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Indumati : sister of Bhōja, the king of Vidarbha, who chose Prince Aja for her husband at her svayamvara. She was killed when Nārada’s garland fell on her while she slept in an arbour.
... speaks of the most beautiful and harmonious physical features of Aja. This typical harmony of features in Aja becomes conspicuous when the poet points out that after coming near Raghu's son, i.e., Aja, Indumati stopped from going any further, for Aja was flawless in all his limbs sarvāvayavānavadya (VI.69). And then we see what Sunanda, the lady escort of Indumatī, has to say in praise of their anticipated... glory, but has spared your lives out of mercy.' - Canto VII. 65 As if this was not enough of humiliation for his enemies, he also drew the attention of his newly wed bride, Indumati, to his own valour with avid interest in the following words: Page 60 Look, Vaidarbhi (0 daughter of the king of Vidarbha), — I give you leave — look at these our foes; even infant... which physicians could not cure, as a gain. - Canto VIII. 93 It is difficult to imagine a better picture of conjugal love and harmony than that of Aja and his beloved queen, Indumati. Regarding this canto a commentator has the following to Page 66 This Canto is probably the best and the most widely read of all the cantos in Raghuvamśa... The lamentation ...
... Tamāla and palm-forests, as also in the description of the Page 34 confluence of Ganga and Yamunā at Allahabad, and in the episode of Indumatīsvayamvara (the description where Indumati selects Aja amidst the prospective candidates coming for marriage from all over India) too, but much more so in the episode of 'Raghudigvijaya', the description of Raghu conquering the whole of India ...
... SRI AUROBINDO: In spite other experiences Sahana was also on the point of going away about two years ago. SATYENDRA: Of course I didn't have such acute crises. EVENING SRI AUROBINDO: About Indumati I may say that Purna "God-meeting" is possible by Purna devotion, full self-giving, so that nothing else matters to her, although she can get guidance from and communication with Krishna without that ...
... artistic within us. Could anything be more gross, earthy, un-Indian and addressed purely to the eye than his "Descent of Ganges", or more vulgar and unbeautiful than the figure of Aja in the "Death of Indumati", or more soulless and commonplace than the "Ahalya", a picture on a level with the ruck of the most ordinary European paintings for the market by obscure hands? Some of these efforts are absolutely ...
... showing it. PURANI: Then my friend writes that X has gone very deep down in his consciousness. SRI AUROBINDO: It is always possible to go down. (Laughter) PURANI: Here is a letter from Indumati. She asks whether or not her Bhakti for Krishna is genuine and how she can dedicate herself to Krishna and pray to him to free her from all bonds. SRI AUROBINDO: It is a little dangerous to pray ...
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