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Janina : more often known as Ioannina; a city on Lake Ioannina in Epirus, Greece.
... Quaker association. She felt very sorry for Janina, whose qualifications were irrelevant here. "Do you know how to cook? how to sew?" she asked. There was nothing that Janina could do which would justify her employment. Yet, not having the heart to send her away, the headmistress welcomed her into the house. "We shall find something", she said. Janina found not only a refuge but also a friend,... A Captive of Her Love Introduction Janina was born in Lvov, Poland, on the 18th of July 1909. Her father, Jan Stroka, was an engineer, her mother, Jadwiga Krasuska, a teacher. Janina was the younger of their two daughters. After her secondary school examination in Zakopane, she entered the University of Cracow and in 1933 received... following years she worked as a teacher in a teachers' training college. In 1939, when the Nazis invaded Poland, the intelligentsia was advised to leave the country as there was fear of genocide. Janina was among those who joined the exodus. She started her journey with a group of thirty or more people, travelling by all available means, taking lifts in bullock carts or going on foot. Later, they ...
... place for her to stay. The nurse who looked after me was Janina, the artist. She brought me back to life as I was in a critical stage. I had no stamina and was very weak and thin. Mother gave Janina the Force for this work. She showed me that the dark side of oneself is also one’s self and has to be accepted and offered to the Mother. Janina passed away on her birthday, July 17, 1964. Kailas ...
... A Captive of Her Love Mother On Janina I remember, the very day Janina died (she died at about six in the morning, I think), around four in the morning, suddenly something made me take interest in this question: What will the new form be like? What will it be like? And I looked at man and at the animal. Then I saw that there would be a much... much greater difference between man and the new form than between man and the animal. I started to see things, and it happened that Janina was there (in her thought, but a quite material and very concrete thought). And it was very interesting (it lasted a long time, about two hours), because I saw the whole timidity of human conceptions, whereas she had made contact with something: it wasn't ...
... seen? I don't know. Anyhow, the work is being done very fast. This is truly what Sri Aurobindo called "the Hour of God": it's being done very fast. ( silence ) I remember, the very day when Janina 1 died (she died around 6 in the morning, I think), around 4 in the morning, something made me suddenly take interest in this question: What will the new form be like? What will it be? I was looking... man and at the animal, and then I saw that there would be a far greater difference between man and the new form than between man and the animal. I began to see certain things, and it so happened that Janina was there (in her thought, but a material enough and very concrete thought). It was very interesting (it lasted a long time, nearly two hours), because I saw all the timidity of human conceptions, ...
... statuette a ete faite en Pologne. Permets que je Te donne aujourd'hui la photo de Riek, Riek par laquelle Tu m'as me nee a Toi. Janina." ("My Divine Mother, this statuette was made in Poland. Let me give You today the photo of Riek through whom You brought me to Yourself. Janina.") A few minutes later your letter arrived and I knew that the Divine Power was working with you too. You must forgive my letters ...
... known by trikaldrishti before it happened. 12 January 1913 Today's telegrams show remarkably the action of the Power & the vyapti-prakamya, more especially (1) In the Austro-Italian claim of Janina, Scutari and Prizrend for Albania; (2) in the threatened action of Roumania with regard to the Bulgarian territory; (3) in the firm attitude of the Turks & especially in their refusal to be intimidated ...
... And She is just doing it, because now each smallest line and dot on this drawing I shall try to draw with such love that it almost annuls myself and then She will come and draw. She said to Madhav: "Janina is an artist and when she draws it I shall sign it." ...
... with as much ardent aspiration as is possible to us. And she repeated several times that there is a danger in each movement of wanting to take (This refers to the Mother's talk of 18 December 1957. Janina wrote this paragraph partly in French. Her recollection of the Mother's words was not exact). What I have learned during these first days is - but I shall write about it another time. Now I want ...
... sadhana of service to the Divine, and his colour-offerings were there for all who wished to establish an electric contact with the inapprehensible. III There was, then, the Polish sadhika Janina who responded to the marvellous insights and illuminations in the Mother's Prayers and Meditations and Sri Aurobindo's Savitri, and rendered them in formulations and depths of colour that revealed ...
... a choking affair for poor D. I am sure he would welcome even a damning judgment, for then he would know he has to improve. So will you please say something? I kept silent because he is copying Janina without having either her inspiration or her talent. Why are you forcing me to speak? 15 March 1966 ...
... of a rapid & sure inevitability are being laid in other literary powers. Equipment (bare) for three months has been effected. The two great disappointments of the aishwarya have been the fall of Janina & Adrianople & the outrages in Bengal; the aishwarya has failed to avoid these disasters. In Albania the line of the Aishwarya has been followed, but not in every respect, eg Djakov[ic]a seems to be ...
... see also in The Mother - (3) Indira Gandhi 596, 777-9, 808-9, 821 Indra Sen, Dr 652, 676, 691 Inge, William Ralph 62, 129 Iyengar, Dr K.R. Srinivasa 173ff Iyer, C.P. Ramaswami 715 Janina 701 Janine (Morisset) Panier 477 Janet McPheeters see Shantimayi Jatti, B.D. 817, 821 Jawaharlal Nehru 404, 457, 595-6, 624, 716 Jay Holmes Smith 547-8, 589 Jaya Devi 233-4 ...
... Her in the food and She will help me. But I would like to learn more from a book, and if you would send me one with recipes I would be awfully grateful. I feel the Mother must be laughing too about Janina's cooking! And in all these arrangements She is also teaching me French, because I had to prepare for Her the list of needed articles and write some explanations. You should see me in the Indian ...
... floor. This movement comes spontaneously and a vibrating force moves the body. It is just natural and it is a delight too, there is no strain in anything. And all this process is connected with X (Janina's helper). In Europe we would talk about asuras and forces and try fervently to remain positive. Here, Mother has given me X that I may give myself more and more to her as if she were Mother Herself ...
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