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Janardan : one adored by people & turned to in distress, epithet of Sri Krishna.
... attend the evening singing; that is the only time you will be able to meet him.” C: “What is his name?” Student: “He calls himself Paagal [Madman], Ghanchakkar [Idiot] etc. His real name is Janardan.” C: “I want to go there; will you show me the way?” Student: “There is no point in going there now. It will be in vain. Even if you go, he will definitely not open the door.” But I made ...
... Some aged sadhaks picked up their carrier from the cart. This service was in place for lunch and dinner. I am not sure about breakfast. This title of Vandi-da was not inherited by R’s successors — Janardan and Damodar (Maharashtrian). May be people had lost their sense of humour and/or imagination. ...
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