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Ishmaelite : descendant of Ishmael, the outcast son of Abraham & Hagar in Genesis in the Old Testament. Ishmaelites were nomadic tribes some of which took up farming, caravan trading, & banditry. Moslems consider Arabs consider Arabs descendants of Ishmael, thus distinguishing themselves from the descendants of Isaac & Israel.

1 result/s found for Ishmaelite

... maltreat. But in extremity I rely upon Treneth to slay my Argus with the bright edge of a paradox. Wilson —We were at the third rung of the ladder, were we not? Keshav —Yes, thou slave-driving Ishmaelite. I declare it is impious on a day like this to bury ourselves in the gloomy vaults of speculation. But as you will. To remember how far we have climbed, is the best incentive to climb farther ...
