient Gods and demi-gods. [16]   HYMN TO HIRANYAGARBHA   (Rig-Veda – Mandala X, Sukta 121)     In the beginning there was the Golden Child in the Womb. From the very birth he became the sole Lord of creation ...

... dirt and other such stuff - being tasteless as well as lacking any nutritive value whatsoever. Boiled rice itself was a trinity - appearing now in its Wisdom (Shiva) aspect as white, now in its Hiranyagarbha aspect as yellow stuff, and again in its Virat Purusha aspect of grey eminence. But that life too was bearable, for after all God gave the sufferers the strength to bear even that life. In answer ...