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... of duty and utilitarianism, we have to note that Indian ethics respects gradations of consciousness and does not prescribe one law of conduct for all in any uniform manner. As one ascends from level to level, Indian ethics provides a guidance appropriate to each level, so that one can securely advance towards higher steps of ascent. In Indian ethics, therefore, there is place for Kama and artha ...
... doctrines of duty and utilitarianism, we have to note that Indian ethics respects gradations of consciousness and does not prescribe one law of conduct for all in any uniform manner. As one ascends from level to level, Indian ethics provides guidance appropriate to each level, so that one can securely advance towards higher steps of ascent. In Indian ethics, therefore, there is place for kama and artha, provided ...
... much misrepresentation. The Western ethicist likes to have a high standard as a counsel of perfection and is not too much concerned if it is honoured more by the breach than by the observance; Indian ethics puts up an equally high and often higher standard; but less concerned with high professions than with truth of life, it admits stages of progress and in the lower stages is satisfied if it can moralise ...
... What is Culture? Distinction between Civilisation and Culture; (2) Indian Rationality; (3) Indian Aesthetics (Literature, Art, Music, Dance, Drama); Page 211 (4) Indian Ethics and Dharma; . (5) Indian Religion and Spirituality; (6) Distinctive Features of Indian Culture; (7) Indian Renaissance. In the second component, it will provide a ...
... births, a reminder of the Gods and planes beyond and of the Divine, and above it all the vision of a last stage of perfect comprehension and unity and of divine transcendence. The system of Indian ethics liberalised by the catholicity of the ancient mind did not ban or violently discourage the aesthetic or even the hedonistic being of man in spite of a growing ascetic tendency and a certain high ...
... follows; for in the next verse the Teacher bids him to make grief and happiness, loss and gain, victory and defeat equal to his soul and then turn to the battle,—the real teaching of the Gita. But Indian ethics has always seen the practical necessity of graded ideals for the developing moral and spiritual life of man. The Kshatriya ideal, the ideal of the four orders is here placed in its social aspect ...
... that grew and tended to prevail in the Indian society. Dharma, artha, kama, and moksha, these four commonly understood words in the Indian aim of life have rich connotations, indicating that Indian ethics assigned due place to the pursuit of pleasure, kama, and of wealth or prosperity, artha, provided that they were adequately controlled and governed by the pursuit of the ideal law of the truth ...
... Mughal architecture in India: Importance of Taj Mahal. Page 244 Class XI a) Systems of Indian Philosophy: Main schools and their fundamental doctrines; b) Indian ethics: outline study of ethics and yoga of Geeta. c) Dharmashashtras and Nitishashtras of India; d) Arthshashtra of India (a bare outline); e) Other numerous social sciences; ...
... value-oriented education at the tertiary level should also include a special study of Indian culture and Indian system of values. It should also include the study of Indian religion and spirituality, Indian ethics and Indian concept of dharma, Indian literature, Indian art, Indian architecture, and Indian polity. It may be suggested that these programmes can be spread over three years of courses. ...
... largely been active in the field of creative literature and fine arts. Mahatma Gandhi through his long and active life tried what might be called, an ethico-politico-economic integration of Indian culture. Ethics is the basis of his outlook. His book ' Hind-Swaraj' gives most of his fundamental ideas on life and philosophy. Simplicity, non-possession ( of wealth), self-control and service are some of... the political struggle with non-violence as the creed. His influence on Indian public life is far-reaching and his political philosophy of Page 39 non-violence has attracted the attention of the world in this atomic age. The cultural integration attempted by the Mahatma stressed the social aspect of ethics and religion, and created a demand for purity and integrity in public life... lay bare the foundations of Indian culture ? It is because, Indian culture stands for a great truth, an indispensable truth of human life and its perfection. In spite of India having achieved freedom there is still need for the defence and preservation of its fundamental values, for there is danger of their being ______________________ 12 The Foundations of Indian Culture P. 38 13. Ibid ...
... other classes of Indians in ethics. So also about the Arabian races, Mr. Blunt praises them very highly as a sympathetic and honest people. Do you think that the average man of to-day is far better than a Greek two thousand years ago, or to an Indian of those times? Look at the condition of Germany to-day. You can't say that it is progressing. I have come in contact with the Indian masses and found... laziness I was not deteriorating. Disciple : Was there a prejudice against Indians at that time? Sri Aurobindo : No. There was no distinction between an Englishman and an Indian. Only the lower class people used to shout ''Blackie Blackie". But it was just the beginning. It was brought by Anglo-Indians and Englishmen retiring from the colonies. It is a result of Democracy, I suppose... three humours of which Hippocrates and Galen speak are an Indian idea. Disciple : At Calcutta and other places they are trying to start Ayurvedic schools. I think it is good. It will be a combination of Eastern and Western methods, especially of Western Anatomy and Surgery. Sri Aurobindo : Why! Anatomy and Surgery were known to Indians. There were many surgical instruments in India. For an ...
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