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Janak Janac Junak Videh : king of Videha, contemporary of Swetaketu, & other great sages. Yajñavalkya was his guru & he himself a yogi of stature.
... and when Janak Kumari came to Pondicherry for the first time on Darshan day (21.2.1949), a new dimension was added to the Sadhana of Dilip. Now he had to concentrate not only on his own Sadhana, but also to take on the additional responsibility of a disciple. When Smt. Janak Kumari went into Savikalpa Samadhi soon after the Darshan, Sri Aurobindo wrote in a letter to Dadaji, that Janak Kumari... yoga and she need not go back: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were willing to accept her as a disciple. But Janak Kumari insisted that being a novice, she needed day to day guidance and Sri Dilip Kumar was her Guru. Sri Aurobindo may have smiled at the thought of Dilip’s dismay but sided with Janak Kumari and wrote to Dilip that she was right, and he was her Guru and he (Sri Aurobindo) will work ...
... i have spoken to Mother about Janak Kumari’s experience. She says that it might be too soon for her to draw back from her family and from ordinary life, she thinks she ought to wait longer for that; but there is no reason why she should not follow this urge of prayer and solitude with its strong experience for some time in the day. Janak Kumari can certainly come for Darshan... Aurobindo has written is exactly what I wanted to say. I shall add only my love and blessings. Mother * Page 236 December 7, 1949 First about Janak: I expressed no disapproval of your letter to Janak; what I thought and said was that it might be better not to send the letter you have written, the one containing the reference to Krishnaprem, and I said that because I... soon to get rid of this inability, complete Savitri and satisfy your just demand for more alertness in my correspondence with you. Page 223 March 14, 1949 About Janak Kumari’s 39 faculty of receiving the thoughts of others – if this had been of the nature of thought reading, that is to say looking at the minds of others and seeing what is there, the remedy ...
... slightest sign of pain or sorrow on his face. It was a habit with him to always chant 'Hari Om'. Then too, watching the huge flames, he only uttered 'Hari Om'. I remember that vividly—it reminded me of Janak Videhi the legendary philosopher-king, father of Sita. There is a lot that can be written about Kashibhai's virtuous character. He helped many people in many ways. For instance, he willingly purchased ...
... Correspondence 1950 * January 13, 1950 I have found it difficult to understand fully from the facts and impressions written and wired by you what we are to think about Janak’s condition and her chances of outlasting the present long-continued crisis. On the one hand, there seems to be little hope and at any moment there may be the collapse and final end; on the other... “Chaitanya Charitamrita “ could be regarded as a biography. That is all, I think, for the present. I shall write again after hearing the Third Act of your drama. Page 253 About Janak, I can write nothing today. Yesterday’s developments were a serious blow after there had been so much promise or at least some chance of better things. * January 23, 1950 ... 11, 1950* You will have with you for your work in Delhi my blessing and the Mother’s and all the spiritual support we can give. You can convey our blessings also to Jahar. 50 As to Janak Kumari’s coming here for the Darshan in this February, we have every sympathy with her desire, but the time is short and the journey a long and trying one and it is very doubtful whether it would ...
... Uma Bose passed away, leaving a vacuum in Bengali music. Her untimely death was a great loss for Dilip but his musical and literary creativity never ceased. 7 Oct. 1946 Met Janak Kumari (later known as Smt. Indira Devi) at Jabbalpur. Also met M. S. Subbulakshmi and taught her Mira bhajans for the film Mirabai. (Later, in 1971, M. S. came to Hari Krishna Mandir to learn songs ...
... mountains, really attain Him, and few of those who spend their days in crying Lord, Lord, are accepted by Him to whom they cry. It is always the many who are called, the few who are chosen. And if Janak could remain in the world and be ever with God in the full luxury, power & splendour of the life of a great king, if Rama & Srikrishna lived in the world and did the works of the world, yet were God ...
... context! It is not easy to describe the miracle I saw but I will do my best hoping that a few at least will understand. It so happened that a few months after this, an avowed disciple of mine, Janak Kumari Malhotra (alias Indira), fell seriously ill. Were I free to write about her in detail, I could make her story more gripping than a first class fiction, but as she is utterly opposed to my making ...
... apprehension as a plantain trembles in the storm-wind. The son of Raghou seeing the beautiful Sita in Viradha's arms said to Luxman, his face drying up with grief, "Behold, 0 my brother, the daughter of Janak, lord of men, my wife of noble life taken into Viradha's arms, the king's daughter high-splendoured and nurtured in utter ease! The thing Kaikeyie desired, the thing dear to her that she chose for a ...
... after he left his body, remained separate from the Supreme and therefore was not Bhagavan at all but only a great philosopher & devotee, not wise enough to Page 115 attain Mukti, and that Janak and other Jivanmuktas were falsely called muktas or only in the sense of the आपेक्षिक mukti . This however would contradict Scripture and the uniform teaching of Sruti and Smriti, and cannot therefore ...
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