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Indian Nation : English weekly edited by N.N. Ghose.

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... reader) the right perspective in which to view the origin, nature and growth of Indian nationalism and Sri Aurobindo's contribution to it. The latter half of the eighteenth century saw the Indian nation almost prostrate in the dust - its spirituality smouldering 71. "Already the Vedanta and the Yoga have exceeded their Asiatic limit and are beginning to influence the life and practice... but with new living strands in it and combined with a strong humanitarianism and zeal of missionary expansion... ," 78 In order to show that all movements of rebirth or renovation of the Indian nation have been invariably preceded and inspired by a spiritual or religious resurgence, we have reproduced the above passage from Sri Aurobindo in which he has given an illuminating survey of the origin... to France, he was welcomed and honoured by the King, Louis Philippe, who invited him to dinner and fêted him. Page 75 which was preparing to dawn upon the progressive mind of the Indian nation, accentuating the tendency to a synthesis of the past and the present, the East and the West, spirituality and life. It was a mere beginning, the first, pale streaks of the dawning glory; but all ...

... of the Indian Nation . What is more wonderful still is that the veteran cynic who had up to now directed all his energies in running down Surendranath has now suddenly discovered that "Surendranath is the most prominent man on this side of the country." The poor President of the Conference, who had committed the unpardonable sin of differing from the omniscient editor of the Indian Nation in his... that of Mr. Gokhale. He fancies he had been cherishing and nursing the national spirit—and this disgust at the very name of the nation is the result. Even Homer nods; and the wise editor of the Indian Nation and his other compatriots have to be told that the supreme test of nationalism is a belief in the future of the nation and a love for it—with all its weaknesses. As for the scurrility of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... we place special emphasis on creating a future Indian nation. In planning our system of National Education we have to take into account various other systems of education. Principal Paranjape may speak of mathematics alone, but surely that is not enough. The one thought that impels us to provide National Education is this: When will this Indian nation occupy a place in the company of other nations... your own sake but to pay the debt you owe to them. This you must never forget. Not only your ancestors—the generations to come are also an organic component of your nation. When we envision an Indian nation, it should be along these lines. We should not be carried away by Western advances or cowed by their achievements. What we need is a wide, engaging vision of our nation and of nationalism; our action ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the lasting and abiding values and ideals that led and inspired this movement. We shall therefore first trace and identify the source of the inspiring ideals that were at the root of the Indian nation. The Psychological Unity of India In the history of India, we shall note that India became a nation state only in recent times; in a sense, only after the conquest by the British... multiplicities of the land and the people. All these created a feeling that India was not just a geographical entity or a collection of people merely having the same religion and language. The Indian nation became a living being with a distinct personality, a dynamic psychological entity. It is this feeling that has been expressed by poets and writers throughout the ages. In modern times,... will take great care not to present it in a narrow parochial manner. It will rather be done is such a way that we can illustrate the tremendous diversity in unity that is the foundation of the Indian nation. However, we must note that India never became politically united. There were many attempts to convert the psychological unity into a political unity, but there was no durable success ...

... the Aryan race. But do we know how many different strains of blood went to form this Indian nation? If there be any Aryan spirit in India, it is not in the blood of the Indians, but in their education and culture. And this education and culture too has mingled with those of other civilisations. When the Indian nation was living and powerful, it had considerably added to its life and power by absorbing... the foreign yoke to be laid on India. The remnant of the life-energy was liquidated under the pressure of this subjugation. And that brought the coup de grâce which seemed to seal the fate of the Indian nation for good. Page 252 ...

... Italy, which is isolated like India, achieved national independence within a space of thirty years. Shivaji, Akbar, Ashoka as well as the Rishis of old are amongst the component parts of the Indian nation. Let us learn from Japan how to awaken the national spirit among the people by a contemplation of the heroic deeds of our ancestors. Let us bear in mind that we have a debt to discharge not only... to the Yogic knowledge of the ancients - sthūla or the gross body, sūksma or the subtle, and kārana or the causal, so has a nation.138 He who sees only the outer shell or body of the Indian nation, knows nothing of the essential and evolutionary truth of its soul. His patriotism may be intense, and his martyrdom noble-hearted and sincere, but it is a narrow and half-blind patriotism, a... God in a wide human association.' This is the ideal by which humanity is moved all over the world, the ideal which is the dharma of the Kali Yuga.... For the fiat of God has gone out to the Indian nation, 'Unite, be free, be one, be great'." We make no apology for having quoted rather long extracts from Sri Aurobindo's speech at the Howrah People's Association. What with the light he throws ...

... Billingsgate. He has attempted to answer our criticism in this week's Indian Nation , but the answer is so much befouled with an almost maniacal virulence of abuse that most of our friends have advised us to ignore his frenzies and never again give him the notoriety he desires by noticing him in our columns. It is true that the Indian Nation addresses itself to a microscopic audience and expresses the personal... Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram Sankaritola's Apologia 24-August-1907 The omniscient editor of the Indian Nation exposed himself last week to a well-deserved castigation at our hands by trespassing into history, of which he evidently knows less than a fifth form school-boy in an English public school. We ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram The Foundations of Nationality 17-August-1907 Mr. N. N. Ghose of the Indian Nation has some name in this country as an educated and even a learned man. He himself does not conceal his opinion that he is almost if not quite the only well-educated man in India and is perpetually... who is apostrophied as an ill-educated adolescent—a paper every single issue of which evidences more knowledge, reading and power of thought and expression than the whole year's output of the Indian Nation . In the latest issue of his weekly Mr. Ghose has penned an article on the prospects of Nationality in India—which he thinks to be very bad indeed—and in trying to support his thesis by examples... find that every nationality has been formed not because of, but in spite of, diversity of race or religion or language, and not unoften in spite of the co-existence of all these diversities. The Indian Nation has itself admitted that the English nation has been built out of various races, but he has not stated the full complexity of the British nation. He has not observed that to this day the races ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... for uniting into one great and puissant Indian nation. Devotion to one's own ideals and institutions, with toleration and respect for the ideals and institutions of other sections of the community, and an ardent love and affection for the common civic life and ideal of all—these are what must be cultivated by us now, for the building up of the real Indian nation. To try to build it up in any other way... meeting place of grown up nations with developed social and religious lines of their own, and with original castes and types of cultures peculiar to them. The character and composition of the coming Indian nation, therefore, will differ very materially from those of the European nations, the process of unification among whom took place at a much earlier and comparatively more nebular stage of their growth ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... this perilous contention which was formulated by Mr. N.N. Ghose of the Indian Nation, Sri Aurobindo wrote: Rather we find that every nationality has been formed not because of, but in spite of, diversity of race or religion or language ,and not unoften in spite of the co-existence of all these diversities. The Indian Nation has itself admitted that the English nation has been built out of various... Bande Mataram was heard on all sides, and people felt it glorious to be alive and dare and act together. The philosophy of nationalism that was articulated was a philosophy of the truth of the Indian nation and its history, the philosophy of Swaraj, the philosophy of ends and means, the philosophy of patriotism, and the philosophy of education and national reconstruction. And the way and the speed ...

... y must be made the chief motivating force of life; a spirituality which is not a rejection of life, but all-inclusive and consists of an integral development of the being. The Indian nation is not just a geographical entity, but also a cultural and spiritual concept. This includes the whole of the sub-continent. This cultural and spiritual entity must now be converted into... thesis that modern nationhood is determined by territory and not by religious faith. The idea was spelt out more clearly and precisely by Abul Kalam Azad when he reconciled his duties as part of the Indian nation and a legatee of universal Islamic heritage. His approach has been a major factor in building a nationalism, which seeks to advance human welfare. Imperialist occupation of the country... their patriotism. The Muslims of free India are here not just by accident of birth but also by deliberate choice. They rightfully claim the inheritance of their contribution to the making of the Indian nation-state. No less is their contribution to the endeavours for national reconstruction in the wake of the unfortunate Partition. Today, they are in the forefront of the political, social, economic and ...

... about a stable world unity. As we have seen in the first part of this book, a durable and lasting political unity has eluded the Indian nation for the last five thousand years. We have also seen in the previous chapters the root causes for the inability of the Indian nation to bring about a political unity. These may be summarised as: • The attempt to bring about unity by over-centralisation... Messages from Sri Aurobindo and Mother It will not be out of context to start with some messages which reflect the views of Mother and Sri Aurobindo on the partition of the Indian nation. Sri Aurobindo wrote on the Aug. 15 1947: "But the old communal division into Hindus and Muslims seems now to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country ...

... break up, the association of a unity which grows closer day by day, of an impulse that comes from on high and has drawn us together in order that we might realise brotherhood, in order that the Indian nation may be united and united not merely in the European way, not merely by the common self-interest, but united by love for the common country, united by the ideal of brotherhood, united by the feeling... our national ideal and in its strength our nation will rise whatever law they make; our nation will rise and live by the force of the law of its own being. For the fiat of God has gone out to the Indian nation, "Unite, be free, be one, be great." Page 83 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... dynamic as so often spirituality has been in India. The full flowering, the full richness of life on earth is what we aim at when we point to the instinct of divinity as the 'swabhava' of the Indian nation.   "Our paper, therefore, will not stand aloof from the march of events. It will be in the very thick of them and take its position in the arena of politics. But in the hubbub of political... militates against the instinct of divinity and blocks the work of the spiritual force that is Mother India.... The Godhead secret within man is the truth of the man and most keenly the truth of the Indian nation, he truth that has to be lived out as much as possible. Not Page 65 for any lesser ideal dc/we launch our paper and only this highest ideal we have in mind when we take as our ...


... II While the Bande Mataram case was going on, there appeared in the paper three editorial articles from Sri Aurobindo's pen in which he joined issue with Mr. N. N. Ghose of the Indian Nation on the subject of nationality and sovereignty in the Indian context. Answering a question posed by himself - What are the elements of nationality? - Sri Aurobindo wrote in the first of the three... following: Gujarat was once part of the Rajput circle and her princes fought on equal terms with Mahmud of Ghazni. Her people form valuable and indispensable material for the building of the Indian nation. The savoir-faire, the keen-witted ability and political instinct of her Brahmins, the thrift and industry of her merchants, the robust vigour and common sense of her Patidars, the physique ...

... Daksha, at Surat he came to grief (as Daksha did during the great Sacrifice), and when he revived it was with a goat's head (the Convention) turned backwards to the past. Sati was the pure-souled Indian Nation, and Shiva or Mahadeva was India's Destiny. For the time, of course, their union had been frustrated: But not for ever. For Sati will be born again, on the high mountains of mighty endeavour... and courage with which the fight was conducted and still more for the complete realisation of the true inwardness of the Nationalist gospel which made them identify the interests of the whole Indian nation with the wrongs and grievances of the labourers in the Coral Mill. 25 From Tuticorin the trouble quickly spread to Tinnevelly (Tirunelveli), and Sri Aurobindo wrote a few days later to ...

... to the temptation of the carrot the Government dangled before them. They forgot that 90% of them were descendants of converted Hindus and that they, the Indian Muslims, belonged as much to the Indian Nation as the Hindus. Maybe, left to themselves Hindus and Muslims could have united and grown as a single nation. Obviously, it was not in British interest to let them be. The Morley-Minto Reform... will be no party," stated Sri Aurobindo, "to a distinction which recognises Hindu and Mohammedan as permanently separate political units and thus precludes the growth of a single and indivisible Indian nation." It is given to few to be able to tear off a mask and see the real face. The Nationalists saw the face. What to say of the notorious Page 521 self-serving Congress moderates, ...

... others take his place. Every Bengali patriot feels inclined to sacrifice his own self for the good of thirty crores of people. This idea ought to spread throughout the country. The misery of the Indian nation must be looked upon as the misery of everyone, and the pleasure of the nation must be regarded by him as his own. One ought to feel pride in bearing pain and anguish. To suffer such pangs is to... shine forth. Trifling emotions ought to be given up. Do not be afraid even if you are required to die. Do not retreat; bear pain for the sake of the nation. God is your support. If you do this, the Indian nation will, in an instant, get back its former splendour and glory. It will take its place at the side of the independent nations of the world; it will educate other nations; it will shed the lustre of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... is usually brought against it when it criticises the moderate leader. Immediately the Indian Nation falls on its neck and weeps joyfully, "I too have been accused. Embrace me, my fellow-martyr." We doubt whether our contemporary will quite relish being put on a level with Mr. N. N. Ghose and the Indian Nation . Its editor is a recognised political leader and his paper has from early days been a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... their whole young life a lesson in the practice of the virtues which afterwards go to make the patriot and the citizen. If we do not attempt this, we may as well give up our desire to create an Indian nation altogether; for without such a discipline nationalism, patriotism, regeneration are mere words and ideas which can never become a part of the very soul of the nation and never therefore a great... they come but because we will be no party to a distinction which recognises Hindu and Mahomedan as permanently separate political units and thus precludes the growth of a single and indivisible Indian nation. We oppose any such attempt at division whether it comes from an embarrassed Government seeking for political support or from an embittered Hindu community allowing the passions of the moment to ...


... ty in order to harmonize all the religions in India. Thirdly, I have given great importance to the Armed Forces in India as a living example of the integration and harmony of the Indian nation. In this I have been fully supported by the observations of the Mother as well my own experience in my contact with the Army. To illustrate the support of the Mother, I am quoting a note sent by... in order to harmonize all the religions in India. Thirdly, great importance has been given to the Armed Forces in India as a living example of the unity, integration and harmony of the Indian nation. The author supports this by a note written by the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram which had to be sent to the then Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi. She wrote: "So I had to send someone ...

... they come but because we will be no party to a distinction which recognizes Hindu and Mohammedan as permanently separate political units and thus precludes the growth of a single and indivisible Indian nation. We oppose any such attempt at division whether it comes from an embarrassed Government seeking for political support or from an embittered Hindu community allowing the passions of the moment to... they come but because we will be no party to a distinction which recognizes Hindu and Mohammedan as permanently separate political units and thus precludes the growth of a single and indivisible Indian nation. We oppose any such attempt at division whether it comes from an embarrassed Government seeking for political support or from an embittered Hindu community allowing the passions of the moment to ...

... This problem has to be tackled and the only way of doing it is to graduate from religion into spirituality. This will be discussed in detail in the later part of the book. The Indian Nation For this thing is written in the book of God and nothing can prevent it, that the national life of India shall meet and possess its divine and mighty destiny. ... said "This is the first and most essential thing to remember about India - that there is not and never was an India, possessing any sort of unity, physical, political, social or religious; no Indian nation." This belief was evidently fostered and encouraged as part of the British policy of divide and rule. Unfortunately it still survives among a section of the educated English-speaking i ...

... wouldn't flinch from the extremes! trial when the time came. He knew too that "a nation capable of a national act of self-sacrifice ensures its future". 14 The crucial question was whether the Indian nation was as yet capable of such a national act of self-sacrifice. The old mood of slothful complacency and lazy acquiescence in foreign rule was still dominant enough in 1893 and for several years... was it wise on Sri Aurobindo's part to sit meanwhile with folded hands, waiting patiently (or pathetically)  Page 188 for the auspicious moment when the country - the slumbering Indian nation - got ready for action? The people had first to be awakened to the triune lights of self-respect, self-reliance and resolute co-operative action. It was mentioned in an earlier chapter (III.v) ...

... very truth lost — as if for ever — amidst the brambles and quicksands of the eighteenth century. The wheel had turned and turned and brought the season of drought and difficulty, and for the Indian nation the prospect seemed unpromising in the extreme: Ganga was sunken, and the limp leaves Waited for rain, while the black clouds Gathered far distant, over Himavant. The jungle... A Colossus though Rammohan was, he too had his collaborators, and he .was blessed in his successors who in their own several ways continued his noble work of galvanising the Hindu fold and the Indian nation. Even a critic of Rammohan like Radhakanta Dev served only to temper the quality of the new thought and the new life it wished to generate. He was shrewd enough to utter the grave warning: ...

... nature of the functions of the Greek gods, Apollo, Hermes, Pallas, Aphrodite, [have we] the right to expect anything less from the ancestors of the far more subtle-minded, philosophical & spiritual Indian nation. Page 160 × The metre of the Vedic hymns depends as in English on the number of syllables in the line ...


... properly carried out with the approval of public opinion, it will assure our future evolution and progress without violence or strife. We would be able to take a fuller part in the total life of the Indian nation and be at the same time an instrument for the closer drawing together of nations and play a part in the international life of mankind. We appeal to all progressive forces in France to favour ...


... Aurobindo revolved these things in his mind, and read, wrote and thought incessantly. Could not something be done? Could he not find an opportunity for service in the larger life of Bengal,—of the Indian nation itself? He had already in England decided to devote his life to the service of his country and its liberation. He even began soon after coming to India to write on political matters (without ...


... great educationist, the regenerator of society, the captain of co-operative industry, with the soul of the poet, scholar and artist. He will be in short the summary to and grand type of the future Indian nation which is rising to reshape and lead the World. Page 14 ...

... Minto's "honest" Swadeshi—has no attractions for us, since we know that it can bring no safe and permanent national gain; that can only be secured by the industrial and fiscal independence of the Indian nation. Our immediate problem as a nation is not how to be intellectual and well-informed or how to be rich and industrious, but how to stave off imminent national death, how to put an end to the white ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... their whole young life a lesson in the practice of the virtues which afterwards go to make the patriot and the citizen. If we do not attempt this, we may as well give up our desire to create an Indian nation altogether; for without such a discipline nationalism, patriotism, regeneration are mere words and ideas which can never become a part of the very soul of the nation and never therefore a great ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... sleep or are in intellectual and moral bondage. We Nationalists declare that man is for ever and inalienably free and that we too are, both individually as Indian men and collectively as an Indian nation, for ever and inalienably Page 617 free. As freemen we will speak the thing that seems right to us without caring what others may do to our bodies to punish us for being freemen, as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... presume, those in which we called upon the Hindus to defend their temples and their women from insult and outrage. Every Hindu paper at the time did the same, even the Indian Mirror and the Indian Nation , and we do not think we did anything more than our plain duty to our countrymen. The Lieutenant-Governor, however, takes exception not to the purport of our articles but to their language—which ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... humanity, are fighting humanity's battle in the pure strength of the spirit, with no weapon but the moral force of their voluntary sufferings and utter self-sacrifice. Mr. Polak has well said that the Indian nation is being built up in South Africa. The phrase is true in this sense that the supreme example of the moral and spiritual strength which must be behind the formation of the new nation, has been shown ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... skill and courage with which the fight was conducted and still more for the complete realization of the true inwardness of the Nationalist gospel which made them identify the interests of the whole Indian nation with the wrongs and grievances of the labourers in the Coral Mill. Page 926 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... ns which the time needed and help the emergence of its best or else its strongest tendencies in a critical era. When they attempt more, they fail. Akbar's effort to create a new dharma for the Indian nation by his enlightened reason was a brilliant futility. Asoka's edicts remain graven upon pillar and rock, but the development of Indian religion and culture took its own line in other and far more ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... friend Santosh Pal, in Delhi - that Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay has died. She was most generously friendly to me in India, and what a privilege to have known this great uncrowned queen of the new Indian nation. A woman of the theatre, and the arts, a friend of Gandhiji, she is part of history. It will be deeply sad to revisit India without her presence. America - I have many dear American friends ...

... humanity or all divinity be hymned, there must be in the face and figure of the invoked Spirit something clearly and fervently national. Page 19 The Typical Genius of the Indian Nation When we say "national", we must not mean merely a vague image of the country's consciousness. There must be a powerful suggestion of the precise colour and shape of the country's culture ...

... chains that is the true cause of the delightful stir of life with which we are filled today. The falling of the chains has only given a fine edge to a youthfulness that is the very essence of the Indian nation. If we realise this we shall stop looking merely around for Page 7 patterns on which to erect our future. Of course, all that is nobly or usefully modern in the world of ...

... people. National education :—The object of our educational movement is to establish self-government in India. It is an education which shall create Indians, not Englishmen, citizens of the Indian nation; this will prolong the life of India. It means gradually giving up schools and colleges under foreign control, the objects of which are directed by a foreign element. The schools and colleges in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Like Daksha it was a great figure, a Prajapati with numerous offspring, full of dignity, sobriety, wisdom, and much esteemed by the gods. This Daksha too had a daughter whom he loved, the young Indian Nation. When the time for her marriage came, she chose for herself the bridegroom offered to her by the Rishis who declared him to be Mahadeva, the Destiny of India and her fated Lord. It was at sacred ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... they come, but because we will be no party to a distinction which recognises Hindu and Mahomedan as permanently separate political units and thus precludes the growth of a single and indivisible Indian nation. We oppose any such attempt at division whether it comes from an embarrassed Government seeking for political support or from an embittered Hindu community allowing the passions of the moment to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... psyche these days would seem more the exception than the rule.   When we re-examine Sri Aurobindo's ideas today, we can even conclude that the true gift of the renaissance was the modern Indian nation. Despite all its drawbacks and failings, this nation seems to be the best means that we have to preserve our culture and to express our own destiny. This nation has not only survived the ravages ...


... to the Prasii under Sandrocottus - if the Prachyas under the Guptas had just founded their new empire. Although surpassed by the Prachyas they could still rank as more powerful than any other Indian nation. On approaching Pliny without bias and with the full sense of his context we get a clear indication of the true time of the Āndhra supremacy - namely, a little prior to the rise of Sandrocottus; ...


... being and in close touch with the Divine within him. For then he will realise what the heroes and warriors of India, both in the past history and in the freedom movement had realised - that the Indian nation is not just a piece of land nor a collection of people, but a living spiritual entity, a soul. Even as the individual has a soul which is his true self, governing more or ...

... is only a newly-fangled notion invented by Jinnah for his purposes and contrary to the facts. More than 90% of the Indian Mussalmans are descendants of converted Hindus and belong as much to the Indian nation as the Hindus themselves. This process of conversion has continued all along; Jinnah is himself a descendant of a Hindu, converted in fairly recent times, named Jinahbhai and many of the most famous ...

... As already seen, by 1857, the whole of the Indian subcontinent had come under the control of the British. The exploitation of India by the British had reached very great proportions. The Indian nation was thus facing a great crisis. The historian T.B. Macaulay thought that India was at the point of dissolution. The society was steeped in superstition, manacled by primitive customs, and it seemed ...

... they come but because we will be no party to a distinction which recognizes Hindu and Mohammedan as permanently separate political units and thus precludes the growth of single and indivisible Indian nation. We oppose any such attempt at division whether it comes from an embarrassed Government seeking for political support or from an embittered Hindu community allowing the passions of the moment to ...

... principle with Sri Aurobindo never to "appeal" to the British people; and the Bande Mataram also avoided any such exercise in mendicancy. But the paper certainly tried to prod and awaken the Indian nation from its unconscionable slumber. Sri Aurobindo's Vidula - to which reference has already been made in an earlier chapter (4. VI) appeared in the second issue of the Bande Mataram Weekly ...

... steps," reports Barin, adding that it was far more difficult and complicated to obtain glimpses of the Moderate leaders. The Nationalists' line of work was to mix with the masses ... "till the Indian nation is free." It did everyone's heart good to see them all sit down together to their meals irrespective of caste or religion. "One day as I sat down to my meal," relates Barin, "I saw seated side by ...

... picking or other exhilarating occupation in store for us, so that we may support each other "under the burden of an honour into which we were not born". Always provided that the editor of the Indian Nation is not one of the three. The Empire is very much hurt that the Indian papers have not taken any notice of the Viceroy's magnanimous though somewhat belated refusal to sanction the Punjab ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... was once part of the Rajput Page 797 circle and her princes fought on equal terms with Mahmud of Ghazni. Her people form valuable and indispensable material for the building of the Indian nation. The savoir-faire, the keen-witted ability and political instinct of her Brahmins, the thrift and industry of her merchants, the robust vigour and common sense of her Patidars, the physique and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... colonial spirit. Their eagerness to dissociate themselves from the Africans is shown in Dr. Abdurrahman's letter quoted by India . All such methods are as useless as they are unworthy. So long as the Indian nation at home does not build itself into a strong and self-governing people, they can expect nothing from Englishmen in their colonies except oppression and contumely. Page 110 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Sankaritola Hamlet's mystery. Certainly we did not anticipate that the sight of his own moral lineaments would drive him into such an exhibition of shrieking and gesticulating fury as disfigures the Indian Nation of the 15th April. Such self-degradation by a cultured and respectable literary gentleman is very distressing, and we apologise to the public for being the cause of this shocking spectacle. We ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Page 325 now envy the distinction. But will they be tempted to mend their ways? We would suggest a Kaiser-i-Hind for meritorious journals and recommend the Indian Mirror and the Indian Nation for the first two medals. Page 326 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... privileges and prejudices, as the Japanese Samurai did, for the raising up of the lower. The spread of a general spirit of ungrudging self-sacrifice is the indispensable prelude to the creation of the Indian nation. This truth is not only evident from the very nature of the movement we have initiated, but it is borne out by the tests of history and experience to which we have been recently asked to refer in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... great educationist, the regenerator of society, the captain of cooperative industry, with the soul of the poet, scholar and artist. He will be in short the summary and grand type of the future Indian nation which is rising to reshape and lead the world. OTHER WRITINGS BY SRI AUROBINDO IN THIS ISSUE Anandamath IV Page 249 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... that character. But if a United Congress proves impossible, the Nationalists cannot allow the Convention unchallenged to delude the world by pretending to voice authoritatively the sense of the Indian nation. A second section of opinion is that of advanced Moderates and among these we find two ways of thinking. Some lay stress on the unconstitutional conduct of the Convention Committee in forcing ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... religion. I do not know now whether I shall fulfil that intention; for as I sat here, there came into my mind a word that I have to speak to you, a word that I have to speak to the whole of the Indian Nation. It was spoken first to myself in jail and I have come out of jail to speak it to my people. It was more than a year ago that I came here last. When I came I was not alone; one of the mightiest ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... the subscribers is not yet clear,—the Anglo-Indian papers who are interested in preventing the erection of the hall, and, among Indian papers, the Hindu Patriot , the Indian Mirror , and the Indian Nation , all of them papers of a very limited circulation and opposed to the national movement in its most vital features. We are not aware that any organ of the popular party, Moderate or Nationalist ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... would, in a way, be focusing sharply on the related questions of culture, conservative intellectual-ism, the spiritual traditions of our land and our conception of Page 321 the Indian nation. I shall therefore embark on this personal narrative by quickly surveying some important landmarks in the nineteenth century and twentieth century to show how modernity in India was implicated in ...


... which aims at creating unity by destroying nationality. Nationality also has value. Out of all nations, India is most fitted to begin a new race of supermen and it is for this purpose that the Indian nation must keep up its individuality and recover her soul. At the same time I do not want India to imitate Europe nor to remain in the present mud. Mahatma Gandhi has introduced Tolstoyan Christianity ...


... which aims at creating unity by destroying nationality. Nationality also has value. Out of all nations, India is most fitted to begin a new race of supermen and it is for this purpose that the Indian nation must keep up its individuality and recover her soul. At the same time I do not want India to imitate Europe nor to remain in the present mud. Mahatma Gandhi has introduced Tolstoyan Christianity ...

... is only a new-fangled notion invented by Jinnah for his purposes and contrary to the facts. More than 90% of the Indian Mussulmans are descendants of converted Hindus and belong as much to the Indian nation as the Hindus themselves. This process of conversion has continued all along; Jinnah is himself a descendant of a Hindu converted in fairly recent times named Jinnabhai and many of the most famous ...


... is only a newly-fangled notion invented by Jinnah for his purposes and contrary to the facts. More than 90% of the Indian Mussalmans are descendants of converted Hindus and belong as much to the Indian nation as the Hindus themselves. This process of conversion has continued all along; Jinnah is himself a descendant of a Hindu, converted in fairly recent times, named Jinahbhai and many of the most famous ...


... Don't you like my theory? No-one could have written his works, it would have been humanly impossible to know what he knew! I have been deeply moved by the 'India of the Imagination' which the new Indian nation seems to be letting go just as modern England the England of the Imagination. Both are eternal but meanwhile the Reign of Quantity threatens us both. Perhaps that tide will turn. Perhaps it's too ...

... and to give the utmost constructive help to all that encouraged this instinct. To quote the manifesto again: "The Godhead secret within man is the truth of man and most keenly the truth of the Indian nation, the truth that has to be lived out as much as possible. Not for any lesser ideal do we launch our paper and only this highest ideal we have in mind when we take as our motto the ancient cry: ...

... Tilak, Bepin Chandra Pal, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sri Aurobindo and others was untenable and was even an avoidable menace. There was a view among journalists such as that of Mr. N.N. Ghose of the Indian Nation that because there is diversity of race in India, because there is diversity of religion in India, and because there is diversity of language in India, the essential conditions of a nationality ...

... multiplicities of the land and the people. All these created a feeling that India was not just a geographical entity or a collection of people merely having the same religion and language. The Indian nation became a living being with a distinct personality, a dynamic psychological entity. It is this feeling that has been expressed by poets and writers throughout the ages. In modern times, ...

... important and comprehensive an assemblage occurred within historical times on the soil of India. He claimed for it an entirely representative character. 1 Indeed it was representative of the Indian nation and this was a major step in the formation of the national consciousness. From this day onwards, the national consciousness began to loom large over India. No doubt there were many hurdles, due ...

... e of India and the equality of women in India. He received an added impetus when a weekly magazine, 'India' was started by Thirumalachariar. It was here that he wrote fiery articles on the Indian nation and awakened in the people of south India the will to fight the British. An important event in the history of the Indian Freedom Movement was the meeting of the Congress at Surat; this ...

... strict sense of the word, but are, in fact, different and distinct social orders and it is a dream that the Hindus and Muslims can ever evolve a common nationality, and this misconception of one Indian nation has gone far beyond the limits and the cause of more of our troubles and will lead Page 193 India to destruction if we fail to revise our nations in time. The Hindus and ...

... succeeded in giving form to it. While in India it is quite different. It is a well-defined collective personality which is already there and all these various personalities and types .of the Indian nation are its formations, so to say. It is that which expresses itself in these. Disciple : The differences between different parts of India are variations of the same collective personality ? ...

... the Aurovilians, cut off their means of subsistence, send them to jail, blackmail them in every possible way; they made official reports saying that Satprem incited the Aurovilians against the Indian nation and that the bums to be expulsed were drug addicts and sex maniacs — all that with the blessing of the “managers” of the Ashram and of Auroville as well. The big business, you know, millions ...

... the sole speaker and was heard with rapt and reverent attention. He had intended at first to speak on the Hindu Religion, but as he sat there a word came to him, a word he had to speak to the Indian nation. In fact, the word had come to him in jail, and he must now speak it to the people. And so he rose to address the gathering that was thus uniquely privileged to hear first the "word" meant for ...

... great educationist, the regenerator of society, the captain of co-operative industry, with the soul of the poet, scholar and artist. He will be in short the summary and grand type of the future Indian nation which is rising to reshape and lead the world. 2 II The "Open Letter" of 31 July had said "Check!" to the baffled bureaucracy, while it had also rallied the drooping forces of the ...

... in the stress of an intolerant patriotism that I turn an eye of disparagement upon Europe. The immediate past of these Western peoples I can admire more than I admire the immediate past of our Indian nations. It is their present that shocks my aspirations for humanity. Europe is full of the noise and the apparel of life, of its luxurious trappings, of a myriad-footed material clang and tread, but of... the biune mould of monogamy & prostitution. You will find such a Parisian who keeps his wife and mistress & frequents his State-licensed harlots as well, shocked & pained at the idea of polygamous Indians enjoying the same rights as the virtuous sons of Europe. Some are even afraid that the resurgence of Asia may end in the lowering of Western morals. There can then be a descent from as well as to Avernus ...


... other reporters were unable to discover,—is obliged to admit the smallness of the circle to which these creditable feelings were confined. To this body calling itself the Indian National Congress how many delegates did the Indian nations end? The magnificent total of three hundred. From Bengal Sjs. Surendranath, Bhupendranath and A. Chaudhuri with less than half-a-dozen followers enriched Lahore with their... the Southern Presidency. What remains to Conventionism? Bombay city, Gujerat and the United Provinces are still open to them for a season. The abstention of a disgusted nation has passed sentence of death on this parody of the Indian National Congress. The Convention President's Address The most remarkable feature of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya's address is not what he said, but what he omitted... to the obscurest Anglo-Indian scribbler the appeal to the Moderates is to criticise details hereafter, if they choose, but to accept the Reforms, the perpetual division of the two Indian communities, the humiliation of the Hindus, the extrusion of the educated classes from their old leading position, the denial of the only true basis of self-government,—to let, as the Indian Daily News persuasively ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin