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Hooshka : The territories in the Indus valley & western India from southern Afghanistan downwards was styled Scythia by Greeks in 1st & 2nd centuries when they had fallen into the hands of the Kushāns of Central Asia. The most famous Scythian-Kushān king Kanishka I, who ruled from Purūshapūra (renamed Peshawar by Akbar) up to c.110 AD, patronised Buddhism. Huvishka, his grandson, made Mathura his centre & adorned it with monuments. His rival king, Vājeshka assumed the title of Kaisara [cf. Czar, Caesar]. In Kalhānā’s Chronicle there is reference to the rule of ‘Hushka, Jushka & Kanishka’ apparently identical with Huvishka, Vājeshka & his son who were the reputed founders of three cities in Kashmir named after them. [Advanced History of India, R.C. Majumdar, H.C. Raychaudhuri & Kalikinkar, 1973-74]

2 result/s found for Hooshka

... letter was written under compulsion. HOOSHKA The Princess must be rescued. I wonder, Prince Toraman, that thou wilt jest over a thing so grave and unhappy. CANACA Why, genius will out, you cannot stable it for long, Hooshka; it will break bounds and gallop. Yet go, Hooshka, go; take all my men, Hooshka. Hooshka, slay the Bheel; rescue the lady, Hooshka. I wish I could go with thee and swing... venison. HOOSHKA Prince Toraman, shall I give the order for the hills? CANACA Ay, Hooshka Long-nose, hast thou news of venison, good fellow? HOOSHKA I meant, to rescue the Princess Comol Cumary from the Bheels. CANACA Didst thou mean so? Nay, I will not hinder thy excellent intentions. But bring some venison with thee as thou comest along with her, Hooshka. HOOSHKA Prince... And rescue from their villain touch a princess. Exeunt Ichalgurh, Ruttan and Rajpoots. CANACA March, Scythians! ( aside ) Hooshka, what say you? We will keep behind these mad-dog Rajpoots and fight valiantly in their shadow. That is but strategy. HOOSHKA ( aside ) If thou dost, I will kick thee into the enemy's midst with my jackboots. CANACA ( aside ) Wilt thou muddy such a fine ...


... Cashmere, son of the Scythian overlord of the North-West. CANACA - a Brahmin, his court jester. HOOSHKA - captain of the Scythian bodyguard. MAYOOR - Atry's general and minister. INDRANY - Queen of Mathura. URMILA - Princess of Mathura, daughter of Atry and Indrany. LILA - daughter of Hooshka. Page 929 Act I Scene I Mathura. A room in the Palace. Atry, Indrany. ...
