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Jackson : District Magistrate of Nāshik who was shot dead on 21 December 1909 as he had committed Ganesh Sāvarkar for a trial which resulted in Ganesh’s transportation for life. For this the Octopus sentenced seven Chitpāvan Brahmins & executed three of them [s/a Khare, Waman S]

13 result/s found for Jackson

... chiefs with money and won them over to their side. A new officer called Jackson was appointed by the Company to collect the tribute from Bommu. Jackson invited Bommu to meet him alone with the intention of capturing him. Bommu, seeing through the game went along with his brother and with one of his ministers. Jackson was waiting at Ramalingavilasa, as a guest of Raja Setupati. Bommu entered the... the huge mansion alone, while his companions hid themselves in secret places. Jackson, who was drunk, entered into an argument with Bommu and asked him to pay the tribute. There followed an altercation and Jackson commanded his secretary Clark to capture Bommu. Bommu waved his sword at the soldiers who rushed to capture him and in a moment Clark,s head rolled to the ground. A small battle ensued and... and Bommu escaped with most of his men. Page 36 Another officer, Lushington was appointed in place of Jackson. Lushington asked Bommu to pay the tribute and also pay compensation to the family of Clark who was killed by Bommu. On his refusal, the Company decided to march with their army and capture the territory of Panchalamkurucchi. On the 14th of August 1799, the British ...

... precise equivalent of the Avestan "Vistaspa". Impressed by these facts as well as several other features of the whole case, including a tradition in Persia about Zarathustra's date, scholars like Jackson, Hertel and Herzfeld have placed the prophet in the 6th century B.C. But Haug, Geiger, Andreas, Meyer, Moulton, Keith, Soderblom, Charpentier, Geldner, Bartholomae, Mills and Benveniste carry him to... 2. Ibid., p. 376. Page 281 tion of Aśoka's rājas with post-Alexandrine Greek kings. Indian scholars too who accept that indentification are seen disagreeing with Jackson, Hcrtel and Herzfeld. Thus Ghosh, in his article on Indo-Irānian relations in the compilation, The Vedic Age, 1 writes about the Irānian tradition which put Zarathustra in the 6th century B... Albērūnī is following the popular Persian tradition which places King Gushtasp (or Vistašpa, as in the Avesta) in the 7th century B.C. - the tradition mainly supported in our own day by A. V. Williams Jackson who dates Zarathustra to c. 660-583 B.C. So Buddha, for Albērūnī, must antedate the 7th century B.C. and, if by the time of Zarathustra, Buddhism had spread from India to "Khurāsān, Persis, Irāk ...


... Purāna (Varanasi), II, 1-2, July 1960 Indian Culture, II, V, VI Indo-Asian Culture, April 1960 Indrajit, Pandit Bhagwanlal, In The Indian Antiquary, IX Jackson, A. V. William, "The Persian Dominions in Northern India down to the Time of Alexander's Invasion", The Cambridge History of India, edited by E. J. Rapson, 1922, I Jagan Nath... 'Ionia', 258 'Ionian', 233, 247 Irawatī (Hydraotes, Rāvi), 117 Iśāna-varman (Maukhari), 487, 488, 489, 494 Isfandiyad, 366 Islam, 367 JābālalJobil, 325 Jackson, A. V. W., 281 Jacobi, 545, 563 Jains, 219, 241 Jairazbhoy R. A., 239, 240, 326, 288-90 Jalauka, 48 Jambudvīpa, 57, 58 Janamajaya, 543 Jātakas, 255, 309 Javan, 258... 344,346,369 Wheeler, Sir Mortimer, iii, 393 Whitehead, R. S., 264 Whitney, 107 Wijesinha,L.C.,34,36 Wikremasinghe, 33,34,35 Wilford, Colonel, 105 Williams Jackson, A. V., 465fn. Wilson, H. H., 165 Winternitz, 568 Xandrames,65, 114-8, 154, 155. 157,159,160, 161,175-200,204. 232,527 Xenophon: Cyropaedia, 55, 351, 465 ...


... language in spite of the Rigveda's having been left far behind in time and in spite of Sanskrit's having changed considerably as a result, we may consider two analogies. How are scholars like Jackson, Hertel and Herzfeld able to bypass the undeniable archaicness of the language of the Avestan Gāthās as compared to the language of the Achaemenid inscriptions and put Zarathustra in early Achaemenid... how, among the Indo-European languages today, Lithuanian still has archaic speech-forms very close to the basic idiom reconstructed by Comparative Philology for the original Indo-European tongue? Jackson and company urge that the Gāthic language could be a dialect of the Old Persian which the Achaemenid inscriptions display. And the archaicness of Lithuanian can Page 84 be attributed ...


... obvious fabrication of the imagination as reality.” (Christian Zentner 615) In Germany the Jews were “few enough to be helpless and numerous enough to be held up as a menace”, in the words of Justice Jackson, president of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal in 1946. There are countless documents telling of the sadistic power trip of the brown storm-troopers and the Hitler Youth, who could humiliate and beat ...


... Pondicherry gang issued the revolutionary leaflets which appeared before the murder of Mr. Ashe, and were largely, if not entirely, responsible for the murder. It will be remembered that the murder of Mr. Jackson, Collector of Nasik, on December 1st, 1909, a crime precisely similar in character and execution was carried out by the Nasik branch of Savarkar's Abhinav Bharat Society. The evidence of the connection ...

... in another class. Given below are the contents of the two booklets. The code of Sportsmanship 7 7 : Code of Sportsmanship’ is partly reproduced from Introduction to Physical Education by Jackson R. Sherman. Keep the rules. Keep faith with your comrade. Keep your temper. Keep yourself fit. Keep a stout heart in defeat. Keep your pride under control or in check in victory. ...


... of Ulysses."   Swinburne's word stood unchallenged until 1911. In that year A. E. Housman delivered the Inaugural Lecture as Kennedy Professor of Latin at Cambridge. There we have what Henry Jackson described at the time as Housman's "trouncing of Swinburne in respect of a reading of Shelley". With less open ferocity but with devastating irony, the Cambridge Professor, himself no mean poet, made ...


... Testament Commentaries, Penguin Books, 1975), p. 17. 5. H. J. Cadbury, Harvard Theological Studies VI, "The Style and Literary Method of Luke"; cf. The Beginnings of Christianity, ed. Foakes Jackson and Lake, II, pp. 349-55. 6.  Enc. Brit., Macropaedia, Vol. 2, p. 957, cols: 1 & 2. 7.  The Young Church in Action: The Acts of the Apostles in Modern English (London: Collins, Fontana ...

... 121, 131, 132, 133 Indra-Agni, 35 Indus Civilisation, 2fn., 31, 49, 54, 61, 70, 102 Indus Valley, 2, 11, 38, 49, 62 Innar, 89 Iron, 37-8, 104, 105 Jackson, 84 Jairazbhoy, R. A., 33fn., 89fn. Jamdat Nasr period, times, 58, 73 Jaxartes, 13, 77 Johnson, Samuel, 91 Joshi, J.P., 9, 37, 49fn. Kabul, 14 Kalash ...


... recording here two narrations which are, at the same time, amusing, interesting, and instructive. The first account is based on the personal experience of a clairvoyant sadhaka of our own times, Andrew Jackson Davis by name. The second account derives from what is written in the pages of ancient spiritual literature of India. Page 66 Andrew Jackson's Account "I was sitting very ...

... explanation as given by Prof. Leacock: "It has long been the custom in the United States for the makers of tobacco to name cigars after bygone statesmen — the Henry Clay cigar, the Stonewall Jackson cigar. Hence 'turning into cigar' becomes synonymous with obtaining immortality!" 82 12. Amusingly overstretched implication: Example 1: Sheridan, an Irish M.P., has this dig at the ...

... and on the other, there was a succession of daring acts like the killing of Nandalal Banerjee (who had arrested Prafulla Chaki), the attempt on Minto on 13 November 1909, and the assassination of Jackson, the Collector of Nasik, on 21 December, Repression and terrorism fatally incited each other and produced a terrifying chain-reaction. Where was room for honest and forthright Nationalism in such ...