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Illyrian : of Illyria, a large, vaguely defined region north of Greece.

2 result/s found for Illyrian

... harvest. Artisans new of your destiny fashioned this far-spreading downfall, Counsellors blind who scattered your strength to the hooves of the Scythian, Barren victories, trophies of skin-clad Illyrian pastors. Who but the fool and improvident, who but the dreamer and madman Leaves for the far and ungrasped earth's close and provident labour? Children of earth, our mother gives tokens, she lays... Ilion queen of the world whose voice was the breath of the storm-gods? Should she have drawn back her foot as it strode towards the hills of the Latins? Thrace left bare to her foes, recoiled from Illyrian conquests? If all this without battle were possible, people of Priam, Blame then Paris, say then that Helen was cause of the struggle. But I have sullied the hearth, I have trampled the gift and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... scourge and calamity for Asia. At that moment Philip had just captured the city of Poridaea, and he received three messages on the same day The first, that his general Parmenio had overcome the Illyrians in a great battle, the second that his race-horse had won a victory in the Olympic games, and the third that Alexander had been born. Naturally he was overjoyed at the news, and the soothsayers raised ...