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9 result/s found for Hohlenberg

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Three 25 Hohlenberg And what was Mirra doing in France? To begin with, she attended all sorts of 'spiritual meetings,' and met many people. One of them was Alexandra David-Neel, who became famous for her Tibetan exploits afterwards. We shall come to her later. Mirra also wrote articles for the group... there to keep a watch over your body. As Page 279 for teaching it to someone offhand —no." She then explained the reason for her refusal. "I did try it once in France, with Hohlenberg." He was a Danish artist. "He came to France and asked me. He absolutely insisted. He had read all of Théon's stuff and was well up on everything, and very earnest about it. So I taught him how to... the moment he went out of his body, he was thrown into such a panic! The man was no coward —he was very courageous —but it terrified him so! Sheer panic. ... So I said, 'no, no, no.'" Johannes Hohlenberg came to Pondicherry during the First World War. While he was there, he took a photograph of Sri Aurobindo in standing profile, looking towards the future, and also did a portrait of him. Sri Aurobindo ...

... Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Flexible You know the photograph of Sri Aurobindo in profile. It was taken. the Danish artist [Johannes Hohlenberg] when came here [in 1915] to make a portrait of Sri Aurobindo. As Sri Aurobindo could not be expected to sit for as long a time as required, the artist this photograph to help him do the portrait ...


... It happened in Savoy, on the French side, in the mountains. ( long silence ) Strange... Page 287 × Hohlenberg, the Danish painter who did a portrait of Sri Aurobindo, seems to have been among them. Mother already alluded to this trek in a Playground talk of May 5, 1951 . ...


... drink. What you should tell him is to observe the terms of his service and bring the proofs regularly.' During this period the number of visitors started increasing. A Danish painter, Johannes Hohlenberg, came and did a portrait of Sri Aurobindo. In 1916 Khaserao Jadhav, Sri Aurobindo's old friend from Baroda came specially to meet him. A young but regular visitor was K. Amudan, whom Sri Aurobindo ...


... so they have the knack. But all the same it's a bit risky, someone should always be there to watch over your body. And as for teaching it to someone offhand—no. I did try once in France—with Hohlenberg, that painter who came here during the war [World War I] and then had to go back. 2 Page 58 He came to France and asked me. He absolutely insisted. He had read all Theon's stuff and ...


... through. You can hear religious chants all the time.... ( after a silence ) Those Protestants are much worse than the Catholics. I always remember a Danish woman (she was the mother of Hohlenberg 4 who came here), who once happened to come to Paris, and whom I had at lunch with me one day. If you had seen that woman... I don't remember the occasion, but the talk turned to the Catholics ...


... efforts, Eckhard, a German disciple, purchased and presented the painting to the Ashram in December 1978. × Johannes Hohlenberg, an acquaintance of the Mother, came here in 1915. ...


... beings appeared at the four comers of an immense plateau' and spoke to her. Sri Aurobindo identifies them as the Vedic Gods Mitra, Varuna, Bhaga and Aryaman. Visited by an artist friend, Johannes Hohlenberg, who takes a photograph of Sri Aurobindo in standing profile and also paints his portrait in oil. 1914 May 16 'All the circumstances of my life seem always to tell me on Thy behalf: "It is ...


... Passing Moments Johannes Hohlenberg's Painting A splendid painting I saw long ago And the soul in it seemed to say, That the heavenly gleam in those eyes Watches over us night and day. A soft breeze carried its perfume And calm the deep sense of its songs; A memory awoke of the past, And ...