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Hull : when known as Kingston-on-Hull, a county borough on the shores of river Humber, Hull was one of the chief outlets for the industrial Yorkshire & Lancashire districts, with a number factories producing oil, agriculture machinery, textiles, paper, cement, leather goods.
... Abruptly, without any transition, I found myself on the other side of that abyss. And I saw, a little ahead of me, a kind of luminous shell—like the hull of a boat, all luminous and white, shining, radiant, and at the very moment I saw that hull (or that shell, I do not know), a strange phenomenon took place: I saw my body (saw it from the outside, as if I had gone out of it) making a sort of somersault ...
... very narrow scrutiny. If then we are bent upon adopting England as our exemplar, we shall certainly imitate the progress of the glacier rather than the progress of the torrent. From Runnymede to the Hull riots is a far cry; yet these seven centuries have done less to change partially the political and social exterior of England, than five short years to change entirely the political and Page 28 ...
... neighbour port, Content with his safe round's unchanging course, He hazards not the new and the unseen. But now he hears the sound of larger seas... On a commissioned keel his merchant hull Serves the world's commerce in the riches of Time Severing the foam of a great land-locked sea To reach unknown harbour lights in distant climes... Or passing though a gate of ...
... of it, since it is being guarded by the British navy. PURANI: I suppose Turkey will consult Russia before yielding. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. Everybody is climbing down. Have you noted that Cordell Hull said that America won't participate European politics? America will only concern itself with trade! NIRODBARAN: For some time America has been following that policy. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. NIRODBARAN: ...
... When haunted memories grown half blind Their ghastly vigils keep. "Not here, when drifts past happy shores From mortal vision far withdrawn With lustrous sails and dipping oars The hull that brings the dawn, Seek me, but in the cloudy time When ruin blazons forth In sanguine hues the vaporous clime And champaigns of the north." As wine that from the bubbling lips Of ...
... N. Walsh and Frances Vaughan (Eds.) Beyond Ego: Transpersonal Dimensions in Psychology. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1980, p. 109. 6. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung. Translated by RFC. Hull. Bollingen Series XX, Vol. X. New York: Pantheon Books, 1964, p. 8. 7. Ibid. 8. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. VIII, p. 376. 9. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. IX, Part ...
... and wooden ribs of wrecked ships found here confirm that more than a thousand years after the first town was submerged, Dwaraka became once again a busy port. Another massive iron anchor and wooden hull of a ship suggest Dwaraka being a port of call in the medieval period also. Among important finds from the seabed excavation are five perforated stone anchors of varying sizes and a large plate of metal ...
... The Units of Evolution: On the Nature of Species, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1992; vide also, Mayr, E., Towards a New Philosophy of Biology, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1988. 8 Vide., Hull, D.L., Philosophy of Biological Science, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, N J, 1974. 9 Vide., American Public Media, Interview of Ms. Tippett with Dr. Newland, 2007. 10 Vide., Moore, F ...
... function", Sri Aurobindo retorted: "If we are bent upon adopting England as our exemplar, we shall certainly imitate the progress of the glacier rather than the progress of the torrent. From Runnymede to Hull riots is a far cry; yet these seven centuries have done less to change partially the political and social exterior of England than five short years to change entirely the political and social exterior ...
... endeavoured to walk on the path shown by the Mother, the more we encountered difficulties, obstacles, desires, temptations of all sorts that tried to push us off the track. The Mother firmly held the hull of our boat and there was no way we could go off-course. We did everything according to Her instructions. And if ever we went awry the Mother would unveil Her Rudra aspect. There is no child of Hers ...
... looked at the same shimmering of the sky on the water, and we will look at still other rivers but at the same sky always. I saw François again several times lately — he was boating. It was a sort of hull that he had built himself. You see, we always sail here and there — the old pains leave us, there remains this sweetness. I think that in the coming evolution this frontier between our world and ...
... in the distance, a minute pilgrim on the backward march of time, I climbed the curve of the ages, of lost existences; vain and luminous lives under a great look, tale upon tale in the heart of that hull, and I clasped that little flame to my heart, that single drop of light at the end of a myriad centuries; and my light was almost singing. It was like a rhythm which rose with each step, which rose ...
... of a happy beast who has been let loose far away, away from all, free from all. Such debauchery of foliage, the swell of grass so overflowing that the garden seemed from one end to the other hidden, hulled, drowned. Nothing but green slopes and branches that gushed out like fountains, curly masses, curtains of forests hermetically pulled down, Page 53 cloaks of creepers trailing on rije ...
... publishing the theory year after year, wrote furtively a summary of it somewhere along the way, and dissected countless barnacles, crustaceans resembling mussels which attach themselves to the ships’ hulls in clusters. Which Christian would take it gracefully that there was a monkey among the ancestors of Jesus Christ? But in June 1858 Darwin received an envelope from overseas containing a hastily ...
... starvation. But a constant worry is that the heavy fish will push the spear into the rubber raft. February 21, Day 17 Ship ho! I glance up and there she is, close by, a sweetly lined red hulled freighter with white whale strake and shapely bow slicing her way right for me. It's incredible that I haven't seen her sooner. They must have spotted the raft and are headed over to check it out. ...
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