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Ilus : Trojan king, son of Dardanus (in another version, of Tros) & ancestor of Priam. He was one of the chief builders of Troy, which was named Ilion or Ilium after him.
... Erichthonius, then, begot Tros, King of the Trojans, And Tros had three matchless sons Assaracus, Ilus, And godlike Ganymede, the best looking boy ever born, So handsome the gods caught him up to Olympus, that he Might live with them there and be the cupbearer of Zeus. And Ilus in turn begot peerless Laomedon, father Of Priam, Tithonus, Clytius, Lampus, and Hicetaon, ...
... there be any so made by the gods in the nation of Ilus, Leaving this city which freemen have founded, freemen have dwelt in, Far on the beach let him make his couch in the tents of Achilles, Not in this mighty Ilion, not with this lioness fighting, Guarding the lair of her young and roaring back at her hunters. We who are souls descended from Ilus and seeds of his making, Other-hearted shall march... is the offer of peace that sets out with a threat for its prelude. Yet will we hear thee. Arise who are fleetest of foot in the gateway,— Thou, Thrasymachus, haste. Let the domes of the mansion of Ilus Wake to the bruit of the Hellene challenge. Summon Aeneas." Even as the word sank back into stillness, doffing his mantle Started to run at the bidding a swift-footed youth of the Trojans First... house of his fathers, Taming his mighty stride to the pace infirm of the Argive. But with the god in his feet Thrasymachus rapidly running Came to the halls in the youth of the wonderful city by Ilus Built for the joy of the eye; for he rested from war and, triumphant, Reigned adored by the prostrate nations. Now when all ended, Last of its mortal possessors to walk in its flowering gardens, ...
... is the offer of peace that sets out with a threat for its prelude. Yet will we hear thee. Arise who are fleetest of foot in the gateway,— Thou, Thrasymachus, haste. Let the domes of the mansion of Ilus Wake to the bruit of the Hellene challenge. Summon Aeneas." Even as the word sank back into stillness, doffing his mantle Started to run at the bidding a swift-footed youth of the Trojans First... his fathers, Taming his mighty stride to the pace infirm of the Argive. Aeneas But with the god in his feet Thrasymachus rapidly running Came to the halls in the youth of the wonderful city by Ilus Built for the joy of the eye; for he rested from war and, triumphant, Reigned adored by the prostrate nations. Now when all ended, Last of its mortal possessors to walk in its flowering gardens,... Palladium climbing, Fronted with the morning ray and joined by the winds of the ocean, Fate-weighed up Troy's slope strode musing strong Aeneas. Under him silent the slumbering roofs of the city of Ilus Dreamed in the light of the dawn; above watched the citadel, sleepless Lonely and strong like a goddess white-limbed and bright on a hill-top, Looking far out at the sea and the foe and the prowling ...
... Trojan, son of Priam. Ida: mountain in northwest Asia Minor, southeast of the site of ancient Troy. It was a seat of Zeus. Trojan, herald of Priam. Idaeus: Trojan, son of Priam. Ilus: legendary Trojan king, son of Dardanus and ancestor of Priam. He was one of the chief builders of Troy, which was named Ilion after him. Iris: goddess, messenger of Zeus who travels... of the traditional date of the Trojan War (1194-1184 be). It is likely that this is the Troy to which Homer refers. Trojan: the people of Troy. They claimed descent from a legendary hero, Ilus, who founded their city. Myths tell us that two gods helped to fortify the city walls, making it a significant stronghold in the region. The Trojans as we meet them in the Iliad are a highly ...
... Ida: A mountain in northwest Asia Minor, southeast of the site of ancient Troy. It was a seat of Zeus, who directed the Trojan War from there. Ilion: or Ilium, a name of Troy as the city of Ilus. lonians: A section of the ancient Greek people; they inhabited the south of Greece before the Dorian invasion sent many of them across the Aegean to the central part of Asia minor, which ...
... and from there he went on foot, for all the world like a young prince, sporting his first beard, just in the prime and fresh warm pride of youth. As soon as the two drove past the great tomb of Ilus, they drew rein at the ford to water mules and team. A sudden dark ness had swept across the earth and Hermes was all but on them when the herald looked up, saw him, shouted at once to Priam, "Danger ...
... Mattiwaza (= Sanskrit Mativāja, "Victorious through prayer"), son of Dusratta, the latter invokes his gods as witnesses of the treaty, in the formula: Hani mi-it-tra-as-si-il Hani u-ru-wa-na-as-si-il ilu inda-ra Hani na-sa-at-ti-ia-an-na. Obviously, we have in this formula the Rigvedic deities Mitra, Varuṇa, Indra and the Nāsatyas, an alternative name for the heavenly twins, the Aświnas. Particularly ...
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