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Holdich, Sir Thomas : (b.1843) Royal Engineers 1862: Brevet-Colonel 1891: served in Bhutan expedition 1865: Afghan war 1878-80: Tirah expedition 1879-8: on special duty with Afghan Boundary Commission 1884-6: Superintendent of Frontier Surveys, India, 1892-8: Pamir Commission 1895: wrote The Indian Borderland 1901, The Gates of India 1910. [Buckland]

1 result/s found for Holdich, Sir Thomas

... of the Kashmir house pay a very heavy price for Kashmir! True to a disgraceful understanding with the British Government, of which both parties ought to have been ashamed, Golab Singh—to quote Sir Thomas Holdich,—"deserted his Sikh masters and paid for Kashmir with money looted from the Lahore treasury". So it was only "give and take". But these pathetic and miraculous happenings appear more inte... his ancestor and had, only the other day, condemned him unheard, was amazing indeed. But the matter did not end here. Following close upon the issuing of the Proclamation a durbar was held in Kashmir. Sir Francis Younghusband made a speech and the thanks of the British Government were conveyed to the Maharaja. The Maharaja, we are told, was so greatly affected that he could hardly find words to express ...

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