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Ichalgurh : a fortress, built c.1452 by early Paramāra kings; it is c.80 km NW of Edur & c.11kms north of Mount Abu whose Guru Shikhar peak rises to 1722 metres above sea level, abounds in temples & legends of Rajput chivalry. It was renovated & renamed Achalgarh by Mahārāṇā Kūmbha (see Mewār) who built more forts than any Rajput king. The temple of Achaleshwar Mahādev stands just outside the fort.

2 result/s found for Ichalgurh

... conceal themselves. Enter the Rao of Ichalgurh, Ruttan and Rajpoots. ICHALGURH She has escaped me, or the Scythian has her. The last were my dishonour. RUTTAN We've held the road Since dawn. The Scythian had the serving-women. The princess has escaped. ICHALGURH I'm glad of it. Page 891 RUTTAN Will you pursue it farther? ICHALGURH Ambition only Engaged me once... Brother, The place is strong, nor we equipped for sieges. ICHALGURH I'll have her out even from that fortressed keeping And set her in my crest at Ichalgurh For gods to gaze at. Canaca leaps down into the road brandishing a sword, followed by Hooshka and his Scythians. CANACA Ho Amitabha! Buddha for Cashmere! ICHALGURH The Scythians on us! Swords! CANACA Put up your skewers... to Dongurh. Curtain Page 898 Scene IV Outside Dongurh. Ichalgurh, a letter in his hand; Ruttan, the Captain. ICHALGURH Who art thou, soldier? CAPTAIN The leader of the lances That guarded Edur's princess and with her Were captived by the Bheels. Their chief I serve. ICHALGURH Thou hast dishonoured then the Rajpoot name Deserting from thy lord to serve ...


... of Rajasthan.         Bappa among the Bheels is really the Gehelote Prince of Edur, and it is his destiny to get the better of all his rivals and enemies —Toraman the Cashmerean, Pratap of Ichalgurh, and Rana Curran the usurper of Edur—and also to marry Comol Cumary, the Rana's daughter. Is Toraman the puffed-up foreigner with a stranglehold on India? Is Rana Curran the local collaborator, ready ...
