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Ikshvaku Ikshwacou Ixvaacou Ixvacou : son of Manu Vaivasvata, who was son of Vivasvata, the Sun. Ikshvākū founded the Ikshvākū Kūla of Surya-vamshis that reigned from Ayodhyā at the beginning of the Tretā Yuga.
... pitiless ears To the guest's appeal, the suppliant call. He sole, Darling of Fate and Heaven, shall break through all Despising danger's threat and spurning death, To grasp this prize, whether Ixvacou's clan Yield a new Rama or the Bhoja hear And raven for her beauty,—Vrishny-born, Or else some lion's whelp of those who lair In Hustina the proud, coveting two worlds, Leaping from conquered earth ...
... old, so old, a type of Sanskrit from times lost in the mist of oblivion. Sri Krishna told Arjuna, "This is the imperishable Yoga I declared unto Viva-swan, Vivasvan revealed it to Manu and Manu to Ikshvaku told it. Thus was it known to the royal sages by hereditary transmission, till by the great lapse of time this Yoga was lost This is the same ancient Yoga that I have told unto thee today, because ...
... our humanity, Krishna has declared in passing that this was the ancient and original Yoga which he gave to Vivasvan, the Sun-God, Vivasvan gave it to Manu, the father of men, Manu gave it to Ikshvaku, head of the Solar line, and so it came down from royal sage to royal sage till it was lost in the great lapse of Time and is now renewed for Arjuna, because he is the lover and devotee, friend and ...
... times had these great congeries of nations been welded into Empire, twice by the Ixvaacous under Mandhata son of Yuvanuswa and King Marutta, afterwards by the Haihaya Arjouna Cartoverya, again by the Ixvaacou Bhogiratha and finally by the Kuru Bharata. That the first Kuru empire was the latest is evident not only from the Kurus being the strongest nation of their time but from the significant fact that... long line from southern Mysore to northern Candahar; the Aryan colonies in the yet half civilised regions of the Lower valley of the Ganges espoused the same cause. The Eastern nations, heirs of the Ixvaacou imperial idea, went equally solid for Yudhisthere. The Central peoples, repositories of the great Kuru Panchala tradition as well as the Yadavas, who were really a Central nation though they had trekked... प्रोक्तवानहमव्ययं । विवस्वान्मनवे प्राह मनुरिक्ष्वाकवेऽब्रवीत् ॥ एवं परम्पराप्राप्तमिमं राजर्षयो विदुः । "This imperishable Yoga I revealed to Vivaswan, Vivaswan declared it to Manou, Manou to Ixvaacou told it; thus did the royal sages learn this as a hereditary knowledge", and when in the immense lapse of time it was lost, Srikrishna again declared it to a Kshatriya. But when the Kshatriyas ...
... Of passionate uncontrol; if pure, their work By touch of later turbulent hands unsphered Or fames by legend stained. Upon my heights Breathing God's air, strong as the sky and pure, Dwell only Ixvaacou's children; destined theirs Heaven's perfect praise, earth's sole unequalled song. But thou, O Ila's son, take up thy joy. For thee in sweet Gundhurva world eternal Rapture and clasp unloosed of ...
... Pururavus, unlike the earlier Avatar Sri Rama who belonged to the "solar line" about which are the verses: ...Upon my heights Breathing God's air, strong as the sky and pure, Dwell only Ixvaacou's children. Of Love and Death a letter of Sri Aurobindo's (3.7.1933) says: "The poem... was written in a white heat of inspiration during 14 days of continuous writing—in the mornings, of course ...
... dearest son Is by his parents cherished; therefore I too Would happier leave than when my youth assumed Their burden, mankind, my subjects, and this vast World-empire of the old Ikshwacou kings. Lo, I have trod in those imperial steps My fathers left, guarding with sleepless toil The people while strength was patient in this frame O'erburdened with the large majestic ...
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