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Inquisition : The Roman Catholic ecclesiastical court founded in the 13th century under Pope Innocent III best remembered for its innocent devilish sentences.
... Roman Empire, around the year 400, hordes of ‘monks’ went on the rampage, murdering ‘heathens’ and destroying the buildings of the existing religions and cults. There has been the Crusades, the Inquisition (still extant), the witch hunts which killed hundreds of innocent women in the cruelest manner, and the burning of unbelievers from within and without the Church’s ranks. Dogmatic fanaticism brought... simple, and spoke out as such, for instance in his De Harmonia Mundi . Descartes had been educated by the Jesuits, spent much of his life in hiding for fear of suffering the same treatment by the Inquisition as Galileo, and did his best to find room for God in his worldview. Newton, as is now well known, dedicated more years of his life to alchemy and biblical theories than he did to science, and all ...
... human life? In fact the Order he founded was from the beginning tainted with unscrupulous fanaticism and his followers were the worst agents of the Inquisition before their rivals the Franciscans challenged the monopoly. Mention of the Inquisition reminds me of another saint, whom you have not mentioned but who stands high among "Christ's soldiers": Francis Xavier. I was educated at the school... I do not question Francis Xavier 7 s religious experiences or his devotion to Jesus, but I jib at the ascription of "love" to him when I know that he urged the King of Portugal to make the Inquisition active in Goa. Murderous hate of non-Christians is ingrained in the past of the Church. You will be surprised that the Church's Canon Law has still not abandoned the principle that heretics ...
... Theodosius had banned all forms of public worship other than the Christian. Madame de Staēl said succinctly, "Pagans divinize life, Christians divinize death." And what death! During the Spanish Inquisition, in a span of fifteen years, between 1483 and 1498, a single Dominican priest who was the Inquisitor-General, sentenced over 114,000 victims—of which 10,220 were burned. When Napoleon conquered... havoc. No, all that wasn't enough. The Portuguese let loose a reign of terror. Francis Xavier arrived in India in 1542. He was one of the founders of the Jesuit order. And began the terror of Inquisition. Francis Xavier had come with the firm resolve to uproot paganism from the native soil and plant Christianity instead. So it was sauve-qui-peut with our Saraswat Brahmins. It was a precipitate... Can our body's cells keep their memories for so long? Do our bodies contain or are formed by the conscious cells of our past forms? 1 I heard that the door of the Office of the Inquisition at Goa is still standing, though the building itself is in ruins. Page 142 Vasco da Gama's grandnephew, Luiz Vas Camoens, had set sail for Goa in 1553. He saw for himself the havoc ...
... the theoretical admission of the former's complete spiritual authority, it was really the temporal head who decided the ecclesiastical policy and commanded the Page 376 terrors of the Inquisition. In Italy, the immediate presence of the spiritual head of Catholicism in Rome was a great moral obstacle to the development of a politically united nation; the passionate determination of the liberated... authority and religious uniformity on the people and seize the real sense of the religious wars in France, the Catholic monarchical rule in Spain with its atrocious method of Page 380 the Inquisition and the oppressive will of the absolute Czars in Russia to impose also an absolute national Church. The effort failed in England because after Elizabeth it no longer answered to any genuine need; ...
... The hypothetical gap between science and religion or spirituality turned into a cause of serious tension, for instance during the late Renaissance when Galileo Galilei was put on trial by the Inquisition of the Catholic Church. “The Galileo Affair had a catastrophic effect on the Church, putting her in discredit for her inability to accept the development of the sciences. Her condemnation of Galileo... Aristotelian and Ptolemaic system had to make place for the Copernican, but only after much conflict and confrontation, the best-known episode of which is Galileo’s trial and condemnation by the Inquisition. In the long run science triumphed over superstition, something Scientism vividly remembers and keeps reminding humanity of. For what it calls “the Copernican Principle” means that, as in nature ...
... silence ) But he seems to me by far the most interesting Pope in a very long time. It's strange, I got a sense of repulsion. Repulsion? The only danger with these people is a spirit of Inquisition, but is that possible nowadays? I don't think so. Page 202 No, but under the cover of a "synthesis" or a broadening of the doctrine, they may very well be trying to expand further the... him. What he had just done was monstrous. And he was going away... it was a chunk of steel that walked out. Incidents of that sort have left me with a peculiar impression. The stories of the Inquisition had already given me a sufficient... Now, of course, you've heard what I told you [the story of the Asura], and that's really my way of seeing the thing. But there was a time when I might have said ...
... phrasing common to priest and people in that robust time, 'By God, the child has said true. He willed that Goliath should be slain, and He sent a child like this to do it!' Another day, when the inquisition had dragged along until everybody looked drowsy and tired but Joan, brother Seguin, professor of theology in the University of Poitiers, who was a sour and sarcastic man, fell to plying Joan with... and, at the instigation of the infamous Cauchon, thirsty for revenge, she was sold to the English, who regarded her as a witch and intended her to be tried by the Court of the Church known as the Inquisition which in this case was largely composed of French bishops. If she were condemned by an ecclesiastical court she would be discredited, thought the English, in the eyes of those who now thought her ...
... stopped for a week at the sweet will and discretion of an individual. The provisions for search and entry of the police into houses and so-called public places are so ample as to give a power of inquisition and domiciliary visit second only to the Russian. Even boardings, messes and private lodging-houses are liable to entry at any hour and on any pretext. And by an inspired improvement on the stringent ...
... logic. The Vedantic Yogin shrinks at present, because of certain moral scruples, from divulging his arcana to the crowd, but he recognises that so long as he refuses, he has no right to evade the inquisition of the metaphysical logician. Atharvan & Svetasvatara having spoken, Shankara and Ramanuja must be allowed their arena of verbal discussion. The metaphysical question involved turns upon the nature ...
... performed at all or badly performed without any sense of obligation and merely as a part of caste pride. “He has to rise in revolt; on every claim of authority he has to turn the eye of a resolute inquisition; when he is told that this is the sacred truth of things or the command of God or the immemorial order of human life, he has to reply: ‘But is it really so? … And of all you say, still I must ask ...
... Greek and Latin authors, and who, inspired by them, launched the movement they called la nuova scienza . A decisive confrontation in this general attack was the trial of Galileo Galilei by the Inquisition, lost by Galileo 2 but ultimately won by science. As mentioned in one of the first chapters, Galileo’s premises would become the foundations of the revolutionary scientific method. His first ...
... Utopian idea was Tommaso Campanella, a defrocked Dominican monk, contemporary of Bruno (also a Dominican) and heavily influenced by him. 96 Like Bruno, Campanella got into serious trouble with the Inquisition, and was severely tortured and incarcerated for many years. He was, however, clever enough to escape execution and even to practise some magic with Pope Urban VIII himself. The Cittá del Sole ...
... performed at all or badly performed without any sense of obligation and merely as a part of caste pride. He has to rise in revolt; on every claim of authority he has to turn the eye of a resolute inquisition; when he is told that this is the sacred truth of things or the command of God or the immemorial order of human life, he has to reply, "But is it really so? How shall I know that this is the truth ...
... and left. He spoke to Cardinal Tisserant, to this Monsignor R., so... ( silence ) They are so attached to their power that they are capable of reverting to their old ways—excommunication, inquisition and the rest—to prevent things from moving. That's what I feel. That's the terrible thing. Whereas the Pope, there was in him an effort to go farther. "There was," did you say? What did I ...
... other word: thin-lipped and the mouth in a straight line like this ( same blade-like gesture ). It gives the appearance of a terrible nastiness, something inexorable (which found expression in the Inquisition, tortures and so on). Why is it there?... But that German, for instance, the light was there when he was a baby, the day after his birth—he didn't have an inexorable mouth at that time! But the ...
... " A seeing of the common terrestrial condition through eyes opened to a deeper reality, evil or good, behind or beyond it, is found again and again in Savitri. Thus we read: An Inquisition of the priests of Night In judgment sit on the adventurer soul... A bond is put on the high-climbing mind, A seal on the too large wide-open heart; Death stays the journeying ...
... self-righteous frame of mind in which we grow fanatical and intolerant and exclusivist is not a movement towards a general "Krishna-consciousness" for any fight, but a drive towards a species of Spanish Inquisition or of a Herrenvolk Hitlerism. What you say at the end of your letter is to my mind correct: "Satprem's Agenda minus Satprem (the Mother's temporary private references, the editor's personal ...
... gets inflated and all-powerful at the expense of others or whenever there is an unholy alliance of some against the rest. Priest-craft, the Church militant, Fanaticism (religious or ideological), Inquisition are corruptions that show themselves when the first principle, the principle of Brahminhood, becomes exclusive and brings in arrogance and ignorance. Similarly colonisation and imperialism of the ...
... Revolution, 101 Industrial League, 102 Inge, Dean, 341 -Mysticism in Religion, 341n Iraq, 106 Ireland 106, 127, 151 Irish Renaissance, 152 Ishwara, 4 Inquisition, the, 123 Isis, 220 Islam, 55-6, 110 Israel, 219 Italy, 89, 244 JANAKA,396 Japan, 70, 160,209 Jayachand,9O Jeanne d'Arc, 90 ...
... their opposition to the geocentric theory of the universe, hallowed and sanctified by the body of the Church, Bruno was burnt at the stake, and the sixty-seven years old Galileo called before the Inquisition had to indicate his "free and unbiased" willingness to recant, to "abjure, curse, and detest the said heresies and errors and every other error and sect contrary to the Holy Church", and he had to ...
... ul at the expense of others or whenever there is an unholy alliance of some against the rest. Page 118 Priest-craft, the Church militant, Fanaticism (religious or ideological), Inquisition are corruptions that show themselves when the first principle, the principle of Brahminhood, becomes exclusive and brings in arrogance and igrio-ranee. Similarly colonisation and imperialism of the ...
... of so many millennia of Sorrow, the Response to our souls and Page 14 our bodies which had so long burnt in vain, suffered so much in vain in this or that prison, under this or that Inquisition, or disappeared in a vain Revolt of outlaws. This time, the law was to change, it had to be said, as well as the Means. And the extraordinary, abyssal underground storm They had triggered off — ...
... the land shall seek out the first-born and the young children of the idea and put them to the sword. As in the early days of the Christian Church, so always zealous persecutors carry on an inquisition in house and school and market to know who favour the new doctrine; they "breathe out threatenings and slaughters against the disciples of the Lord" and "make havoc of the Church, entering into every ...
... life and soul of the community, a more or less complete inhibition of its freedom of thought, speech, association, individual and associated action,—often attended by the most abominable methods of inquisition and interference and pressure on the most sacred relations and liberties of man the individual and social being,—and an encouragement and patronage of only such thought and Page 459 culture ...
... need have often claimed to exist for their own sake and to follow their own bent, practically they have often enforced their claim, but they have still been obliged in general to work under the inquisition and partial control of reason and to refer to it as arbiter and judge. Now, however, the thinking mind of the race has become more disposed to question itself and to ask whether existence is not ...
... history of Europe almost from the days of Constantine, its first hour of secular triumph, down to very recent times, or the sanguinary comment which Page 175 such an institution as the Inquisition affords on the claim of religion to be the directing light and regulating power in ethics and society, or religious wars and wide-spread State persecutions on its claim to guide the political life ...
... torturing questions and suggestions until the brain reels, the body sinks, the heart is sick and hopeless and the man is ready to say anything his torturers believe or want to be the truth. It is a true Inquisition; the mediaeval name fits these modern refinements. The English people have often been accused as a brutal or a stupid nation; but they have a rugged humanity when their Page 46 interests ...
... because I said to myself, "But why is my attention constantly turned to that?" Then I looked carefully and saw that the psychic had been in a tortured body several times, long ago at the time of the Inquisition, but also in political cases (much more recently, probably). Real tortures, you know, those inventions in which men are worse than monsters—no animal is more monstrous than human consciousness like ...
... that Nolini would soon get it into his head to inquire. "What should I do?" I asked. Sri Aurobindo very blandly replied: "Let us hope he will not get it into his head" (14.5.1937). But the silent inquisition of the lifted eyebrows for a moment or two did not cease. Then I wrote in desperation to Sri Aurobindo that I was sure the question would come and I must know whether to take Nolini into the secret ...
... so I wrote to Sri Aurobindo: "What should I do? I think Nolini is going to ask me." (laughter) Then Sri Aurobindo very blandly replied, "Let us hope he won't." (laughter) But still the silent inquisition of the lifted eyebrows did not cease! Then I wrote in desperation to Sri Aurobindo: "I am sure it is going to happen now. Please tell me what to do. Can I take him into the secret or not?" (laughter) ...
... 15 Ibid ., p. 15. Page 415 Across each road stands armed a stone-eyed law, At every gate the huge dim sentinels pace. A grey tribunal of the Ignorance, An Inquisition of the priests of Night In judgment sit on the adventurer soul, And the dual tables and the Karmic norm Restrain the Titan in us and the God. 16 Yet the missioned spirit of Savitri ...
... A gaol is this immense material world. Across each road stands armed a stone-eyed law, At every gate the huge dim sentinels pace. A grey tribunal of the Ignorance, An Inquisition of the priests of Night In judgment sit on the adventurer soul, And the dual tables and the Karmic norm Restrain the Titan in us and the God. 149 The next image is applied ...
... ornament of his character. The outrages committed by Spain in America, the oppression of the Christians by Imperial Rome, the brutal treatment of Christians by Christians themselves (the Inquisition, that is to say) or the misdeeds of Imperialists generally were wrong and, in many cases, even inhuman and unpardonable. But when we compare with what Nazi Germany has done in Poland or wants to ...
... ornament of his character. The outrages committed by Spain in America, the oppression of the Christians by Imperial Rome, the brutal treatment of Christians by Christians themselves (the Inquisition, that is to say) or the misdeeds of Imperialists generally were wrong and, in many cases, even inhuman and unpardonable. But when we compare with what Nazi Germany Page 11 has done ...
... ornament of his character. The outrages committed by Spain in America, the oppression of the Christians by Imperial Rome, the brutal treatment of Christians by Christians themselves (the inquisition, that is to say) or the misdeeds of Imperialists generally were wrong and, in many cases, even inhuman and unpardonable. But when we compare with what Nazi Germany has done in Poland or wants to ...
... nothing to do with the meaning of the lines; the words are merely the garments of the vibration. Whereas this line by Francis Thompson issues straight from the illumined mind: The abashless inquisition of each star. What essentially distinguishes the works that come from this plane is what Sri Aurobindo calls a luminous sweep , a sudden flooding of light. The vibration is unlike any other ...
... many incidents which Mother recounted to Satprem will give us an inkling of the kind of impression they left her with. These impressions were piled upon those already created by the stories of the Inquisition (pdor Christ, who preached the gospel of Love!) —that barbaric persecution which drew a long, red and hideous stain across the religious history of Europe. And how does a religion come into being ...
... and stand over against Him, then truly everything goes wrong, nothing can go right! 8 Correct knowledge can come only through identification, not through separativity, division and false inquisition. The filiations between Yoga and Art were first discussed in 1929 in Conversation XIV, and the main thrust of the Mother's exposition was that Art, in its fundamental truth, was nothing less ...
... The Roman government persecuted the Christians and the Christians suffered. When the Christians came to power they started inquisitions and they always said that the institutions like the inquisition were very good for the souls of those people. ( Laughter ) Page 59 Disciple : The Satyagrahi only cares about remaining non-violent himself. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, but ...
... jasmine or filth—they are silly odours; there, they contain a world. They are the odours of feelings: fear, hate, joy: and fantastically precise as if, at one go, one swallowed the terror of the Inquisition or the scent of wild Himalayan rhododendrons. Just a vibration. I always have the impression that life here is an abstract copy of a true image behind; one enters into it as if into a caricature: ...
... gh if the mouths are no so open, they do not mind burning you at the stake either, for a few centuries, after a few purifying tortures that vie with the Gestapo's cruelties: five centuries of Inquisition is a long time compared to fifty years of Hitler. But that is not the worst, nor the most cruel, most fundamentally cruel: it is those men uprooted from their civilization and ancestral knowledge ...
... locked forever in the books of our new scientific Church as in a tomb. But this new Church is a prison and its miracles are cruel. It is a Bastille more stifling than that of the Capetians or the Inquisition. Our murders and violence, our drugs and viruses are the cry of the Earth, an ultimate revolt against ourselves, for want of having found our own sense of being, just as the materialist revolt ...
... was divided into many sects. One of these was called the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish soldier. The Spaniards were notorious for the 'Inquisition' cruelties. Flush with the victory over Islamic Moors, they had a surplus of religious zeal. When they landed in the Americas, the Spaniards proclaimed that they came "in the service of God ... to ...
... dignity of the person and the self-respect which every race worthy of existence holds to be dearer than life itself. And all this in spite of the fact, exemplified a hundred times over, that these inquisitions are wholly infructuous and can serve no purpose but harassment and exasperation. Usually the searches are undertaken, if we do not err, on the vague information of disreputable hirelings used as ...
... Cromwell and restore Charles Stuart, the country was full of Royalist fugitives, hiding by day, travelling by night, in the hope of reaching a port whence they could sail for Ostende or Calais. For the inquisitions of the Republican magistrates were imperative and undiscriminating. "I would give," he said to himself, "my soul and the rest of my allotted days as a free gift to Satan, if I might once clasp ...
... consciousness that has grown and lives powerfully and now apprehends expurgation and elimination. In Europe such a contingency did not arise, because the religious spirit, rampant in the days of Inquisitions and St. Bartholomews, died away: it died, and (or, because) it was replaced by a spirit that was felt as being equally, if not more, authentic and, which for the moment, suffused the whole consciousness ...
... consciousness that has grown and lives powerfully and now apprehends expurgation and elimination. In Europe such a contingency did not arise, because the religious spirit, rampant in the days of Inquisitions and St.Bartholomews, died away: it died, and (or, because) it was replaced by a spirit that was felt as being equally, if not more, authentic and, which for the moment, suffused the whole consciousness ...
... consciousness that has grown and lives powerfully and now apprehends expurgation and elimination. In Europe such a contingency did not arise, because the religious spirit, rampant in the days of Inquisitions and St. Bartholomews, died away: it died, and ( or, because) it was replaced by a spirit that was felt as being equally, if not more, authentic and, which for the moment, suffused the whole con ...
... what must ultimately be done would have been done. 8 It is clear that Mother and Sri Aurobindo had no intention of becoming super-Cathars for the benefit of fiscal stakes and bureaucratic Inquisitions of the 20th century, which are very efficient at evolutionary purges. We always make the same mistake: each one does his job, even the torturer, even the victim. And in the end, who does if not ...
... eloquence, wit and muscle. Then but remains Pacification, with or else without The Church's help; that's a mere form and makes No difference to the principle. ANTONIO There should be Inquisitions for such as you. What after? BASIL Nothing unless you wish to assure the conquest, Not plunder it merely like a Tamerlane. I'll teach that also. 'Tis but making her Realise her inferiority ...
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