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27 result/s found for Inward movement

... rather a pity that the fear came in and spoiled the inward movement—for this inward movement is exceedingly important for the sadhana. The increasing frequency and completeness of the psychic consciousness in you coming in and replacing the ordinary one has hitherto been the most hopeful sign of progress—but the establishment of an inward movement would be a still greater thing; for its natural result... Experiences of the Inner Being and the Inner Consciousness Letters on Yoga - III Chapter I The Inward Movement The Importance of Inner Experiences The outer work is only half the matter. There is also the consciousness within which does the work and that must develop from the mental-vital to the spiritual-psychic. How can it do that without experiences... wake in the hidden parts of your being. When that plunge has once been taken, you are marked for the Yogic, the spiritual life and nothing can efface the seal that has been put upon you. This inward movement takes place in many different ways and there is sometimes a complex experience combining all the signs of the complete plunge. There is a sense of going in or deep down, a feeling of the movement ...


... expresses the vision cannot easily be grasped within a clear definition. However, when we study mystic poetry we discern two main movements: the psychic and the spiritual. The psychic is an inward movement "to the inner being, the Self or Divinity within us," and the spiritual is an upward movement "to a supreme spiritual status or a higher existence. 2   When the poetic sight reaches... is the heart-ocean ( hrt-samudra ) of divine delight and the beauty of the Real which is also the truth of the Real. The emphasis here lies on delight, of which beauty is the visible sign. This inward movement goes deeper than the emotional heart which is but the rippling surface of the ocean. When the poetic sight ascends upwards and removes the mental lid that conceals what lies beyond, it discovers ...


... increase. Even sometimes when the pressure of the sadhana in the physical increases or when one has to go much inside, this temporarily increases—the body either needing more rest or turning the inward movement into a tendency to sleep or be at rest. You need not, however, be anxious about that. After a time this rights itself; the physical consciousness gets the true peace and calm in the cells and feels ...


... stream of force, erect a circle or wall of consciousness around oneself, direct an idea so that it shall enter somebody’s head in America etc. etc. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - III: The Inward Movement No, people are not conscious of these things, only a few are. The vital exchange is there, but they are not aware of it—because they live in the external mind (physical) and these things go ...


... doubt, so long as he lives mainly on his surface, he can only build a sort of superstructure ideal and imaginative and ideative upon the ground of his normal narrow existence. But if he makes the inward movement which his own highest vision has held up before him as his greatest spiritual necessity, then he will find there in his inner being a larger consciousness, a larger life. An action from within ...


... turns her hands alternately inwards and outwards ), it becomes very concrete: you do this ( outward movement ), everything becomes artificial, hard, dry, false, untrue, artificial; you do this ( inward movement ), everything becomes wide, tranquil, luminous, peaceful, vast, joyful. And it is simply this, that ( Mother turns her hands alternately inwards and outwards ). How? Where? It cannot be described ...


... their character. Actually, however, while the previous revolutions in the domain of poetry have moved within the limits of the normal and received action of the poetic intelligence, the upward and inward movement and great widening of which the human mind is now in labour is an effort of such rapidity and magnitude that it appears like an irresistible breaking out of all familiar bounds and it is natural ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... steadily and patiently taken down so that no stone of it may abide. My warning against allowing the sleep world to encroach on the waking hours is limited to that alone and does not refer to the inward movement in waking concentration or ordinary waking consciousness. The waking movement carries us finally into the inner self and by that inner self we grow into contact with and knowledge of the supraphysical ...


... him? No, you didn't do anything, did you; well then, you needn't feel sad. You should only be sad if you've done something bad, but...." So that settled it: I would never cry. With just a slight inward movement, or "something" that said, "You've done no wrong," there was no sadness. But there was another side to this "someone": it was watching me more and more, and as soon as I said one word or made ...


... your doings. There is nothing too small, too trivial to be offered. Suppose I put this walking stick of mine in some place. Well, even that action can be and should be a gesture of offering. The inward movement has to be — "I am giving my stick to you, O God." To take in everything into the practice of offering is to make Yoga an integral part of your life.         It is not by cutting yourself ...


... of man is to be found in his soul. It is not indeed certain that a subjective age will lead us there, but it gives us the possibility, can turn in that direction, if used rightly, the more inward movement. It will be said that this is an old discovery and that it governed the old societies under the name of religion. But that was only an appearance. The discovery was there, but it was made ...


... higher pressure is felt on the head, the body feels an irresistible push to fall asleep.       It interprets the new pressure as something to be met by going inside, I suppose, and the inward movement is sleep.         In such circumstances, is it better to sleep or meditate? It depends on the nature of the sleep.         The day before yesterday there was a prolonged ...

... doings. There is nothing too small, too trivial to be offering. Suppose I put this walking stick of mine in some place. Well, even that action can be and should be a gesture of offer-ing. The inward movement has to be - "I am giving my stick to you, O God." To take in everything into the practice of offering is to make Yoga an integral part of your life.   It is not by cutting yourself off from ...


... doubt, so long as he lives mainly on his surface, he can only build a sort of superstructure ideal and imaginative and ideative upon the ground of his normal narrow existence. But if he makes the inward movement which his own highest vision has held up before him as his greatest spiritual necessity, then he will find there in his inner being a larger consciousness, a larger life. An action from within ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... psychic entity is veiled from us, and this intervening space is filled with a subliminal nature and nature-movements which are not by any means all of them favourable to the completion of the inward movement. The outer nature has to undergo a change of poise, a quieting, a purification and fine mutation of its substance and energy by which the many obstacles in it rarefy, drop away or otherwise disappear; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... found in his soul. It is not indeed certain that a subjective Page 224 age will lead us there, but it gives us the possibility, can turn in that direction, if used rightly, the more inward movement. It will be said that this is an old discovery and that it governed the old societies under the name of religion. But that was only an appearance. The discovery was there, but it was made for ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... increase. Even sometimes when the pressure of the sadhana on the physical increases or when one has to go much inside, this temporarily increases—the body either needing more rest or turning the inward movement into a tendency to sleep or be at rest. You need not, however, be anxious about that. After a time this rights itself; the physical consciousness gets the true peace and calm in the cells and feels ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... master there and be able to feel, know and deal with the secret forces that determine our destiny and our internal and external growth or decline. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - III: The Inward Movement A superficial observation of our waking consciousness shows us that of a great part of our individual being and becoming we are quite ignorant; it is to us the Inconscient, just as much as ...


... mukti . It is a release into peace, happiness, the soul's freedom not tied down by the thousand ties and cares of the outward ignorant existence. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - III: The Inward Movement Once the psychic has come to the front, can it withdraw again? Yes. Generally one has a series of experiences of identification, very intense at first, which later gradually diminish ...


... him? No, you didn't do anything, did you; well then, you needn't feel sad. You should only be sad if you've done something bad, but....' So that settled it: I would never cry. With just a slight inward movement, or 'something' that said, 'You've done no wrong,' there was no sadness. But there was another side to this 'someone': it was watching me more and more, and as soon as I said one word or made ...

... truth of man is to be found in his soul. It is not indeed certain that a subjective age will lead us there, but it gives us the possibility, can turn in that direction, if used rightly the more inward movement." The simultaneous need for individuals who are able to recreate themselves in the image of the Spirit, and the need for the readiness of the mass "...if the spiritual ...


... adventure of Consciousness as a threefold movement: an upward movement - the evolution or the ascent or the emergence; a downward movement - the involution or the descent or the immersion; and an inward movement - the integration, the unification, the transformation. The next preordained evolutionary change, the Supramental, may very well prove to be the climactic upsurge that will end the "original sin" ...

... Gita? But the silence or the touch of the divine consciousness can be equally, and for some more easily, got in the waking meditation through the Mother's presence and the descent from above. The inward movement, however, is probably unavoidable and he should try to understand and, not shrinking or afraid, go to it with the same confidence and faith in the Mother as he has in the waking meditation. His ...

... on earth could such a dream take place and what significance could it have? Naturally, these dreams have no value except when they are symbolic; but it counts only as the beginning of an inward going movement. It is probable that you have begun to go inside and first get into touch with a world very near to the physical and are seeing things there. I quite realise that there should be no craving... everybody feels at a certain initial stage. I hear that one can pray for a friend and write to you about him. Yes but don't do it for people who have not the turn for Yoga. Each has his own movement—his own time in this life or another. April 23, 1933 For some days there is joy and enthusiasm; sadhana goes on well. Then there comes a lapse when there is less joy and meditation needs ...

... In the course of individual evolution it is the psychic being that "grows" through the various experiences from life to life. The apparent movement is towards the True, the Good, the Beautiful, but inwardly the movement is towards the Divine and when this inward fact is recognised the genuine spiritual life has begun and one is aware of one's soul directly and not only of the reflection or rather emanation... with one star that is the dusk. It seeks to catch in terms of a spiritual mood a phase of Nature or perhaps I should say it tries in words to reflect by empathy an inward-going moment of the Earth-soul. The dusk suggests the movement of withdrawal from outer wakefulness into a sense of dreamy mystery and the single star represents the emergence of a one-pointed depth-consciousness, a unifying intensity... finds me somewhat at a loss. I may only surmise that in the long run one may echo the Aurobindonian state: Slow my heart-beats' rhythm like a giant hammer's - Page 124 or progress inwardly as Amal has always hoped to do Till all the heart-beats of my life's increase Count but the starlike moments of His peace. (3.3.1986) It's good news that you will be Pondying for ...


... by a constant enlarging attended with a constant transmutation of its experience which is reflected in its ways of self-expression, and the tendency of this progression is always more and more inward, a movement that cannot cease till we get to the inmost, and even then there can be no real cessation because the inmost is the infinite. The progress of poetry, as it has been viewed in these pages, has... life sense of the race. And whatever poetry may make its substance or its subject, this growth of the power of the spirit must necessarily bring into it a more intense and revealing speech, a more inward and subtle and penetrating rhythm, a greater stress of sight, a more vibrant and responsive sense, the eye that looks at all smallest and greatest things for the significances that have not yet been... and make these things a part of our living experience. A poetry of large spiritual inspiration must necessarily be, when it is not dealing directly with eternal things and turns its eye on the movement of time and the actual life and destiny of man, largely present and futurist in its insistence. The poet will continue though in a new way and with a new eye to transfigure the past for us, but will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... In the course of individual evolution it is the psychic being that "grows" through the various experiences from life to life. The apparent movement is towards the True, the Good, the Beautiful, but inwardly the movement is towards the Divine and when this inward fact is recognised the genuine spiritual life has begun and one is aware of one's soul directly and not only of the reflection or rather emanation... me. Page 96 I was sorry to learn of your headaches and tiredness, but I am sure they are passing things, and the hands of our Gurus are always holding you and leading you onward and inward and upward to your own true self which is eternally their child, "the Purusha no bigger than the thumb of a man, who is like a fire without smoke and who was there in the past and will be there in... experience at the back of it is even more significant than the one that came to Sri Aurobindo in that upper room at Baroda in three days' time - the experience of Nirvana. For Nirvana drew his eyes inward to the infinite silent Brahman clear of all cosmic limitation, a necessary farness and freedom for the soul. But it made the cosmos appear a colossal illusion. On the other hand, the experience of ...
