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Ionians : inhabited the south of Greece before the Dorian invasion drove many of them across the Aegean to the central part of the west coast of Asia Minor, which became known as “Ionia”. Earliest Greek literature & philosophy developed here.

18 result/s found for Ionians

... acquainted with the existence of the Greeks. Now here the first consideration is why did they call the Greeks Ionians, and not Hellenes or Macedonians? That the Persians should know the Greeks by that name is natural enough, for it was with the Ionians that they first came in contact; but it was not Ionians who invaded India under Alexander, it was not an Ionian prince who gave his daughter to Chundragupta... , it was not an Ionian conqueror who crossed the Indus & besieged [ ]. Did the Macedonians on their victorious march give themselves out as Ionians? I for my part do not believe it. It is certain therefore that if the Hindus took the word Yavana from, it must have been through the Persians and not direct from the Greek language. But the connection of the Persians with India was as old as Darius Hystaspes ...


... I, p. 331. Page 465 did not think the Ionians important enough to constitute a primary objective, for his mind was on Babylon and the Bactrians and the Sacae and the Egyptians, against whom he intended to lead an expedition in person." 1 Herodotus recounts how Cyrus's representative, Harpagus, dealt with the Ionians, and then (1.177) adds: "While Harpagus was turning upside-down... Testament simply transcribes the name and so does the Latin Vulgate where it appears as Javan. It follows from that that the authors of the Septuagint did not regard the Yāvāns of Genesis as meaning Ionians or Greeks. 1. Ibid., pp. 174-175. 2. Ibid., p. 169. 3.Letter to the author, dated 4.1.1957. 4. C. 270 B.C. (The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 1952, p. 1135). Page 258... When we read the note of the Jerome Biblical Commentary 2 on Joel IV.6, it is not difficult to affirm with Mitra the earliest form of "Ionia" to be "Uinim". The note runs: "the Greeks: the Ionians (Yewānim), the Greeks of the Aegean Islands and western Asia Minor." The inflected Hebrew word bracketed here is surely a modulation of the Egyptians' "Uinim" which dates back to 1500-1400 B.C. "Ionian" ...


... The lax Ionians of the Asian coast Drew out their numbers... refer to the revolt against the Persian rule in 500 B.C. by the Ionians who were made luxurious by the wealth and prosperity of their cities in Asia Minor and had a name for effeminacy. The revolt was put down by King Darius. His success was due both to his own superior forces and to the soft character the Ionians had developed ...


... would not brook Of that sustaining genius, when it took A form of visible power, since it demanded All meaner passions for its sake disbanded. As once against the loud Euphratic host The lax Ionians of the Asian coast Drew out their numbers, but not long enduring Rigorous hard-hearted toil to the alluring Cool shadow of the olives green withdrew; Freedom's preparators though well they knew ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... legend 4 H Hades 56, 77 Hamlet 10, 23, 38 Hebrides 103 Hecate 77 Homer 27 Horatio 23 I Ind 92 India 76, 78, 89, 91, 98, 104 Indra 31 Ionian 52 J Japan 92 Jeanne d'Arc 48 Jules Romains 39 Jules Supervielle 55 Juno 34 Jupiter 32 Jouve 76, 77 K Kali 78 Kalidasa 17, 18, 27 ...

... labour, naked, with the unripe breasts Of a virgin, Leader of Ways; A dancing but no movement. (Pp.120-121) Indeed, this is beauty cleansed and translucent, a beauty of the eternal Ionian sky. How limpid and serene, yet pulsating with a coursing life is this pastoral: In the sky the clouds were ringlets; here and there A trumpet of gold and rose: the approaching dusk ...

... out of the labour, naked, with the unripe breasts Of a virgin, Leader of Ways; A dancing but no movement.³ Indeed, this is beauty cleansed and translucent, a beauty of the eternal Ionian sky. How limpid and serene, yet pulsating with a coursing life is this pastoral: ¹ "Postscript", From Log Book II. ² "Salamis in Cyprus", From Log Book III. ³ "Engomi", Ibid. ...

... Egypt is old, Phoenicia is old, the Hebrews are old, all the other races of the old world are old, not merely chronologically, but psychologically. But Hellas is modern. There is a breath in the Ionian atmosphere, a breath of ozone, as it were, which wafts down to us, even into the air of today. Homer and Solon, Socrates and Aristotle, Pythagoras and Plato are still the presiding gods ruling over ...

... Aphrodite, addressing her "father” Zeus, and foreseeing the times to come declares, Only my form he pursues that I wear for a mortal enchantment, He to whom now you givest the world, the Ionian, the Hellene, But for my mind is unfit which Babylon worshipped and Sidon Palely received from the past in images faint of the gladness Once that was known by the children of men the thrill ...

... steeds. The sacred way to Olympia started in Elis, the city-state 34 miles away. The route skirted the low mountains of the western Peloponnesus and followed the curves along the coast line of the Ionian Sea. As the pro cession reached the fountain of Piera, which marked the boundary between Elis and the holy precinct of Olympia, the summer sun was sinking slowly behind the western edge of the sea ...

... genius, talent, origination, invention or of splendid personal force and activity. Periods such as the revolutionary epoch in France when the rajasic element gets free play and communities like the Ionian democracies of which Athens was the head and type, are not only the most interesting from their fascinating abundance of stir, passion, incident, brilliance of varied personality, but also among the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... with Paphia's sweetness. Mould Hephaestus' craft in the gaze of the gold Aphrodke,- Only my form he pursues that I wear for a mortal enchantment, He to whom now thou givest the world, the Ionian, the Hellene, But for my might is unfit which Babylon worshipped and Sidon Page 84 Palely received from the past in images faint of the gladness Once that was known by the children ...

... member of the Eleatic School founded by Parmenides. He invented the Dialectic, adopted by Socrates. Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (500-428 Be) was a pre-socratic Greek philosopher, member of the Ionian School of philosophy. Anaxagoras brought philosophy and the spirit of scientific inquiry from lonia to Athens where he lived for about 30 years. His observations of the celestial bodies and the fall ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... Iaonoi', 262 Ilā, 69 Indian Calendar, 101 Indra, 143, 243, 580, 582 Indus, 244 Indus Valley, 56 Indus Valley Civilisation, see Harappa Culture 'Ionia', 258 'Ionian', 233, 247 Irawatī (Hydraotes, Rāvi), 117 Iśāna-varman (Maukhari), 487, 488, 489, 494 Isfandiyad, 366 Islam, 367 JābālalJobil, 325 Jackson, A. V. W., 281 ...

... In such antiquity as the Aramaic here suggests, the Yonas could not be what modern historians suppose them to have been from the resemblance of "Yona" to the Persian "Yauna" which equates to "Ionian": the Greeks. According to all literary Indian tradition the Yonas are a tribe of "degraded kshatriyas", closely associated with another such tribe, the Kambojas. The grammarian Pānini who first mentions ...

... in their time-indications as the rocks on which they are inscribed. In Rock Edict XIII there are those five foreign kings led by a king who is called "Yona" (an adjective considered translatable as "Ionian", indicating "Greek") - five rulers whose names have been adjudged to correspond with those of five post-Alexandrine Greek monarchs. And there is also the version in Greek along with an unmistakably ...

... ceased; and there rose up impatient Tall from the spears of the north the hero king Prothoënor, Prince in Cadmeian Thebes who with Leitus led on his thousands.     "Loudly thou vauntest thy freedom Ionian Minos recalling, Lord of thy southern isles who gildst with tribute Mycenae. We have not bowed our neck to Pelops' line, at Argos' Iron heel have not crouched, nor clasped like thy time-wearied... commune with Paphia's sweetness, Mould Hephaestus' craft in the gaze of the gold Aphrodite,– Only my form he pursues that I wear for a mortal enchantment, He to whom now thou givest the world, the Ionian, the Hellene, But for my might is unfit which Babylon worshipped and Sidon Palely received from the past in images faint of the gladness Once that was known by the children of men when the thrill ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... cool And dabble their white feet in the chill lapse Of waters, trees and a green-mantled earth, Cicalas noisy in a million boughs Or happy cheep of common birds, I greet you, Syria or Egypt or Ionian shores, Perseus the son of Danaë, who long Have sojourned only with the hail-thrashed isles Wet with cold mists and by the boreal winds Snow-swathed. The angry voices of the surf Are welcome to ...